Something About Nothing............ #14

Yay for getting flights booked, Mac. I did quite awhile ago, and price dropped twice, that I took advantage of, and now even higher than I had first booked. With a price of dinner, got a wee bit lower hotel. Still deciding on first 4 nights. Saw the mouse said no fast passes or ADRs for rest of year. Thinking do I want to go there first? Have to see what hotel rates are, which I have not done yet. And was thinking do I get rush of fear or just get the buy 1 get 1? Hmmm.
Lynne, the price I booked was cheaper than when I started watching the site many months back.
When covid 19 hit, some of the flights I thought about were no longer listed.
More flights appeared maybe over a week ago and prices had dropped from what I saw March 5.
I’m glad now I hesitated in early booking but it made me jittery waiting this long to book a flight.
I usually book 9 months out.

I’m still trying to decide which hhn tix to get.
Bogo looks good at their sale price.

Do you have any idea how long you will be able to work from home?
Bet it has been nice not to have to go to the office 5 days a week!

Hope all the homies are doing good!
Remember back when we all would talk about how great it was Friday and a weekend off work?
Hope she has a fantastic bd and is showered with gifts from you!

Age is only a number......
That’s what I said when I robbed the cradle ..

I believe she’ll make out well........!!!!!!!!!

My beautiful wife would probably surprise many with her age defying natural being!!!

I tell everyone it’s because she force’s me to take her to drink the Florida water so much.....

Really twists my arms...

She gets annoyed when she is carded she thinks it’s silly, she does look a lot younger though.......

I said that’s not to check your age they just want to know your name........

Mac isn’t your 29th just around the corner!!!
Last edited:
Does whiskey contain less calories than rum? Asking for a friend😜

If it`s necessary......calories don't matter one single jot!!!!

Tell your friend......::yes::

It took me 6 hours to book my Delta flight, but its all done now!
Yesterday and today there was a glitch on the Delta site and I thought I knew enough with their set up to still be able to book online.

Turns out I was able to handle it until it came to payment.
Glitch was every time I tried to pay online, the price went up each time.

Did a call to Delta and got put on a wait list to talk to an agent.
But I did know it would be 6 hours before I got the call back which came at 7:40 tonight.

Agent said they are having glitches and many are calling to book.

So in between of reading threads and finalizing my flights, I can sit back and play ketchup here.

Glad you got the flights sorted!! I was shocked to hear the 6 hour call back time! Hope I don't need to talk to our airline soon......

Yay for getting flights booked, Mac. I did quite awhile ago, and price dropped twice, that I took advantage of, and now even higher than I had first booked. With a price of dinner, got a wee bit lower hotel. Still deciding on first 4 nights. Saw the mouse said no fast passes or ADRs for rest of year. Thinking do I want to go there first? Have to see what hotel rates are, which I have not done yet. And was thinking do I get rush of fear or just get the buy 1 get 1? Hmmm.

It`s nice to have choices Lynne with your trip Lynne and fun to think about what you want to do......with HHN tickets we`re having to wait anyway till we are sure we`ll be allowed to fly into the USA.

We have the flights, we have the hotels, we have the Insurance......the rest is up to politics and ain`t nothing we can do about that!

I believe she’ll make out well........!!!!!!!!!

My beautiful wife would probably surprise many with her age defying natural being!!!

I tell everyone it’s because she force’s me to take her to drink the Florida water so much.....

Really twists my arms...

She gets annoyed when she is carded.......

I said that’s not to check your age they just want to know your name........

Mac isn’t your 29th just around the corner!!!

We were shocked when we came to America and were carded often. First time was my 40th and I thought she was the UK you just have to look older than 25 and you`ll usually be fine.

But, it`s happened a few times since and still feels very weird when they do ask for ID...….

Saturday again........

Slept like a contented baby last night. Went to bed late, well late for us......just after midnight, and only slept till 6am, but it was such a good sleep.

