Strangest Interactions With Other Guests?

I still can't quite believe that I was so in "vacation mode" that I did not immediately find a CM and explain what happened. I can only hope she made it back to her family. I assume she did since we never heard of any missing children that week. YIKES!!! I couldn't believe what they did and I am ashamed that I didn't do something more.

It wasn't my DD since she wouldn't latch onto another family but she does go out on her own. She just calls/texts me when she's done and ready for more family time. Or I tell her time's up and to come on back to where ever we are.

My little kids ride w/o us too and just meet up back with us at the end of the ride or somewhere nearby. I can't take some of the rides more than once, neither can DH, so any 3rd rides have to be done w/o us. It's their choice.

It's no big deal to us and my kids know the parks extremely well. I wouldn't worry about it or feel guilty that you did nothing. There is nothing a CM would have done anyway.

Different strokes, yk?
we've had a few different encounters with people in the parks. The worst was the man who threw a fit at me because he didn't know there were 2 sides to the CS registers and assumed I was cutting the line. He really needed a nap I think! (me too! LOL)

The best was DH 'adopting' a Canadian couple when he went down there for SWW one year. We had just come home and that was back when the switch passes were good for like a week so he had with him all the ones we never got to use. Since it's good for 3 people, he asked this couple at the first ride if they wanted to come with him and they went. They ended up spending the whole day together and he was their 'tour guide'. LOL It still cracks me up that only DH could go to WDW alone and manage to find people to spend the day with. :laughing:

A fun encounter was on KRR. We had gotten on first thing in the morning before there was a line and went we got back to the front, everyone on the boat wanted to go again. So we went around again. And again! LOL After the 3rd time, the line had appeared so we couldn't stay on the boat but that 3 for 1 ride was fun while it lasted. :)
I am not fond of thrill rides, but every so often my kids will persuade me to join them on ToT. I sometimes get motion sickness and was so afraid I'd get sick, and being incredibly nervous, I talked about it incessantly the whole time we were in line. So we got on the ride, and were seated in the middle row. The ride starts.....OMG, why did I let them talk me into this. :scared1: I hate it. Finally the ride ended. As we started to walk away, the 2 rather proper gentlemen who had been sitting in front of us turned around and nonchalantly said, "Thank you for not hurling on us."
It wasn't my DD since she wouldn't latch onto another family but she does go out on her own. She just calls/texts me when she's done and ready for more family time. Or I tell her time's up and to come on back to where ever we are.

My little kids ride w/o us too and just meet up back with us at the end of the ride or somewhere nearby. I can't take some of the rides more than once, neither can DH, so any 3rd rides have to be done w/o us. It's their choice.

It's no big deal to us and my kids know the parks extremely well. I wouldn't worry about it or feel guilty that you did nothing. There is nothing a CM would have done anyway.

Different strokes, yk?

I am not that uptight, I do let my kids do things on their own. I make them stay together though. I think what bothered me the most was the late hour and she was alone. The young lady did not seem worried or bothered that she was on her own.

It wasn't until much later that the "uptight mom" in me got to worrying. It was our first time staying on property and using EMH and we were having such a good time and I think that's why I felt so bad that I let her go off alone.

Live and learn..........
All of these stories are hilarious. :lmao: I have so many stories I dont know where to start.

I was in AK with my husband and 8yo daughter. We were ready to have lunch and decided to eat at Flame Tree BBQ. My husband went to find a table with my daughter. I went to the very long line. While reading the menu the line in front of me move a little (maybe half a feet) when suddenly I hear the men behind me tell his wife in Spanish "OMG! This b***h dont know if she is coming or going". Well I was surprise but I reacted super fast. I turned around and told him in a very clear Spanish "This b***h know 5 different language, know that she is going not coming and will ask you to call me by my first name, thanks". The man's wife was pale and the man's face was priceless. The move to another line. I was laughing. When I took the food to my husband I notice the man and his family was sitting at the table next to us. As soon as he saw me they moved far away. For me it was very funny.

