Sunday 2.00pm EST/7.00pm GMT is UK Chat time!

WDWfan uk

<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
Join your chat hosts at 7.00pm GMT/2.00pm EST to discuss :-
The rides you've never done! Is there a ride or attraction you've never done in one of the parks because you are too scared, or simply because you don't think it's your 'cup of tea'?

Perhaps we can change your mind or maybe reinforce your doubts :)!!Whatever, do join us in the DIS chatroom.
Or maybe you've never been before and want to discuss some rides that you are worried about for you or your children.
<u>We will be happy to discuss general trip planning too.</u>
If you have never been to chat before and want to ask about it, please e-mail me in advance of chat, but be assured that all newcomers are welcome :)

Chat room Entrance


Co-Moderator UK Visitors

Co-Administrator UK DIS site</>

Co UK Chat Host

UK Site


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