stroller for 7 y/o? opinions....

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Cast Member
Feb 27, 2002
I know there are a TON of stroller threads, but I really am still unsure what to do.
We have a 7-y/o that I know isn't going to be able to keep the pace all day.

Should we just rent while we are there or is there something we could buy that can handle a 7-y/o child?

Any opinions, comments, expierences would be helpful.

I know there are a TON of stroller threads, but I really am still unsure what to do.
We have a 7-y/o that I know isn't going to be able to keep the pace all day.

Should we just rent while we are there or is there something we could buy that can handle a 7-y/o child?

Any opinions, comments, expierences would be helpful.


Personally for a 7 year old I would rent. . .and that is because my experience with my son at 7 says they can handle much more than we think. . .
I was surprised how well my 7 year old did without a stroller. I was worried (Ok, I had the old stroller nearly packed in the car before realizing she was too tall for it {and she's tiny...})

We did a little bit of walking with her before hand and in the parks, just slowed down if she was tuckering out. {only happened twice, and it was a fine excuse for all of us to sit and get a drink of water/rest.)
I would rent *if* the 7yr old asks at some point during the trip. A 7yr old w/ no handicap should not be riding in a stroller. And parents of 7yr olds should not be walking them to complete exhaustion and beyond day in and day out. That's not acceptable no matter how much you paid for your vacation. :sad2:
My seven year old - who is incredibly lazy - did fine without a stroller.

If you need one, rent. I suspect if you plan not to use one and don't mention the possibility of one, you'll be surprised at what a trooper your kid is. You may need to slow down a bit - but that isn't all bad.
My 7 year olds did great without a stroller, so I would rent if they asked for one and I didn't think they could handle it.
Just like everyone else has said, I thought my 7yrdd was going to need a stroller and ended up doing just fine without one. I had a stroller for her just in case we needed it but never used it for her. I ended up using it as a laundry cart to lug the laundry to the laundry room. I would just rent if he ends up needing one.
Do what you can before you leave to get her warmed up. We always start walking 3 or 4x a week about two months before Disney. Helps everyone get their legs ready and would probably help you gauge how well the 7yo will do. My middle child seems to have fairly low stamina. If I thought she needed a stroller to get through the day I had planned for us without falling apart, I'd rent one. I'd push her to do all she could without it though, but I'm not going to set her up to "fail" the day. You probably wouldn't need one at DHS because it's not that large and there's plenty of sitting for the shows. MK isn't huge either. Epcot and AK might be another story. You know your child and your touring plan - do what you need to to make them fit together.
Wow, I'm surprised that you've got over a handful of responses and only one of them is the ever-present "no 7 year old needs a stroller!". :lmao: If only we could all know other people's children so well from just reading your post....

So - if I were you, I'd rent as needed, mainly because I think you'll have a very hard time finding a stroller that'll hold your 7 yo comfortably. Good luck!
My 7 yr old fit great in our Mac Volo- it holds up to 55 pounds. It was cheaper than a rental and we loved having it in the evenings when DD was tuckered out. She fell asleep in it more than a few times and the best part was that no one had to carry her from Frontierland to the bus stop:rotfl2: . That would have been impossible!! During the day she used it to jump in and out of when she wanted a break and the rest of the family wanted to keep moving, or if it was crazy crowded and I didnt want to lose her. We do go from open to close so we get tired. I think it is up to each family how they want to tour the parks, delmar411. It works for us and thats all that matters- to each his own. This past Jan. was the first time we went without the Volo for DD(now 9) and she did fine. Still got tired, but we all did-as usual.
Wow, I'm surprised that you've got over a handful of responses and only one of them is the ever-present "no 7 year old needs a stroller!". :lmao: If only we could all know other people's children so well from just reading your post....

So - if I were you, I'd rent as needed, mainly because I think you'll have a very hard time finding a stroller that'll hold your 7 yo comfortably. Good luck!

