Something About Nothing............ #14

Quick stop in. It's been a lazy Saturday morning. It's almost noon, and I'm still sipping my cold coffee in pj's and housecoat.

For some off reason - amazon was requiring me to enter a new password :furious: and it wasn't resetting. Spent over an hour trying to do that. For some reason, it wouldn't send me a text with a code. Sooooooo frustrating. No wonder I rarely puirchase/order anything from them. Honestly - the hassle with them sometimes is just not worth it.

My plan was to plant my potatoes, cucumbers, and tomatoes today - but it looks like it is going to rain. I might try my luck after I'm done posting to see how far I can get. It's been soooo cool here - people are saying their gardens are slow to grow because it's sooo cool here yet. So if I don't get it done quite yet...It will be ok. Everything else will just be a bit later this year. Our yard is full south facing sun - so it get extremely hot. My little pot garden last year did great and I didn't plant it until the first bit of June.

NO burgers last night. We got a good rain shower last night. So it was pizza night! Easy dinner for sure! Maybe if it's not raining tonight around that time - we will have burgers. If not, I'll find something quick to make - or it will be fend for yourself night.

Tough sledding ahead. Prayers & Pixie dust welcome. 💜
Sending all of lots of love and healing light.
Braving the heat and Memorial Day Weekend crowds with 2 other veterans and our DWs.
I would brave the crowds - instead of spending a regular old boring weekend at home doing mundane tasks.
How many days till my trip
:dogdance: so exciting!!! The countdown will go fast now!

Well, I should head outside and try to get some things planted.

Have a great day everyone!
Happy National Tap Dance Day!

I kind of miss B’s dance days.

Quiet weekend here. Dh is watching football and I am working on a cross stitch project.

Hey SANs friends,
Need a big favor. The 86 y/o Mother-in-law fell and broke her femur at the knee, had surgery yesterday and there were complications. Clots and such. Ventilator mode for her for "a bit now." Tough sledding ahead. Prayers & Pixie dust welcome. 💜

Prayers for your MIL and also her doctors and care team. We went through something similar with my mom a few years ago only her break was in one of the lower leg bones.

Dance like nobody’s looking!
I have a shirt that says “Dance like nobody (who can commit you) is watching.”

Braving the heat and Memorial Day Weekend crowds with 2 other veterans and our DWs.
You are a braver person than I. Heat and I do not get along well. In which branch did you serve?

Lazy Saturday here.
Same here. Probably a whole lazy weekend.

I finalized my trip plans yesterday. I got a nice deal on a SUV and made resort ressie.

How many days till my trip
How exciting. I’m ready for another trip, but not until it cools down some.

IFor some off reason - amazon was requiring me to enter a new password :furious: and it wasn't resetting. Spent over an hour trying to do that. For some reason, it wouldn't send me a text with a code. Sooooooo frustrating. No wonder I rarely puirchase/order anything from them. Honestly - the hassle with them sometimes is just not worth it.
That’s really odd. I think I shop at Amazon a little too much.

Back to stitching.
Happy National Tap Dance Day!
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I kind of miss B’s dance days.

Quiet weekend here. Dh is watching football and I am working on a cross stitch project.

Prayers for your MIL and also her doctors and care team. We went through something similar with my mom a few years ago only her break was in one of the lower leg bones.

I have a shirt that says “Dance like nobody (who can commit you) is watching.”

You are a braver person than I. Heat and I do not get along well. In which branch did you serve?

Same here. Probably a whole lazy weekend.

How exciting. I’m ready for another trip, but not until it cools down some.

That’s really odd. I think I shop at Amazon a little too much.

Back to stitching.
USN, a lot of vets in the park today. Struck up conversation with a couple.
DH was in the mood for Wendy’s last night. We went there, and saw the drive thru had a really long line. Went to the door, and it was locked. By the time we realized that, three more cars made that line even longer. We decided, nope, and a very cheap meal at Sam’s Club it was. Parking lot was jammed, but no line to get into the store or at the food court. Even better, when we got back to the car, saw that the gas station there was almost empty. So topped off my car’s tank. But as we left, my phone flashed take cover, lightning in area. I asked DH to look at my weather radar app. Wow the amount of lightning shown just West of us. But at least the rain looked like it was sliding North. And so, no rain for us, and glad, as I’ve driven in some stormy weather, where roads were full of water, and was nice to have a quiet and dry evening instead.

