
Mar 2, 2001
I am looking for advice on a stroller that can handle a lot of weight. My DS is 6 and 48" and over 60 lbs. DD is 2 and about 32lbs. At home he walks, and she rides in our single stroller, But I know he will get tired and want to ride at WDW. We rented a double stroller last time, and they both fit, but I wasd hoping to buy one, and save all the rental fees. Does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps I am dreaming but is there any lightweight or umbrella stroller that could hold a combined weight of 80+ lbs?
The double stroller we had wore out when my children's combined weight reached 100 lbs. I can't think of any inexpensive strollers that would work. You could cut the rental fees in half by bringing one stroller and then just renting a single if you don't mind the hassle of two strollers. Hope someone else has a better solution.
Hi! We have a Peg Perego sherpa model stroller that we took last month to WDW for our almost 5 yr. old DS. He hasn't been willing to ride in a stroller for well over a year, but are we ever glad we took it. It holds a lot of weight - up to 90 lbs. if I recall...but, it's not an umbrella type.
If you have Babies 'R Us in your area, check out the different ones there. I've also heard good things about Combi...but don't think any of the umbrella type ones will hold that much weight. Drats. Good luck!
When my two got to 2.5 and 5, we switched to a wagon. It worked well, and we are still using it now that they are 4 1/2 and 7. We won't be hauling it on the airplane to Disney. But if I find I need something, I might buy a cheap one down there. If you have a car, most of them fit nicely into the trunk area. Obviously, this isn't at all usefull if you are using transit, or if you don't want to have to ditch it before going back (to avoid having to take it on a plane).
I use a Pliko Matic its an older version that I got at a resale store and its IDEAL for us. It is an umbrella type that folds fairly small, stands on its own when folded and has a carrying handle (great for the buses). Opened its a full size stroller with a great sunshield and a mesh basket under and it fully reclines. It also has a foot bar on the back to let an older child stand and ride, it holds a combined weight of 100 lbs. My 6yo is too big for a stroller but two small to walk all day so its ideal for us. Go to and check out the "Peg Perego" esp the "Plikomatic" and then hit the resale shops if you don't want to pay full price. Our local babystore also sells this model cheap when the next years model comes out - kind of like cars LOL.
btw - WDW does not allow wagons - sorry but that wouldn't be an option. Good luck finding something and have a great trip.
first of all forget what they all said above me! I have two tips. consider a single stroller for th3e little one and having the big kid walk. we took our 6 yr old last summer. we took mid day breaks and he didnt need a stroller. the one day we went the whole day we did rent him one in the afternoon. so if youre breaking then id say rent one only if you need to.

now if you really want a double. the best thing for you to buy is the sit-n-stand by baby trend. it has a place to stand on the back as well as a lil seat if really needed. this will be great for the toddler after your trip too. if your someplace like the mall and hes getting up at every store you can just hop him on the back instead of wrestling him into the seat everytime/
We purchased a new double stroller last October for my 2 youngest, who were 6 and 8 years old(yes, 6 and 8, no typo) because we knew one or both would need it before the end of the day(and they are both small for their ages). We bought a double jogger by Baby Trend for @$200 at Babies 'r'Us, and we have used it on 4 trips(the last one was last week)and it is still in great shape. It holds a combined weight of 100 lbs. and FOLDS(unlike my old jogger) to ride the tram. It has a small basket underneath, and a pouch or pocket on either side of the canopy. It also reclines, but we outgrew that feature before we bought it! It does take up a little space in our van, so we took the front wheel off to make more room on our last trip, as my sister and nephew joined us. My DS, 8, is pushing 55 lbs. right now, and he still fits in it. I researched the different brands(with weight capacity being the most important feature)and prices, and this was the best value for us. Good luck!
We went to WalMart and tried umbrella strollers, we looked at other strollers. My family belongs to a walking club so we go on 10k's often. We grew out of his first stroller and purchased a Baby Jogger which was just too big to bring with us and we were afraid it would be stolen. We were just going to try to do without, but the first day my son was crying to ride, but on our 10K's he walks probably more than half way. The strollers are made by Baby Jogger, the city stroller. They are made for bigger children. My son is slight, 41" about 36 pounds. He fit perfect. We were heading home for naps, when we looked in on him he was already asleep, so with the carriage we were able to spend rest time in the parks, so Mom could shop. Janis


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