My 7 yr old fit great in our Mac Volo- it holds up to 55 pounds. It was cheaper than a rental and we loved having it in the evenings when DD was tuckered out. She fell asleep in it more than a few times and the best part was that no one had to carry her from Frontierland to the bus stop:rotfl2: . That would have been impossible!! During the day she used it to jump in and out of when she wanted a break and the rest of the family wanted to keep moving, or if it was crazy crowded and I didnt want to lose her. We do go from open to close so we get tired. I think it is up to each family how they want to tour the parks, delmar411. It works for us and thats all that matters- to each his own. This past Jan. was the first time we went without the Volo for DD(now 9) and she did fine. Still got tired, but we all did-as usual.

I gave my opinion as asked for. You don't have to like it but I stand by it. If your healthy 7yr old needs a stroller then you need to slow it down. There is a reason strollers are not designed for school aged children. They are not supposed to be in them. It's not a hard concept and I just find it mind boggling how many people are under the impression that simply sitting down and taking a break is not an option at WDW. :confused3
I gave my opinion as asked for. You don't have to like it but I stand by it. If your healthy 7yr old needs a stroller then you need to slow it down. There is a reason strollers are not designed for school aged children. They are not supposed to be in them. It's not a hard concept and I just find it mind boggling how many people are under the impression that simply sitting down and taking a break is not an option at WDW. :confused3

OP didn't ask opinions on whether or not anyone thought her 7 yo needed a stroller. She stated, clearly, that the child DOES need one, and whether it's better to rent or buy. Right?
OP didn't ask opinions on whether or not anyone thought her 7 yo needed a stroller. She stated, clearly, that the child DOES need one, and whether it's better to rent or buy. Right?

No she asked for comments and opinions as she wasn't sure what to do at all. She also asked for experiences but I refrained from telling her that my preschool aged children are able to walk the world commando style for a week and half straight w/o issues (complaints YES, issues NO). :laughing: Apparently I have super kids who are the only ones on the Dis who are able to accomplish this massive feat. (yes, I'm over exaggerating ;) ) And while at WDW, you see hundreds of children walking. Everywhere. At all times. Without a stroller being available.

I'm just trying to bring a bit of the real world back to the boards. Because you have to be honest with yourself...why would the average person even think that a school aged child would possibly need a stroller to go to an amusement park? They wouldn't. And their child wouldn't even ask for one. They'd ask to sit down/take a break/get a drink/etc if they were tired.

I think here online everyone gets caught up in so much information that it can be hard to process what is actually good advice for their family and what isn't. Having conflicting views on things like this helps a person decide for themselves what works for them and how they feel about it.
My DS is also 7 and we're playing it by ear each day. I have not mentioned to him that we will rent a stroller if he needs it, because that may just start the whining.

I have a feeling that the only day he'll want to ride is in Epcot and I'm prepared to spend a few dollars to get him through a long day if I need to do so. I know that there are some strollers that will fit a 7 year old, but unless you plan on using one everyday at the parks, it may just be easier to rent.

I know people will offer their opinions on your childs age and whether he/she should be in a stroller, but I know that when I'm at the parks, I've seen kids that are at least 10 years old in strollers. What it really comes down to is this: Just do whatever you have to do to ensure the best vacation possible for your family.

Have a great trip!:goodvibes :goodvibes
OP didn't ask opinions on whether or not anyone thought her 7 yo needed a stroller. She stated, clearly, that the child DOES need one, and whether it's better to rent or buy. Right?

My son is only 2 so I can't judge that far ahead but he is a little guy and since his mommy is a petite 5 foot tall, I dont see him being a giant. My 7 year old niece shared a double stroller with her 5 year old sister during their Disney trip. They are both petite little runs in the family.