66 and overcast this early morning. And to see the sun later in the afternoon, as said the weather lady this morning. Should be the high temperature by 4 pm, where partly cloudy skies are. So around lunchtime to then, that beautiful, clear blue sky.

And so, DH said keep alarm on when we got home last night, and he got up 15 minutes before that. Sometimes I can go back to sleep when he gets up, sometimes not. It was a not back to sleep morning. Thus, decided to do the linens wash, and last load of towels are in the dryer. When I hear the beep they are done, I’ll get them and have a very long hot shower, using those freshly washed towels to dry. DH is spending most of the day at the USO. And Robert, Army, and purple is the USO, with coast guard cadets their biggest customer at the location where DH is. So DH likes to go there, as volunteers like him, are almost all vets.

Little one said she’d be by around 9:30 this morning. I hope so, like her to go with me to buy more food to prepare, so my sister does not have to, as now due to travel changes, not arriving until tomorrow morning. Hence, party is mid afternoon, and hopefully she doesn’t have to prepare much food. We will come up a little earlier, to help her get everything set up tomorrow. And also, rather go today, as while most are open tomorrow, some are not, or shorter hours. I’ll place a coffee order closer to her said arrival time. If she’s late enough, I’ll go and pick it up. I’ll text her though, before I do the order, as would not be surprised she does a drive thru coffee order on the way home. And then I’ll wait for coffee from her instead.

Ah, a Sunday is here, and quiet time for me. No trash cans sounds tonight, as with holiday, tomorrow night, trash cans to curb.

Good morning all, hope are feeling good, and enjoying this last Sunday in May.
Good morning. Another mostly lazy day planned for today. We are ready for church early today. That rarely happens. At some point today we need to go to the grocery store, but nothing else on the agenda.

Yesterday I bought something I don’t need just to make a 10 year old boy happy. I have an online friend, “Mary” who has a son, “Johnny”. I have known Mary ever since we were both pregnant (she also has a son B’s age) and posting on Baby Center. Johnny has been making and selling beaded bracelets and is really proud of his little business. Yesterday his father (who I won’t even dignify with a fake name) promised to take him to the park and help him sell the bracelets. Somewhere between the house and park he got angry about something (Who knows? The dude has anger issues.) and would not let Johnny set up his jewelry stand. Johnny asked to be taken back to his mom (parents are divorced) and his dad wouldn’t even speak to him. He was in tears when he got home. This just infuriates me to no end. How can someone treat their child this way? The story does have a happy ending. So many of Mary’s friends responded to her facebook post asking to buy bracelets that Johnny will probably be busy most of the summer.

Almost time to leave. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.
Hey All! Hope all having a lovely weekend.

Party day here. Waiting for all to show up to have hot dogs & pasta salad pre pool time.

Post heavy couch moving that will be a surprise lol. I get large, room size area rugs bound. Like the hardwood to peek out all around.

Ordered new one to be bound once the store reached the end of roll. They give me a great price on it as long as cash & carry. They had estimated end of summer. Surprised to get call to come retrieve it last week

Later, those steaks, salad, choice of country fried potatoes )I make in air fryer or baked & sautéed ‘shrooms

I died lol when I picked up the custom cake. They forgot half the inscription. All done via computer. Didn’t have heart to tell decorator (that I know) she screwed up as older than me & know she needs that job to get by.

I always like booking an SUV when I rent.
Consistently, for last several years, mid size SUV with hertz has been lowest price. Doesn’t really matter as we are gold and just pick SUV or dreaded mini van (if we need the seating) off the aisle.

Robbie love that countdown
Woot! Junkie having Dark Side fun. Think the super warm weather kept crowds away.

Holiday Monday here. And first, ever, that DH said glad not having to be on week day routine today.

May we never forget those who served and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms today. Memorial Day Monday here.