I had something similiar happen to me, but not at Disney. We were visiting my aunt for Easter and she asked us to pick up something for her at the grocery store. My DBF (now DH) and I walked into the store and he heard two gals discussing my outfit and how ugly they thought it was. They were speaking Spanish and assumed we could not understand them. My DBF had taken Spanish all through college and was pretty fluent. He turned around and gave them the what for and also told them it was pretty ignorant to assume that no one understood them. The looks on their faces were priceless. Of course, I had no idea what went on until he told me, but we had a great laugh over it. We still do almost 20 years later!

Sorry for going OT - back to your regularly scheduled program!:yay:
Are all these parents leaving their kids at Fantasmic so they can go on rides?
This was not my "interaction", darn it, but my DW's...... ;)

Our first trip to WDW with kids, we went to AK and rode KRR. I really do not like to get wet on rides but what the heck. It was kinda cool out that day so it was not a really good idea to get on KRR but we did. We did get lucky in that we did not get wet. Well, the kids and I did not get real wet but the DW got soaked when the raft perfectly turned into a stream of water. :rotfl2:

That was our last time on KRR. :lmao:

After the ride DW and one of the kids needed to go to the bathroom so off they went. They were in there FOREVER. It was getting to a point that I was going to send in our other DK to see what was the problem when out walks DW with this strange look on her face. :confused3

DW took so long because she had to help another guest. The other women was wearing thin white shorts with nothing else on underneath. :scared1:

The lady's problem was that she got on KRR and got soaking wet which made her white shorts very revealing. :rotfl2: I do not know if she was going Commando DIS Board style but she was going Commando underware wise and thus all was revealed with her wet, thin, white, shorts. :scared1: She was not from Brazil but liked some personal hygiene styles from that country. ;)

The poor lady asked my wife to stand in front of her as a shield as the lady dried her wet shorts in the hand dryer. :laughing: DW kindly help out the lady by blocking the view.

Woah...that must have been a sight to see. LOL...
This was not my "interaction", darn it, but my DW's...... ;)

Our first trip to WDW with kids, we went to AK and rode KRR. I really do not like to get wet on rides but what the heck. It was kinda cool out that day so it was not a really good idea to get on KRR but we did. We did get lucky in that we did not get wet. Well, the kids and I did not get real wet but the DW got soaked when the raft perfectly turned into a stream of water. :rotfl2:

That was our last time on KRR. :lmao:

After the ride DW and one of the kids needed to go to the bathroom so off they went. They were in there FOREVER. It was getting to a point that I was going to send in our other DK to see what was the problem when out walks DW with this strange look on her face. :confused3

DW took so long because she had to help another guest. The other women was wearing thin white shorts with nothing else on underneath. :scared1:

The lady's problem was that she got on KRR and got soaking wet which made her white shorts very revealing. :rotfl2: I do not know if she was going Commando DIS Board style but she was going Commando underware wise and thus all was revealed with her wet, thin, white, shorts. :scared1: She was not from Brazil but liked some personal hygiene styles from that country. ;)

The poor lady asked my wife to stand in front of her as a shield as the lady dried her wet shorts in the hand dryer. :laughing: DW kindly help out the lady by blocking the view.

This was back in Jan. 2008. My first trip to the world. We were at DHS and my roommate doesn't do rides like ToT so while she waited I rode it myself. I was seated next to an (as I remember it lol) attractive woman who was also by herself or at least not seated in the same row as her party. Everything was fine until we dropped the first time, she grabbed my hand, as we started back up she let go and started to apologise, we dropped again and she grabbed me again, this happened everytime we dropped. When the ride was over we went our seperate ways but she and I will always have the ToT. LOL
Our first trip years ago my sister and I ate dinner at the Italian restaurant in Epcot. A few of the waiters (one assigned to our table and some others) kept making little comments in Italian to each other every time they passed one another. I got the impression they might have been talking about me since they were also looking over from time to time but I wasn't 100% sure. (In my 20's, long blond hair.)

There was a mature couple seated next to us and finally the lady spoke to our waiter in Italian and he went beet red in the face. When he left she turned to me and let me know she had put him and his friends in their place. I didn't get the impression they were saying anything really bad (at least I hope not) but she was a good old fashioned Italian mama and decided enough was enough!