Beautiful day here again, but much cooler than yesterday....only into the mid to high 60`s. Will maybe sit in the direct sunshine today but there`ll be a cooler breeze around. One of the few downsides to living right next to the sea.

Bacon was so lovely.......lunch is turkey slices, potato salad and a little salad.......tonight is pizza night!!! Thankfully the place we use has managed to keep open during all this and they have been incredibly busy which has been good to see.

Few zoom calls today and that`s about it. Maybe some internet shopping......there`s always something to buy.......





Happy Saturday..........​
Ugh. Woke up around 4:00 and haven't been able to get back to sleep. I decided to go see if anything was worth watching on TV. Around 5:00 that cat became very interested in the TV. I realized that there was a stink bug on the screen. I had to get rid of it before Caspian attacked the screen. Now he's staring at the TV as if he is waiting for the bug to reappear.

Vicki - I had never heard of the recumbent elliptical until a couple of weeks ago. Dh was changing channels and happened to stop on HSN and they were selling one.

DLPN - Happy birthday to your wife.

I am a little envious of all of you discussing upcoming vacation plans. It looks like our next big trip will be in March. We are looking at going back to Disney when B and dh are off for spring break.
Don’t know when back to commute routine will resume, Mac. I am thinking around August. It has been almost 4 months. There is always something good and not so good about telecommuting, when you are not used to it. If you have always, maybe not as disrupting. Funny, as we moved into our new building only a few months before vacating it. I just hope I did not leave anything in the refrigerator and my plants are air plants so hope they are still alive when I get back.

Ha, woke up, seemed bright out, good morning .... Oops forgot to turn the alarm off. Wonderful to have a sleeping in house, as a nice long shower, made tea and some cheesy eggs, then now on my third load of wash, and then that will be done for the day. It was a beautiful sunrise, and the sunlight is streaming through the window. How nice is that? And from the cold front that arrived, no AC is heard. How nice is that? Then we will see if pool is warm enough. Dsis is not an early bird, and the kids are not either. So most likely an afternoon swim will be a nice way to spend the afternoon at the pool.

Nice MonyK is at the lake this weekend. Should be nice weather, I hope.

Well, last night we did get rain that you could hear quite loudly, but that was it. No high winds, no thunder I could hear, and thankfully, that lowest risk of a tornado did not happen either. While the roads sounded wet when I woke up, with this sunny start, roads don’t sound wet now.

Aww, a big happy birthday to DisneyLife’s wife tomorrow.

When I was in my 20’s got asked more than once which high school I went to. Um, graduated years ago. Some places card regardless of whether you look over 21 or not. Don’t care, I will show the card if I need to.

With that, have to put the clothes in the dryer and hang some up.

Enjoy a beautiful Saturday. And ick, stink bugs. At least you can squash them or pick them up and toss them out the door. The latter is mostly what we do, as very icky if they get smooshed.

Yeah, I was thinking it may be nice to wander around more than a night or two, but I may just get the BOGO, and enjoy some time in IOA or relax back at the hotel. I assume I can change if I pay the difference. So also why I am leaning on the BOGO ticket. At least it is on sale for another month.
Good morning all!
Much cooler today, only 60 degrees but sunny and nice. I'm still in shorts and a tank, but with a sweater over it, lol!

