Taking 6mo DD - Getting nervous


Finally a Floridian!!!
Mar 28, 2001
We are taking our DD on her first trip to DW next week. She is 6 months old and I am getting nervous. The trip is for DH and me, and we can admit that, but now I am second guessing myself. We will have my parents with us as well for some of the trip. Am I crazy? I think I am just getting overwhelmed. I'm just nervous because DD will be off her schedule and what if she is crying in the middle of the night and the people in the room next to us can't sleep? Please reassure me that I can do this and enjoy myself and have wonderful memories!
WDW is great for families, those with babies too. Your baby will adjust fine, if not you will. :D True sleeping in a hotel can be difficult with a baby becuase you can't let them "cry it out". I do remember getting less sleep at Poly when our DD was 8 months old. I also was worried about waking others, so I attened to her every cry, when at home I would ignore some and she would fall back asleep.

That is nice that you care about waking others around you, but I promise you, they don't care about your and keeping you up. I mean a baby doesn't do it out of inconsdieration like a drunk adult does.

Our last trip I thought, "Lets not bring lots of toys and just buy her some there." They didn't have much for babies, mostly todlers and older. Also bring extra passifers if your baby uses them.

Have a great trip, take lots of pictures and enjoy yourself. Be sure to use the baby stations when convenent. (they also sell baby food and have free ceral.) You and your hubby deserve a vaction, you have been working very hard for the past 6 months (and 9 months before that.)
Hi Belle,

I had my DS 2 and my DS 4months at Disney World with us May of 2001. We are going back this May now they're 4 and 2.

It was a piece of cake with the 4 month old. I had a double stroller (not umbrella) that had a comfy seat and reclined with a large canopy to shield him from the sun.

We also used our Baby Bjorn alot. He loved to face out and look at everything around him. I couldn't believe how focused he was on things. The characters loved him and he was an attraction himself.

To be honest, I never used the baby centers. I nursed all my kids and am very comfortable on a bench. But mostly I nursed him on any and pretty much every ride. Its perfect, dark and cool. A lot of the time he would sleep thru lots of rides.

I also wouldn't worry about the night sleeping. I think the stimulation knocks them out. My DS who has yet to sleep thru the night ( he is now turninh 2) slept thru the night at Disney.

Don't sweat it and have a great time.

Oh, and the baby swap on the rides is great.
Do not worry! I have been bringing all 4 of mine as babies even at 2 mo! That baby will have Daddy full time and you and Grandma and grandpa!!! That alone will wear the sweetie out! WDW is great for kids. Bring your own stroller so the baby can sleep in the parks as needed. At night if you are on site you can safely stroll around and get some energy out! We used the Pool for this at night (the Conte. pool is open 24-7) But it may be too cold for that! Make sure you bring the comforter that the baby is using every night and don't wash it! It will smell like home! THis is a great age for WDW! No give-me get-me got to have its! You can ear at all the nice places with baby asleep on your shoulder! Have fun!
I also took my son when he was 6 mos old. I also had my other son 4 & Nana with us(and Daddy too) It was awesome. We took our double stroller & he napped in it whenever he needed to. I brought in a small softside cooler with his bottles in it. And even though they arent walking, there is so much stimulation at WDW for that age, they will be very tired come nightime. We took some of his toys & an old sheet to lay on the floor for him to crawl on. Have a blast & dont worry-babies adapt easier than we do!
I took my DS at 4 months and the best advice I can give is TRY your best to keep your DD on her schedule. Feed her at the same times you always do, lay her down for her naps at the same time you always do, etc. It will help transition her and keep her feeling more secure. At a young age, all babies have is their routine and caretakers, altering too much will cause them distress. If you try to keep as much as you can the same, your DD should be fine. The only thing different will be surroundings, but they can usually adapt to that, it's when feeding times and nap times are changed that they start to get upset and uncomfortable. I know it's tough to think having to go back to your hotel for naps, but it really helps keep the peace.

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