We got free dessert. Don't know if it was because of me or the Italian speaking lady. LOL!
I have one where I think I was the strange encounter. :rotfl:

We were on Kilaminjaro Safari in the front seat. Just behind us was a woman from somewhere in the British Isles from her accent.

That day, there happened to be an inordinate number of vultures hanging around. I made a silly comment to my daughter on the first sighting, purposely exaggerating a Southern accent (I'm from Louisiana, so it's allowed ;) ), saying "Hey, Honey, look at all them buzzards!"

Well, from right behind me came an exasperated British accent in a sort of undertone, like she was commenting to herself, "They are VULTURES, not buzzards. Hmph"

DD and I were :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Well, I just couldn't help myself. Every time we'd see some vultures, I'd point & holler out "Look it! Buzzards!" And the lady behind me would say "VULTURES." I, of course, pretended I didn't hear a thing.

Well, by the end of the ride this poor woman was so exasperated with me she left muttering, "They're called VULTURES, not buzzards, you ignorant yank." :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

That's... wow! I didn't realize people were that crazy about semantics. My mind, she is blown.

Then again, one of the reasons why I have nothing but the deepest sympathy for English language learners is this: especially in American English, we reuse words for hardly similar things like crazy. For example, in Europe, a Buzzard is... a kind of hawk. Like our Red-tails. Hawks are Accipiters, like our Sharpies, and Vultures are, well, Vultures. (More about this in the "Real Life" examples here. Try not to get trapped in the trope-trix. :rotfl:)

In short, the irony hanging over your incident, the thing that makes it doubly-amusing to this Ornithologist, is that the birds we refer to vultures/buzzards in America are in actuality, biologically speaking, Condors. :lmao:

"Was on the Safari in AK on a rather chilly December day and the mom in the family behind me kept swearing the the Nile Crocs were autoanimatronic. Told her they were real and she just would not believe that they were the real thing. "

I get to hear something like this Every. Freaking. Time. I happen to be sketching at an exhibit with live, but rather sedate, animals. My favorite was at the Boston Museum of Science where they had a temporary exhibit with a live Water Monitor (think a Komodo Dragon but not scary-huge. But still pretty large).

MONITOR: "Zzzzzz....."
DITZY TEEN: "Is it really alive?"
MONITOR: (Decides now is the time to frolic, eat chicken, swim, run around his cage, ect.)
DITZY TEEN: (Craps himself.)

And *** is with all these vast galloping herds of small children running around with no adult guardians to be seen? Would they leave your kids with a random person while waiting for the T? (Probably, from the sound of it...)
DH and I were having lunch at Tangerine Cafe talking about where we were going for dinner that night. As we got up to leave, I saw a lady smiling at me and she said she had just gone to that restuarant the night before and really liked it. She asked where we were from and I said (in my southern accent...I am from North Carolina, but when I met DH online 16 years ago, I moved to Canada) "Ottawa, but I am originally from North Carolina". She said "I thought you looked like an American, but your husband didn't". I was baffled.

BTW- DH is French Canadian, but his English is so good, people have no idea he's French unless they know our last name. I know she didn't mean it to be mean (I don't think anyway), but it was odd. I had no idea Canadians looked a different way...:confused3
I was reminded of my 1st visit to WDW. I was there with my aunt and 2 cousins. I am black and my aunt is white. We were in line for a ride and this lady behind me asked my cousins and I where our mother was. I guess she thought we were by ourselves. I pointed to my aunt and the lady yells out "You can't possibly be with her. She's white." My aunt responded by saying "And what's your point?" By this time everyone was staring and I think the lady was embarrassed because she took her entire family out of the line.
ToT. 2009. Sat next to a HUGE football player sized guy. The ride starte, up, down, up, down, same as usual. Ride stops and the guy is BLUBBERING totally crying like a baby.:lmao: His son sitting next to him was looking the other way liek he had no idea who this crying man was.:rotfl2:
We were waiting in the Fantasmic line when a Thunderstorm passed close by. A little boy infront of us asked his mother how they (Disney) made it Thunder. The mother just looked at him and smiled saying it was Disney Magic.
Two years ago, DH and I were in line for something in Innovations (you go an sit down and vote for how to make your house safe? Can't really remember) anyway it was maybe a 10 minute wait. DH and I will talk to anyone who will listen, lol. So DH starts up a conversation with the couple in front of us. The guy had b-day pin on. Next thing you know they are telling us all about the NUDIST resort where they are staying. DH and I were like uhh ok,, that sounds interesting. They started going on and on about how great it was there and how fun it is to run around nude in front of everyone. DH and I were getting uncomfortable. As soon as the attraction was over, they were like hey where are you guys off to next? Luckily, we had reservations so we could honestly tell them to enjoy their trip and move on. :blush:

