Stroller Question


Living the dream - near Disney!
Feb 8, 2001
Hi! I am planning on renting a stroller at the different parks for my 4 year old. Can anyone tell me if there is a basket underneath the strollers to store stuff? I remember the old MK strollers used to have the basket underneath.

Anybody recently back from DW that can help me with this question?

I'm hoping to avoid carrying around a backpack.... hoping to store the water bottles, etc., underneath and save my back :)

They don't have baskets but they do have storage pockets. Baskets would be better, in my opinion, but something is better than nothing.
You can rent strollers from All About Kids that will be delivered to your hotel, and you will have the use of the stroller all the time, not just at the park. They have baskets and canopys.
their number is 407-812-9300.
marian, how much are the stollers and do they have a webiste? thanks

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