And a stormy one. Coolest weather Memorial Day in many years. Darn cold front. Heard a nice downpour around 5 am. Weather news this morning said scattered thunderstorms later in the afternoon. Hmm, picnic may be eating inside. Whatever. Still will be nice to see extended family today. And first time in quite awhile, a four pack of us will be going. Glad older one is finally off in a holiday.

Hope all are enjoying this holiday, and last Monday in May.

Ooh hear a dog barking. Guess one of my neighbors is up.
Good Monday morning everyone :wave2:





Thank you to everyone who has served and are presently serving Our Country. This is a day of remembering our HEROES both alive and fallen. May God Bless you ALL.



Woot! Like your countdown, Robo. I always like booking an SUV when I rent. Glad you have hotel and all ready to go.
Thank you Lynne. Yes, it feels good to have everything settled for the trip.

How exciting. I’m ready for another trip, but not until it cools down some.
Sounds like it is going to be hot for sure.

USN, a lot of vets in the park today. Struck up conversation with a couple.
Thank you for your service to Our Country……Glad to hear everyone is getting out to enjoy the parks.

Yesterday I bought something I don’t need just to make a 10 year old boy happy. I have an online friend, “Mary” who has a son, “Johnny”. I have known Mary ever since we were both pregnant (she also has a son B’s age) and posting on Baby Center. Johnny has been making and selling beaded bracelets and is really proud of his little business. Yesterday his father (who I won’t even dignify with a fake name) promised to take him to the park and help him sell the bracelets. Somewhere between the house and park he got angry about something (Who knows? The dude has anger issues.) and would not let Johnny set up his jewelry stand. Johnny asked to be taken back to his mom (parents are divorced) and his dad wouldn’t even speak to him. He was in tears when he got home. This just infuriates me to no end. How can someone treat their child this way? The story does have a happy ending. So many of Mary’s friends responded to her facebook post asking to buy bracelets that Johnny will probably be busy most of the summer.
The dad sounds off kilter. I would have hard time sending Johnny off to visit with that dad if he is that prone to angry outbursts.

It is wonderful that the mom was able to share the story and Johnny is going to sell his bracelets after all.

Consistently, for last several years, mid size SUV with hertz has been lowest price. Doesn’t really matter as we are gold and just pick SUV or dreaded mini van (if we need the seating) off the aisle.
I was surprised how affordable the prices are after looking at how high everything has been past couple of years.

Party day here. Waiting for all to show up to have hot dogs & pasta salad pre pool time.
Sounds like a day of good food and fun with the family.

Ordered new one to be bound once the store reached the end of roll. They give me a great price on it as long as cash & carry. They had estimated end of summer. Surprised to get call to come retrieve it last week
Congratulations on the new purchase. Glad to hear you found what you want.

Blistering heat yesterday till 4 when sprinkles commenced. Downpour around 7.
Barely cloudy or breezy today.
Muggy heat. Crowds far smaller than we anticipated. A few walk-ons using single rider.
Glad to hear the crowds were more manageable. Do I see VooDoo Donuts?

May we never forget those who served and paid the ultimate price for our freedoms today. Memorial Day Monday here.

Quiet weather morning here after an evening and night of storms here. I know sadly there was loss of life in a number of areas around the Country do to tornados. Prayers for all.

We were out celebrating our great-nephews graduation yesterday evening. Had a wonderful time with family. I was able to hold the newest member of the family our newborn great-nephew S. He is absolutely precious. When the celebrating was done we all headed home gingerly to make it before the storms hit.

Local weatherman said possible tornados heading our way. We were driving down the expressway then turned south to head to the area of the town we live in and it was like driving into the belly of the beast. It turned black and there was lightening all around us. Lots of prayers for sure. We made it home and into the garage.

Reached out to make sure everyone made it home safely. Everyone did.

Some of our older grandchildren in Kentucky are still without power.

Did some tree limb debris clean up early this morning as the trash pick up was came early.

Not much going on for the rest of the day. Nice restful Memorial Day.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone.


Days till vacation
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Good Monday morning everyone :wave2:

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Thank you to everyone who has served and are presently serving Our Country. This is a day of remembering our HEROES both alive and fallen. May God Bless you ALL.

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Thank you Lynne. Yes, it feels good to have everything settled for the trip.