Yes, as of today we are required to wear masks in public places. I think the effort is too little, too late. Perhaps if the requirement had been made 2-3 months ago we wouldn't have such a rise in cases.
I didn't know so many places didn't have a mask requirement. Yes, it probably would've helped if they had implemented it earlier. I hope your cases slow down.
I am still trying to find a mask I am comfortable with. The first one I got makes breathing really difficult and the ties keep getting caught in my hair.
I went to the store yesterday and it was soooo hot with the mask on! Our temps were high and the humidity was higher.... it made me think of Florida and how uncomfortable it will be to wear a mask in the parks.
Mr pulled my hair thru cap yesterday. Those long, dark roots were driving me insane. Did a pretty good job IMO
Good job!
Majority of retail stores closed, ross just opened here last sunday. I’m annoyed
We have some opening today with very strict rules on which doors will be open, the traffic pattern in the store, etc. I may drive past later to see, but I have no intention of going in.
My ‘favorite’ and i use the term very loosely, is a cotton one I just bought, has an air vent that helps expel warmth.
That reminds me that yesterday in the grocery store I saw a woman wearing a winter scarf around her face! I don't know how she didn't pass out.
Well...I have had an interesting week. I had trouble with my allergies that have sent me to the hospital twice this week.
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can get it sorted out soon. Allergies are no fun. I had two ER trips in the past few years because of insect bites. I don't know what insect it is, or if it's just my overactive immune system going crazy, but they swell so much, like the size of a dinner plate! The ER gives me oral steroids, topical steroids and draws a line around the border so they can monitor it.
I’m quite pleased with the highlights
They really came out great! Love them!
I just booked the lightsaber build thing for my boys last weekend, I’m wondering if that is going to be changed now? They are so excited about that
I've been reading on the new procedures and it's very different. Not only do you have to have a dated park ticket but also a reservation to get into the park itself. ??? I know it's to control capacity, but it's going to cause headaches for people planning. All ADR's, FP and events are cancelled, so I would check the Savi's reservation.

@keishashadow : did you get MNSSHP tickets? They put a hold on sales for now and people are trying to get them through Undercover Tourist, who still has them listed.
Wife’s 40th on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to her!!!
We were shocked when we came to America and were carded often. First time was my 40th and I thought she was the UK you just have to look older than 25 and you`ll usually be fine.
A lot of restaurants will card and every grocery store does here. They actually scan your license. I can get a 6 pack at Wegmans and get carded and buy three bottles of Everclear at the liquor store and won't get carded. Figure that out! Lol! BTW, I don't drink Everclear... I use it make Limoncello.

I remember eating at Rose and Crown in Epcot and our server was a really cute kid. He hung around our table a lot and was.... let's say "very attentive" to my daughters. :rolleyes: We got to talking to him about the drinking age in the UK and he told us he was 20 years old and while he could drink at home, he couldn't drink in the US because of our 21 drinking age. He also admitted that when he looks at ID's (because he was carding one of my dd's) that he has no clue what to look for because we have different licenses from each state. LOL!
Well, last night we did get rain that you could hear quite loudly, but that was it. No high winds, no thunder I could hear, and thankfully, that lowest risk of a tornado did not happen either.
We didn't get any thunder either, despite the warnings on the phone. Lots of rain that was hard at times. It did cool off very quickly last night after the rain started.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Morning all! On tap today, packing for beach & hoping the space launch is a go. No idea what I’m doing for dinner at this point. May just close my eyes, reach into the freezer & cook the first thing i grab.
lol......he’s a star!! I asked Tom (jokingly) if he would do my looked a little shell shocked for a second then realised I was teasing........perish the thought! He has his talents, but not sure I’d trust him with my hair........
He’s a whiz, pretty sure he could figure anything out he put his mind to tackle
Ack, I would not even ask my DH to dye my hair. Patiently waiting for the Governor to allow salons next Friday. I cannot wait to be pampered a bit either. And be legally blonde without white hair showing.
Highlights those are highlights :).

I’ve been trying to book a slot online for end of July but site still down (JCPenney)
Does whiskey contain less calories than rum? Asking for a friend😜
Hmmm probably, just go with vodka I hear it has negative calories :)
The resort I contacted yesterday said they weren't busy at all but pools now open-lots of good ones to choose from in Florida...
My oldest DS arrived in Myrtle Beach last night, said the resort looked busy. Was hoping it’d be dead. Fingers are crossed it’s the remnants of Memorial Day crowd & they’ll clear out this weekend.
It took me 6 hours to book my Delta flight, but its all done now!
I’d probably have waited another day at that point, but kudos for persistence. Nice to check off the boxes for an upcoming trip
Saw the mouse said no fast passes or ADRs for rest of year. Thinking do I want to go there first? Have to see what hotel rates are, which I have not done yet. And was thinking do I get rush of fear or just get the buy 1 get 1? Hmmm.
Right now no new resort reservations either (except DVC). I was disturbed to read how they cancelled all those makeup FDP reservations for those who were cancelled starting back in March.

