Spring Break Poll - even if you answered the other thread - please

When is your Spring Break?

  • March 5 - 11

  • March 12 - 18

  • March 19 - 25

  • March 26 - April 1

  • April 2 - 8

  • April 9 - 15

Results are only viewable after voting.


Jan 18, 2002
With the search function down, I thought it might be a good idea to start another one.

We are off for two weeks in March this year.
March 12-March 28th.

When are you off?
Our break wasn't listed. We're off the week of April21st I believe. There is another thread that is a mile long somewhere around here with this info too.
University of Florida is off Feb 28 - March 4. I thought I heard that some states up north have "winter break" that week?

(What is this "winter break" thing...odd!)
Forever42 said:
University of Florida is off Feb 28 - March 4. I thought I heard that some states up north have "winter break" that week?

(What is this "winter break" thing...odd!)

Schools here are closed Feb.21-25 for mid-winter recess. Our winter break is the 5 days we're out for Christmas.
This year we are off for two 5 day weekends, one for Easter and the other for Passover, the dates are March 24 - 28 and April 23 - 27.
I couldn't vote either-

We are off Pres. Week, Feb 21-25 for our winter break and then April 18-22 for our Spring Break.
Thanks for starting this reeddi. :wave:

Our local school district is off 3/24 & 25 as well as the following week...Easter week.
I am sorry I didn't take it out quite long enough. I can't seem to edit the poll either. I know there is another post with more weeks, I just can't find it. So I figured for those of us looking to go in March or April, a new one would help. Thanks for the replies.
Some of the school districts around us (central Indiana) have Easter week off (March 26 - April 1), others have the following week - April 2 - 10.

We will be at AKL April 2 - 9.
disneyjunkie said:
Schools here are closed Feb.21-25 for mid-winter recess. Our winter break is the 5 days we're out for Christmas.

Ah, I see. The schools down here get two weeks off for Christmas, usually the week before and the week after.
Now that my DD19 is in college and DD11 is in middle school vacation planning has become even more difficult. Last year we didn't go anywhere during spring break, but missed going somewhere warm to break up the winter. So this year we are going to WDW March 5 thru 12, DD19's break. DD11 doesn't have break until April 2 - 8, not sure what we will do next year.



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