Sounds like it is going to be hot for sure.

Thank you for your service to Our Country……Glad to hear everyone is getting out to enjoy the parks.

The dad sounds off kilter. I would have hard time sending Johnny off to visit with that dad if he is that prone to angry outbursts.

It is wonderful that the mom was able to share the story and Johnny is going to sell his bracelets after all.

I was surprised how affordable the prices are after looking at how high everything has been past couple of years.

Sounds like a day of good food and fun with the family.

Congratulations on the new purchase. Glad to hear you found what you want.

Glad to hear the crowds were more manageable. Do I see VooDoo Donuts?


Quiet weather morning here after an evening and night of storms here. I know sadly there was loss of life in a number of areas around the Country do to tornados. Prayers for all.

We were out celebrating our great-nephews graduation yesterday evening. Had a wonderful time with family. I was able to hold the newest member of the family our newborn great-nephew S. He is absolutely precious. When the celebrating was done we all headed home gingerly to make it before the storms hit.

Local weatherman said possible tornados heading our way. We were driving down the expressway then turned south to head to the area of the town we live in and it was like driving into the belly of the beast. It turned black and there was lightening all around us. Lots of prayers for sure. We made it home and into the garage.

Reached out to make sure everyone made it home safely. Everyone did.

Some of our older grandchildren in Kentucky are still without power.

Did some tree limb debris clean up early this morning as the trash pick up was came early.

Not much going on for the rest of the day. Nice restful Memorial Day.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone.

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Days till vacation
Voodoo donuts day 1 , Cinnabon day 2.
Some exciting news here. The ‘lil qualified for New Balance national track competition in long jump in Philadelphia next month. Of course, we need to be on a plane the next day, sigh. At least it will be live streamed.

We are committed to an all day invitational closer to home to cover her four individual events next Saturday. Glad we have a pop up canopy to shield us from whatever elements. They tend to do it up ala tailgating here, just all cold munchies sort. Should be fun.

Nice fly overs for Memorial Day here. Do enjoy the many local remembrances, slice of old school values.

Inside, family joke, we tease the mr if he ever did stand up to be acknowledged when they call for veterans at programs or even at Sea world, etc…we would all faint dead away.

Today is jr’s actual BD = I’ll be grilling out chicken & letting him open his presents today. Actually, urged him to do so yesterday at the party but, wanted to save some for today. We are known for stretching out celebrations here lol

May just do the breasts in oven, more of yesterday’s violent storms predicted starting @ 4 pm. Really don’t want to get caught out in yard again today when flipping things. Rinse & repeat, this pattern should be gone by Wednesday night.

Lots of prayers for sure. We made it home and into the garage.
Scary stuff!

Have a good holiday all
Quick Monday stop in :wave2:

Quiet but busy day yesterday. I finished some of my planting on Saturday - no rain arrived. Enjoyed the warmer temps with no wind.

Yesterday was very windy. Mostly it was an inside day. Baked up a couple loaves of bread and a batch of cookies. The prices of those things are just getting to be much. It doesn't take long to whip up a double batch and bake them off. I might even start going back to whipping up the dough and freeze it, and bake it off as needed.

Also whipped up a sour dough loaf - but when I went to shape it - I put caramelized onions and aged cheddar cheese. I made a sandwich with it today - and OMG....sooooooooo delicious!!!! It's a bit heavy - but so tasty. I think that the others in the house may want me to only make that one from now on.

Not sure what is on the menu for tonight. I forgot to cancel my Hello Fresh box - so one is arriving on my doorstep today. Let's just say that 2 of the meals are NOT what we would eat. I can salvage them to make something that we will eat with them. But ugh....I'm so mad I forgot to cancel it. I've now cancelled the next few weeks.

They forgot half the inscription. All done via computer. Didn’t have heart to tell decorator (that I know) she screwed up as older than me & know she needs that job to get by.
I've had that happen at DQ with an ice cream cake. They front staff told me to write what I wanted - as write what color I wanted the writing in. It said " Happy Birthday Tom " in blue "" written in blue icing :rotfl: I was irritated...then laughed as the son-in-law would find that hilarious.

