Sunday, January 20, Day 3 part 2


<font color=green>Gets lost at Portofino<br><font
Mar 13, 2001
Cast me, DH, DD 8

We headed over to IOA from USF around 2:30 pm. DD was very tired so I agreed to get her a stroller, she is 8, looks 12. We got a lot of strange looks, but it was worth the $14 not to have to listen to her complain, and to have us keep rushing her. We hit Cat and the Hat and One Fish 1st. Our next stop was JPRA, DD would not go on this last visit but she agreed to do it this year. She loved it. 2 years ago it really scared her. We were going to go on it again, but it broke down. We were supposed to be in the next boat but it broke down. I am so glad we werent on it when it broke down. DD wanted to check out the Pty. Flyers, but the wait was 45 minutes and with no Universal Express, forget about it. We headed to Ripsaw Falls, boy did we get soaked. That ride really scares me, probably cause there are no seatbelts. We never went on Blutos Barges, it was beginning to get dark, so we headed for a twilight ride on Dueling Dragons, we sat in the last row, the last row is so lame compared to the 1st row. I wanted to ride the Hulk in the dark, we headed there....It was the longest wait....The Express line was about 20 minutes, but well worth it. I really enjoyed this ride in the dark. The lights in the park looked spectacular upside down.

It was just about 7pm(closing time). We decided on NASCAR for dinner. The food was good, the service was slow.....very noisy when the cars on the roof race......But they have corn dogs there and thats what DD wanted. From there we headed to Motown where DD and I made a CD. DH pretended that he didnt know us......Everyone walking by can watch you singing......It came out very comical (not on purpose).....We walked around Citiwalk for a while and took the boat back to the HRH about 10 pm. Boy, what a long day.
Sounds like you guys had a great time!! I laughed when you were talking about making a cd, my dh would have done the same thing!! LOL!


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