Have early August trip still on the books but did cancel DVC res & booked a value. When i read Tom Bricker’s musings this Tuesday that they would only have ‘select’ WDW resorts opened, I hurriedly changed it to One he mused would be open. Glad I jumped, by the next day, the booking moratorium commenced. Supposedly, they will be moving those with now-closed properties. Ugh.

Have first part of trip booked @ HRH. Will watch how that goes re reopening at both parks. Going to book another cancellable res @ MB for the same week.

I like to have my bases covered :)

I just booked the lightsaber build thing for my boys last weekend, I’m wondering if that is going to be changed now? They are so excited about that.

I got the email this morning though.....

Oh we just got B1G1
You got the lightsaber build BOGO free? Need to look to see if that is valid in August. Already paid for one of those bad boys in January. Very cool process BTW but, IMO, a waste of $
View attachment 497916


A “friend” to many.

So nice to see these photos!!!
Indeed! Where is that pic? Iinitially I though that was a pic of the bellagio with the single heart but the building with two should be Caeser’s. Even though we’ve had that view several times from Flamingo, it doesn’t fit with my memory.

Age is only a number......
That’s what I said when I robbed the cradle
Nothing wrong with having a trophy husband :)
Enjoy a beautiful Saturday. And ick, stink bugs. At least you can squash them or pick them up and toss them out the door. The latter is mostly what we do, as very icky if they get smooshed.
All creatures, great & small...except for those little rotters. If u toss them outside, back they come. we bury them at sea :).
did you get MNSSHP tickets? They put a hold on sales for now and people are trying to get them through Undercover Tourist, who still has them listed.
I had them from day one, ours was first night. Went that date 2 years ago, sold out. Same thing happened last year.

As soon as they shut the parks down the end of May, I contacted WDW and requested that my “uncancellable” tickets be refunded along with my HoopDeeDoo prepaid reservation. Easy, peasy.

I will be shocked if they offer the party this year, unless it’s rolled out ‘lite’ ala a jazzed up villians party & for less dates, perhaps once or twice a week starting end of September. Eh, what do i know :)
Morning all! On tap today, packing for beach & hoping the space launch is a go. No idea what I’m doing for dinner at this point. May just close my eyes, reach into the freezer & cook the first thing i grab.

He’s a whiz, pretty sure he could figure anything out he put his mind to tackle

Highlights those are highlights :).

I’ve been trying to book a slot online for end of July but site still down (JCPenney)

Hmmm probably, just go with vodka I hear it has negative calories :)

My oldest DS arrived in Myrtle Beach last night, said the resort looked busy. Was hoping it’d be dead. Fingers are crossed it’s the remnants of Memorial Day crowd & they’ll clear out this weekend.

I’d probably have waited another day at that point, but kudos for persistence. Nice to check off the boxes for an upcoming trip

Right now no new resort reservations either (except DVC). I was disturbed to read how they cancelled all those makeup FDP reservations for those who were cancelled starting back in March.

Have early August trip still on the books but did cancel DVC res & booked a value. When i read Tom Bricker’s musings this Tuesday that they would only have ‘select’ WDW resorts opened, I hurriedly changed it to One he mused would be open. Glad I jumped, by the next day, the booking moratorium commenced. Supposedly, they will be moving those with now-closed properties. Ugh.

Have first part of trip booked @ HRH. Will watch how that goes re reopening at both parks. Going to book another cancellable res @ MB for the same week.

I like to have my bases covered :)

You got the lightsaber build BOGO free? Need to look to see if that is valid in August. Already paid for one of those bad boys in January. Very cool process BTW but, IMO, a waste of $

Indeed! Where is that pic? Iinitially I though that was a pic of the bellagio with the single heart but the building with two should be Caeser’s. Even though we’ve had that view several times from Flamingo, it doesn’t fit with my memory.

