swimming in March??


<font color=0000cc>Keeping fingers crossed<br><fon
Sep 13, 2001
I know the pools are heated and that temps can vary year to year but traditionally is it warm enought to swim in March (especially in the evenings as we do the parks most of the day)? We are from Texas and have "thin" blood so it needs to be at least 80 for us to not freeze in the pools if that helps.
Last 2 years we've been at WDW first week of March and where able to swim both years weather was in it's 80's. Hope this helps you.
I will confirm chelsea&austinsmom's statement. We are there during late Feb-early March and swim all the time. But see where we are from; it doesn't take 80 degrees for us to swim!

Don't forget the swim suits :)

I've been to WDW in March for the last three years and for me it was too cold to swim. The kids liked it Ok but DH and I froze. We decided to go in June this year for that reason.
It's usually too cool for me to swim in March. In the afternoons when the sun is out and the weather may even be fairly hot, it's still not hot enough to get me in the pool. Of course I am one who has to be REALLY hot before I'll get in the water. Now, the kids are another story. They will jump in the pool anytime, anywhere! LOL!! I just enjoy sitting in a lounge chair with a nice frozen drink and let the kids swim to their hearts content.

Have fun!
I am from Texas as well and we went swimming in December, the pools are heated to a nice
temp. and I didnt have any troubles...so i would hope March would be better
We are from philly and always swim in March . My mom from FL has visited us before and she says it is tooooo cold to swim for her. So, take the suits and see.
We're also from Texas. My DD & I were cold swimming in June! When we got back to the room, we put the heater on. The pool @ PO was heated, but the air outsice was cold to us!

We laughed & said only Texans would have the heater on in June!


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