I get annoyed as little things like as well, but understand we are all human and mistakes are made. At least it's as simple as a mistake on writing on a cake.
Local weatherman said possible tornados heading our way. We were driving down the expressway then turned south to head to the area of the town we live in and it was like driving into the belly of the beast. It turned black and there was lightening all around us. Lots of prayers for sure. We made it home and into the garage.

Reached out to make sure everyone made it home safely. Everyone did.
That is scary! I'm glad you and your family are all safe.

@Lynne G - we had a bird build a nest where our bathroom exhaust comes out. She learned that if she would perch herself on the bottom of the vent - and flap her wings - the vent would open and she could walk in. She was a super smart bird. We finally built her a safe house she could use for her nests. She has come back a few times to use it.

@drenalin'junkie - that's awesome crowds weren't as bad as you thought. I hope the weekend was great!

@Charade67 - What pattern cross stitch are you working on now?

Well, I should get going. Heading out for my lunch break soon.

Have a great day everyone!

Ain’t that right. But at least a quick enough commute, and the six of us going into the complex were fast enough, and they were opening another lane in, as I was in line. So many of us are early birds it seems. And even nicer? With this time keeping time, sunrise already happened almost an hour ago.

And from my not as clean as could be office window, beautiful sunrise I see:

And warm too, 67 as I saw as got out our door. Even better? What a day later makes. Yes. A full wall to wall day of sunshine.

And glad, like DH, booting up was mostly uneventful.

Thus, back to that week day routine I am for today, and the next two days. Woke up over an hour before the alarm went off, but decided to go back to sleep. Did wake up again when I heard the alarm. Hopefully will be easier tomorrow, to just wake up close to the alarm going off, instead of a two wake up morning.

Tea water from a bottle. And that’s okay. With it a Taco Tuesday here, time to think about eating a taco today. As no taco places near the office, maybe for dinner, as the local, one of, burger place down the street from us, does sell tacos as well as chicken.

Fabulous time with extended family yesterday. And better decisions on how much to have, as not much leftover this time. And was so sweet, my youngest great niece, 2 years old, and shy, gave me a hug as she was leaving. Even her older sister and brother, 6 and 7, did too. Even though their family, one of my three nieces is their mom, and they don’t live that far away, but her family lives far enough away, we don’t see them that often. And so nice of her, asking if she will see us again, when my extended family gets together for the 4th of July. And even with the all the rain, all the kids were in the pool. All 7 of them, 10 and under. We did eat inside, as not raining when grilling, but skies looked dark enough, set up tables inside with all the food.

Yay for Keisha’s gd making the Philly track meet coming up in June. I’ll have to watch, as might be able to see her, because our local news always provides coverage of that track meet. Hope she finds a gold metal win there.

Time to get back to routine. Hope all have a most Terrific Taco Tuesday today. 🌮
Ain’t that right
No argument here.

Today is the mr’s birthday. Have yet to decide if going out to eat or cooking as it depends on how many of the spawn decide to stop by…sniffing for more celebratory nommies lol
And even with the all the rain, all the kids were in the pool. All 7 of them, 10 and under.
Hey, they are wet anyway. Long as no boom booms in the sky, good to go
Yay for Keisha’s gd making the Philly track meet coming up in June. I’ll have to watch,
Yes, it appears to be a huge event. The room blocks were sold out well before anyone actually qualified. The fam did managed to get book elsewhere. Appears it’s a busy weekend in your city.
Keisha, it is huge meet. Why local coverage of it on our local news channels. If they need anything while there, just let me know. Glad they did find a place to stay. Traffic around there will be crazy. Er, crazier than usual for city driving.

And a very happy birthday to Keisha’s DH.

Yes, as long as no lightning in area, pool time while raining is no issue. And it was, hence kids had a great time in the bath feeling water, and was still close to 80 temp outside, so rain did not feel cold.

So ready for my lunchtime walk.
I was all prepared for a lighthearted post about how I didn’t want to go back to work after a 5 day weekend. When I got to work this morning I was greeted with the news that one of our clients had taken her own life over the weekend. She leaves behind a husband and 2 daughters aged 3 and 5.
I have no words right now.


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