Nothing wrong with having a trophy husband :)

All creatures, great & small...except for those little rotters. If u toss them outside, back they come. we bury them at sea :).

Yeah right...............

Nope that is in response to HHN tickets.....

Disney BOGO on a $200 souvenir.... :rotfl2:
Good morning all!
Much cooler today, only 60 degrees but sunny and nice. I'm still in shorts and a tank, but with a sweater over it, lol!

I didn't know so many places didn't have a mask requirement. Yes, it probably would've helped if they had implemented it earlier. I hope your cases slow down.

I went to the store yesterday and it was soooo hot with the mask on! Our temps were high and the humidity was higher.... it made me think of Florida and how uncomfortable it will be to wear a mask in the parks.

Good job!

We have some opening today with very strict rules on which doors will be open, the traffic pattern in the store, etc. I may drive past later to see, but I have no intention of going in.

That reminds me that yesterday in the grocery store I saw a woman wearing a winter scarf around her face! I don't know how she didn't pass out.

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can get it sorted out soon. Allergies are no fun. I had two ER trips in the past few years because of insect bites. I don't know what insect it is, or if it's just my overactive immune system going crazy, but they swell so much, like the size of a dinner plate! The ER gives me oral steroids, topical steroids and draws a line around the border so they can monitor it.

They really came out great! Love them!

I've been reading on the new procedures and it's very different. Not only do you have to have a dated park ticket but also a reservation to get into the park itself. ??? I know it's to control capacity, but it's going to cause headaches for people planning. All ADR's, FP and events are cancelled, so I would check the Savi's reservation.

@keishashadow : did you get MNSSHP tickets? They put a hold on sales for now and people are trying to get them through Undercover Tourist, who still has them listed.

Happy Birthday to her!!!

A lot of restaurants will card and every grocery store does here. They actually scan your license. I can get a 6 pack at Wegmans and get carded and buy three bottles of Everclear at the liquor store and won't get carded. Figure that out! Lol! BTW, I don't drink Everclear... I use it make Limoncello.

I remember eating at Rose and Crown in Epcot and our server was a really cute kid. He hung around our table a lot and was.... let's say "very attentive" to my daughters. :rolleyes: We got to talking to him about the drinking age in the UK and he told us he was 20 years old and while he could drink at home, he couldn't drink in the US because of our 21 drinking age. He also admitted that when he looks at ID's (because he was carding one of my dd's) that he has no clue what to look for because we have different licenses from each state. LOL!

We didn't get any thunder either, despite the warnings on the phone. Lots of rain that was hard at times. It did cool off very quickly last night after the rain started.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Yes, it seems very common and every day to be carded in the US. I was even carded in NY with my mum and aunt.......mum was shocked but I explained to her why it was different in the US to Great Britain.

I’ve seen different driving licences from different states, so I can imagine the confusion for a Brit as our licences are more or less the same.

That is a bad reaction to insect bites where you end up in the ER!! It must be extra worrying at certain times of the year.......

Have a great weekend........

Morning all! On tap today, packing for beach & hoping the space launch is a go. No idea what I’m doing for dinner at this point. May just close my eyes, reach into the freezer & cook the first thing i grab.

He’s a whiz, pretty sure he could figure anything out he put his mind to tackle

Highlights those are highlights :).

I’ve been trying to book a slot online for end of July but site still down (JCPenney)

Hmmm probably, just go with vodka I hear it has negative calories :)

My oldest DS arrived in Myrtle Beach last night, said the resort looked busy. Was hoping it’d be dead. Fingers are crossed it’s the remnants of Memorial Day crowd & they’ll clear out this weekend.

I’d probably have waited another day at that point, but kudos for persistence. Nice to check off the boxes for an upcoming trip

Right now no new resort reservations either (except DVC). I was disturbed to read how they cancelled all those makeup FDP reservations for those who were cancelled starting back in March.