Saying that I think she should rent too. Sometimes you just don't know till you get there. As for pacing your trip around the little ones...yes a good idea but no matter what Disney World is a tiring trip for anyone. I've had days with rest and still feel tired!!!
I would rent *if* the 7yr old asks at some point during the trip. A 7yr old w/ no handicap should not be riding in a stroller. And parents of 7yr olds should not be walking them to complete exhaustion and beyond day in and day out. That's not acceptable no matter how much you paid for your vacation. :sad2:

I couldn't diagree more! I think it is very stupid to "walk your child to complete exhaustion and beyond" each day of your vacation. Having an exhausted child is not fun, and at Disney really not fun. My goal during a Disney vacation is not to have a beyond exhausted, cranky child to haul around. And how many posts do we need to have on here compalining about the tired children and how the parents should have left the parks earlier so they wouldn't be so tired? A stroller is a great way to be able to enjoy the parks for a longer period of time and keep everyone happy, not crabby.

We did a short 4 day trip to Disney this past May. And I did rent a stroller for my 7yr old niece 3 times. Both of the days we went to Epcot, and the day we spend it the Animal Kingdom. My niece is not fat or lazy, but she walks really slow. It got to the point that in order to get anything done in the parks she had to be in a stroller. We asked her many times to walk faster, and it just wasn't happening. It was not fair to the rest of the family to have to slow way down to her pace.

OP--I would just see how it goes during your trip. You may be fine without a stroller, or you may just need one on certain days in certain parks. If you have to rent one then rent one, and don't worry about what others think. Just do what is right for your family.:)
We rented a double every day for our 4 1/2 year old twins, and 6 1/2 year old dd, and it worked out great. My older kids walk fast, and I'm the type of person who has a hard time strolling. It was great to be able to crisscross the parks, using touring plans, and we also had a place to put the backpack. My 6 year old is in the 10th % for height and weight, and although she's solid muscle (irish dance several hours a week), she's got very short legs! And we never lost anyone, which was a plus! :thumbsup2
I took my son last year and he was 6. We did not have a stroller for him. He walked just fine. We go for free dining so I always try to plan our table service meal for around 1 or 2 pm. That way the kids get a nice hour long break from the heat and walking. If he got tired or lazy during the day you could ride the train or watch a show. I am not taking a stroller for my seven yr old. We aren't even taking one for our 4 yrs old. He was 3 last year and never wanted to be in stroller. The stroller was a pain for us.
With regard to renting strollers as needed...

I've reserved a jogging stroller through "A Baby's Best Friend", but I'm considering canceling it and just renting at the parks as needed. We don't plan to spend more than three or four hours at a time in any park, and we're spending the majority of our time at MK and DHS, with one morning at EPCOT.

We're going at the very busiest time, and I'd considered going ahead and renting a stroller in the morning just to have it in case we needed it later in the day. But do they have enough strollers that we could just rent it IF we needed it at some point?

Do we run the risk of our DD6-almost-7 pooping out and there not being strollers availale for rent?
My son is only 2 so I can't judge that far ahead but he is a little guy and since his mommy is a petite 5 foot tall, I dont see him being a giant. My 7 year old niece shared a double stroller with her 5 year old sister during their Disney trip. They are both petite little runs in the family.

Saying that I think she should rent too. Sometimes you just don't know till you get there. As for pacing your trip around the little ones...yes a good idea but no matter what Disney World is a tiring trip for anyone. I've had days with rest and still feel tired!!!

Wait and see. Our last trip was with another family - my daughter had just turned eight, they had an eight year old and a seven year old. These are both really slight, tiny children who both have had health issues - these aren't soccer players or baseball players. These are kids who look so frail that you think the wind may blow them away. And, as I said, my daughter is lazy - a whiner.

We had our issues, but none of them involved any of these kids not being able to keep up using their own two feet. No one needed to be carried back to the room.

I guess my take is that if you expect your kid to need a stroller, they will need one - perhaps indefinately. And eventually you'll have a coddled whiny twelve year old who is able bodied but doesn't want to walk the parks. Or you can prime your kids for walking the trip - "train" as a family with some long walks, go in with a can do attitude - and if nothing but a rental will keep the actual trip from being miserable, you've done what you can.

Strollers are a hassle, and walking is good healthy exercise for your kids. When you get rid of the stroller at Disney, its like getting rid of diapers - there is that brief moment in time where its more convienent for YOU to have your kid in diapers or a stroller, but once that moment is passed, you never regret not needing to deal with those things.
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