We are not prudes, but the last place I expect someone to explain the benefits of staying at a Nudist resort is WDW, lol. :rotfl:
Two years ago, DH and I were in line for something in Innovations (you go an sit down and vote for how to make your house safe? Can't really remember) anyway it was maybe a 10 minute wait. DH and I will talk to anyone who will listen, lol. So DH starts up a conversation with the couple in front of us. The guy had b-day pin on. Next thing you know they are telling us all about the NUDIST resort where they are staying. DH and I were like uhh ok,, that sounds interesting. They started going on and on about how great it was there and how fun it is to run around nude in front of everyone. DH and I were getting uncomfortable. As soon as the attraction was over, they were like hey where are you guys off to next? Luckily, we had reservations so we could honestly tell them to enjoy their trip and move on. :blush:

We are not prudes, but the last place I expect someone to explain the benefits of staying at a Nudist resort is WDW, lol. :rotfl:

It's a porn world? That is really bizarre.
DH and I were having lunch at Tangerine Cafe talking about where we were going for dinner that night. As we got up to leave, I saw a lady smiling at me and she said she had just gone to that restuarant the night before and really liked it. She asked where we were from and I said (in my southern accent...I am from North Carolina, but when I met DH online 16 years ago, I moved to Canada) "Ottawa, but I am originally from North Carolina". She said "I thought you looked like an American, but your husband didn't". I was baffled.

BTW- DH is French Canadian, but his English is so good, people have no idea he's French unless they know our last name. I know she didn't mean it to be mean (I don't think anyway), but it was odd. I had no idea Canadians looked a different way...:confused3

I like to guess what nationality people are, I do it all over the place - I can sometimes tell just by how they walk. There are subtle differences, gestures, dress, the way someone eats.
Are all these parents leaving their kids at Fantasmic so they can go on rides?

Probably not (at least, I hope a parent wouldn't do anything fun without their kids; but we're talking about people who leave their kids on a bench in a crowded stadium anyway so...?) I figure the parents just don't want to sit around and wait for the show to start. Why they assume their children are okay with sitting around and waiting is another issue. :confused3

On the funny (well, I laugh at it now but it honestly freaked me out in the instant it happened) side, I was walking one of the Tree of Life garden trails, and I run into a family. Also, a wren, boldly singing on one of the fences, totally oblivious to the human zoo.

ME: "Aww, look at that Carolina Wren!"
GIRLS: "Oh, cute!"
GIRLS' RATHER SCARY GRANDPA: (to me, and in -I am not kidding- a downright accusatory tone) "So. You're into BIRDS?"
ME: "Uh...?" (Sound of brain cells short-circuiting.)

Well..................three of the original Swan Dolphin cheerleaders managed to lose their children on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad................We were a bit tuckered out. I think it was open until 1am & it was around 12:45. The kids of course were still bouncing off the sides of buildings & trash cans & any other inanimate object they could find. :rotfl: So off they go into BTMRR. We, as GOOD MOTHERS, waited by the exit. And waited by the exit. And waited by the exit............(See we are the GOOD mothers). Finally about 1:10 we started to go in through the exit. And low & behold, here come Danny, Sierra & Kendra. No one else was coming in (or only a few stragglers), so the CMs just let them keep going around, and around, and around, and around, and around. They rode it for like 25 minutes straight.

BUT WE DID WAIT FOR THE KIDS!!!!!! But we probably looked like idiots standing there saying, 'Do you think we should be worried?'. And should anyone else have seen them riding that many times, they would probably have figured we abandoned them!


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