Have early August trip still on the books but did cancel DVC res & booked a value. When i read Tom Bricker’s musings this Tuesday that they would only have ‘select’ WDW resorts opened, I hurriedly changed it to One he mused would be open. Glad I jumped, by the next day, the booking moratorium commenced. Supposedly, they will be moving those with now-closed properties. Ugh.

Have first part of trip booked @ HRH. Will watch how that goes re reopening at both parks. Going to book another cancellable res @ MB for the same week.

I like to have my bases covered :)

You got the lightsaber build BOGO free? Need to look to see if that is valid in August. Already paid for one of those bad boys in January. Very cool process BTW but, IMO, a waste of $

Indeed! Where is that pic? Iinitially I though that was a pic of the bellagio with the single heart but the building with two should be Caeser’s. Even though we’ve had that view several times from Flamingo, it doesn’t fit with my memory.

Nothing wrong with having a trophy husband :)

All creatures, great & small...except for those little rotters. If u toss them outside, back they come. we bury them at sea :).

Yes, he is........have to admit, Tom is definitely more a “call the guy” person.......he’s wonderful, but getting things done around the house beyond the basics......”call the guy” it really.......we’re waiting right now on our decorator getting back in business, but he’ll have a backlog as he’s been shutdown since March........I can wait.

Yes, hope the crowds clear at Myrtle Beach.......i was hearing from a friend in Florida one of the beaches he drove to was surprisingly busy during the week.......

Did you tell me you enjoyed Knives Out?? I forget........

Trying to decide if it’s red wine.......white wine......rum mules or pink gins tonight..........decisions.
Hmmm probably, just go with vodka I hear it has negative calories
Words to live by!
I will be shocked if they offer the party this year, unless it’s rolled out ‘lite’ ala a jazzed up villians party & for less dates, perhaps once or twice a week starting end of September. Eh, what do i know
I can't imagine doing MNSSHP with no parade, no fireworks, no shows and who knows how many rides open. Why buy the party when everything is closed or limited? Think of all the candy you could buy with money you save by not purchasing tickets. :thumbsup2

I would love to do it again, but I just can't see it happening this year for us.

I’ve seen different driving licences from different states, so I can imagine the confusion for a Brit as our licences are more or less the same.
I felt bad for the poor kid, but he was such a good sport and laughed it off.

Good morning Sans family :wave:

Happy Saturday


Happy belated birthday to Sue, Cams son and Keisha hubby


Happy birthday to DisneyLifePapioNe wife

I’m still a bit nervous to make my needed appts. Were you satisfied with the VR ones? Not sure what to make of that concept.

The VR appointments went well. Hubby’s was at 9:30 that morning and mine was at 1:30 pm. I have all the medical equipment needed to do vitals....Stethoscope, sphygmomanometer we did weight, vitals, meds etc. I listened to his lungs, heart, checked all pulses etc.

My concern for others who will possibly do VR appointments who are not in health profession is that something critical will not be caught. These things are easily found at hands on Doc appointment. Especially if that person has a preexisting condition.

Overall was easy and our Doc is wonderful. It’s one of those welcome to the new world of medicine. This could be the wave of the future for sure.
Watches already can read your heart rhythm and send fetal heart rhythms to OBGYN.

This reminded me of the State Farm commercial where the guy refuses to race someone because he didn't want to mess with his discount.

LOL....That would be my luck to be caught racing.

Robo sounds like you had a fun drive home with grandson! I’m looking forward to my haircut today! We are told to wait in car and they’ll text when it’s time to come in.

Yep....we were told the soon as my stylist was done with her client. That person had to leave and she sanitized the chair and then text me to come in. Temp was taken, you had to have mask on.

Tom just reminded me it was a year ago today we picked up the new Porsche.........a year seems to have flown past!! Poor car will be feeling a little redundant these last weeks......think we’ve put fuel in it about three times in 5 weeks......and it’s a very thirsty car!!!

Hope you enjoyed your drive. It’s nice just to get out and ride a little.

Looking at buying a new Sous vide machine. The one we had was mid range and it worked fine, till I broke it...... :rolleyes1 I really shouldn’t be allowed out at times!!!

Never heard of a Sous vide machine.....had to look that up.

Yesterday was DS's 14th bday. It was a little chilly out so we ended up ordering pizza and having the grandparents and my DB come over. DS wants to build a gaming computer so he got mainly money to buy his parts. He was happy. I made him lemon cake and I found this candy cake on Pinterest that I made. He loved

That candy cake was awesome looking. Hope he had a lovely birthday.

Drove 7 miles to let take this one to his new home. Not the mr, will keep him

The picture is funny.... the raccoon is looking at your here we go again.

The little gal/guy had scraped one of their front legs trying to get out of the cage before we woke today. I asked Dave to go get the spray bottle of rubbing alcohol to spritz it. He gave me the hairy eye, but had to give it a fighting chance :)

Raccoon whisperer

So, tonight...…….it`s pink gin time...…..😁

Cocktails look nice.

Got phone call from my doc checking up on my diabetes. Apparently I’m a star patient. Had a couple of too low readings so have to be sure I don’t go too long between meals.

Congratulations on getting your diabetes on track.

Hey kids, well its been a number of years but I thought I'd just post a little something something. I hope you're all safe, well and as happy as can be at the moment. :wave2:

Hey....:wave:....BagOLaughs....good to see you post.

Mr pulled my hair thru cap yesterday. Those long, dark roots were driving me insane. Did a pretty good job IMO

Your hubby did a great job.

Well...I have had an interesting week. I had trouble with my allergies that have sent me to the hospital twice this week. My face swelled up - especially around my eyes.

Scary situation......hope you feel better soon.

Mckennarose congratulations to your daughter on her graduation. Graduating Magna Cum Laude is awesome.


It’s a sunny start to the day here. Looking forward to some time in the garden.

I saw that the space ship is supposed to take off at 3:22 pm if weather permits. They have been far more careful with sending these rockets up. Which is a good thing.

Sue...You asked if I could see the rockets launch from my home in Florida......On a clear day I can see the larger rockets going up from my backyard in Florida. It’s just a white flash in the Northeastern sky. I usually will drive up to a place on Banana River on 528. Basically right across the river from VAB. Launch pad 39A to to the right of that a little piece. It’s about 45 minutes to an hour north of were my home is.

Last couple of times I went up to watch a rocket launch it did not take off. Did do some looking for better places to watch them though on last trip up.

I’am not there this time to drive up to watch this one though. Bet it will be busy with folks wanting to see the launch today.

Shout out to Tink.....hope you are doing well :hug:

Have a great Saturday everyone.


Thinking of HHN

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Hey Robo.......

Good to see you post! And glad you’re going to be enjoying the garden......good weather has to be enjoyed.......we didn’t go out a drive in the end, friends wanted to Zoom instead......maybe tomorrow.....

You‘d love the sous vide......I wasn’t sure at first, but I do like it. I still haven‘t chosen a new one yet.

We will be watch the launch if it happens later.......for us it’s 8.33 tonight, but not looking too good again.....50/50 at the minute, but tomorrow looks good if it doesn’t go today. We have the live feed up watching and hoping!

You have a great weekend too Robo........:wave2:

Had a wander to see the fruit trees earlier and the plums are starting to show......look like gooseberries right now, but looks a good yield this year. Some apples are starting to show a little but no pears yet. We got all the pear trees cut back last year so they should bloom quickly when they start.

Yes, watching the NASA feed in the background right now.....Love the build up to it.

Tom and Kyle are hungry and want to order pizza in half an hour.....I’d prefer to wait a little, maybe nearer 7ish, but their little faces are making me feel guilty........

They‘ll probably win........::yes::

I would order pizza for dinner, but we had it for lunch yesterday. Hmmm.

Absolutely gorgeous out. Big puffy clouds in a beautiful blue sky, and so bright out. Loving it.

Hey Robo, glad to hear from ya. Are you going at end of September this Fall? I would be happy to say hello in person, even if 6 feet away.
Mac well at least you got back to sleep after the 3:00 catattude!
I don’t know why I was so tired yesterday. Went to Costco with Mr in the morning. Then quick stop at Sephora with dd so I could pick up my birthday gift. Then came home. Could hardly keep my eyes open and slept most of the day. So strange. I’m usually not an afternoon napper!

Charade yay for selling your stuff! Hope you won’t be home alone.

Schumi wow that’s hot! 97:scared:

MRose that’s great 1 new case. I forget what area you’re in?
We had 4 new cases yesterday in our province. I’ll pretend to be there too! Looks so inviting.

Charade I know! So hard not to pet the doggies. Especially when they’re puppies! So difficult to send our fur babies into vet without us. I really hate that especially if there’s a problem. Usually there’s a discussion with vet while examining.
Glad kitty did well, except for the nail trim! Too bad they couldn’t give him a tiny bit of sedition to relax him for it!

Lynne hope you were safe from the storms.

MRose we don’t throw grad parties for college/University here either. After walking the stage the college had a nice reception outside for the grads and families then we just went out for dinner.

Keisha good job on hair. I’m waiting on June 2 appt. not long now! DD hasn’t seen said raccoon in a few days so maybe she’s either hunkered down or moved on!

Charade I have a cotton one my friend made me. It’s the kind that has extra space in front. Rather than the flat ones. I have a flat one too. Like that the least. Both are hot. We wear masks whenever we go into a store. I’ve ordered 2 more from Vera Bradley online. Will see how those are. I don’t like any of them so far but you do get used to it. Sorta. My friend has one with the side vent and doesn’t feel like it’s any cooler.

Pumpkin sorry to hear about your doggy with dementia. That’s so sad. And horrible allergy wow. It must be so painful. Hope they can get to the bottom of it soon. Our cottonwood here is going crazy. Can’t open car windows or it gets in car.
I’m able to keep my allergies at bay with Reaction.
Afraid to sneeze or cough around people. You get the stink eye right away!
Things are slowly opening here too. Got my hair cut. Went to dentist.

Mac yay for getting your iMac working! I got invite too but too far away to go.

Keisha I remember the days when Mr used to pull my hair thru the cap lol. That was a long time ago and always had to talk him into it lol! Wasn’t his fav thing to do!

Monykalyn nice pup pic! Have fun on the lake!

Mac glad you got Delta sorted!

Lynne yes, wdw no ADRs or FP. So guess my adrs will be cancelled not that I had many. Don’t know if my Aug trip is a go or not yet. First have to see when our border opens, then if we have to go thru a 14 day quarantine it’s a no go too. Dd can’t take 4 weeks off work.

DisneyLife yeah, not sure about light sabre as they said all tours and extras will be canceled.
What is this B1G1 thing I’m hearing about?
Happy 40th to your wife!

Ive got carded in Florida a few times. The first time I thought the clerk was being funny and I just laughed. But clerk said really, I need to check your ID! My daughters were almost rolling on the floor laughing.:rolleyes:

MRose cute story about Rose & Crown waiter! We went when my youngest was 19 and was surprised she wasn’t legal in Florida. 19 is legal age here. That was awhile ago. She’s 30 now!

Keisha envious of your beach day. Raining here.
I’ll go with vodka too!
So what resort do you have booked. If our Aug 2 is a go we will be at CBR. Hope it’s not on cancel list.

Robo thanks for the birthday wishes! Yes I did wonder if you could see the launches. I’ve heard of people on Ft Lauderdale beaches seeing and from wdw. Just the white flash but still exciting to me!
Enjoy your sunny day! I hear it’s a 70% chance of launch today.

Mr just went out for some odds and ends for key lime pie makings. Nothing much doing here. It’s a rainy day. Was nice most of the week. Then Saturday rolls around and rain! Brother-in-law coming for dinner. Chicken on bbq. With sides.
Lazy day.


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