Something About Nothing............ #14

Hello, I will always find my way back you keep the light on for us :) .... I was only able to go back to around Christmas so if I miss something I am sorry. I did want to just catch up a bit and say "hi" to everyone.

Schumi Happy Birthday to Kyle and I hope it was a great dinner and family time.

Pumpkin Congrats on your grandbaby, how exciting to help set up the nursery. It will be here before you know it.

Monykalyn I love the pic of the new pup, so glad you adopted and gave a furry friend a forever home. Congrats on the college acceptance, I know how it feels to be so proud. I am glad that you had a nice trip.

Sue Keishsha and Robo enjoy your warm weather vacation. I will be thinking of you in our 30 something temps!! Have a great time!

Disxuni Glad that you got Kona and did the fireworks. We went there years back and enjoyed it very much. Good luck with the start of the new semester.

Lynne Great pics of the zoo and your trip. Glad you had a nice time despite some weather interruptions. I hope to go on a cruise some time when we live in Florida. I hope your daughter has great semester too.

Charade Thank you for the wishes. I am so glad to hear your mom is a survivor mine was not so lucky. She caught it too late. I am under strict preventative measures so if anything it would be caught early. I hope B does great in college this semester. I hope you have adjusted okay to her being on campus. I don't think I will ever know what it is like. Mine won't leave home for a very long time!!

Mac Thanks again!! I hope your taco bell run was good today. I went also, I love their nachos with chicken and beans. I am not sure my body likes it so much!! I hope your kitties and you are doing good. We did have a weird weather day on Sunday, it got up to 67 that never happens. It gave me a taste of Florida winter and I can't wait. I hope your weather stays good for you and the kittties.

Buckeev glad you had a good trip!

:wave: to anyone I have missed.
@bobbie68 I think mac was having the same issue with pop up ads. I had the same issue for awhile, but not nearly as intense. Your SIL is in my thoughts. However, it's good that it was caught early and already starting the process. You seem to have a lot on your mind and I hope things get easier, but glad you had a good holiday and seem to have a lot to do in the future.

I want to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and I want to give positive vibes and luck to those who have kids, or other relatives going back to school as well.

A bit intimidated as I kind of got the job I have due to an internship and stopped taking classes so it's been a few semesters, so trying to get back on and only have a few more to go. Most students would be done by this semester. However, I'm doing it one at a time to ensure I can focus and pass. I never been the best student (all my life) and the ADHD probably doesn't help. It's slow, but since I first initially come back for when I changed my major, I have gotten good grades, which is better than what I had when I first started college. Never thought in a billion years growing up I'd be going to college for Comp Science.
Thanks for all the boy’s birthday wishes.......Yep, mac.....there was chocolate......lots of chocolate cake!

Went to a pub with the nicest restaurant......very traditional English style is so good! We all had steaks which were delicious.....Kyle had luxury chocolate cake with white choc ice cream, which he doesn’t usually like, but this one.......lush!! Tom and I both had sticky toffee pudding.....toffee sauce and we asked for the white choc ice cream too. Nice bottle of red wine and Kyle drove our car home......lovely evening.

Came home to cards, presents and more birthday choc cake with candles for Kyle .....although everyone else couldn‘t eat a thing!!! That cake will last 3 days.......::yes:: Bakery store bought.

Think it’ll be an early night for us......

bobbie....nice to see you.....sorry to hear about your SiL......:hug:
Bobbie, so good to hear from you! And so sorry to hear of SIL. Sending lots of good thoughts and mummy dust to her. Hugs her, and to the whole family.
Wednesday........Happy Hump Day......

Think the sun has to shine this morning, so we feel like a walk along the long as the wind stays as calm as it is now......otherwise a quiet day.

No bacon this morning, scrambled egg white with ham I think.......and a big mug of tea!

Have a good day.......
465172 - ack Schumi. LOL. And egg whites. Well, you'd have little one coming to breakfast for the egg whites and she may eat the ham. Last night, we had ham, eggs, home fries and cheese. Yep, one pot meal for me last night.

Was not feeling well yesterday. Thankfully, drugs helped the headache that was making me nauseous, but now have a nose that seems to have an unlimited amount of ick. Some bug that decided to park in my sinuses. At least the headache is gone today. Went to bed early last night. You can bet, lots of tea today.

And a wet commute. Rain on the way home last night, so dark overnight, and dark drive. So much cloud cover, not even seeing the moon this morning. But happy, high is 55 today. But then, oh hello high weather system that will chase the clouds away, we too will see some sun this afternoon, but then, with the low coming from the South bringing the rain, is gone, the high weather system will push the arctic air into our region. Yeah, no where near the high today, at least until next week, starting later this evening. Well, at least I'll be rocking my sunglasses with a hat, gloves and winter jacket.

With that, oh yes it is that day, the camel says "Yay! Hump Day is here". Ah, a Wednesday, the day when many of he homies are so glad the week is half over, and get over this hump of a day, and yay! Friday comes closer by a day.

465175 ha ha!

With that, tea is needed, and a tissue or two. Hope Keisha and her boy, are enjoying the parks. And hope all the homies have a wonderful Wednesday.
No bacon? [dun dun dunnn]

@Lynne G hope you continue to feel better and sorry about the soggy weather.

Nothing much, but work as usual. Going to hang with a friend after work today. It's finally going to be cool again starting Monday. While I usually ignore holidays at the parks I'm going to take advantage of the day off and cool weather, especially since I start class the next day. However, that depends on if my dad makes family plans. He's very spontaneous.

Happy humpity, hump, hump day, homies!
I’m speechless.........:sad2: was Tom!!!

Told him I’m keeping it for the weekends......::yes::

Didn‘t get out for a walk today, it was freezing and still windy.....but it‘s a damp cold, and horrible. So, stayed in.

Just got a txt reminder this afternoon I have the dentist tomorrow for a check up.....I did forget! Hopefully just a quick exam and see him in another 6 months......

Home made meatballs for dinner tonight......made the sauce this morning so just the meatballs to cook and boil up some pasta......definitely not home made!!! Tried to make pasta once......too much work for no real noticeable difference to store bought fresh pasta.....

And then they are going to tuck into the rest of the chocolate does look lovely!
This is me today.

One of our newer therapists has been trying for months to get contracted with Aetna. She finally got the contract today. She spent nearly all day filling out the information that requested. (No idea why it took her so long) She finally finished and went to sumbit it, but accidentally deleted it instead. Aetna says it could be another 15 days before they can send her to contract again. Ugh!

Bobbie - Having B live on campus hasn't been bad. I think it woould be much more difficult if she had gone away somewhere, but she's only about 20 minutes away and her dad is on campus Monday-Friday.

Lynne - Hope you feel better soon. We have a possibility of a winter mix on Saturday.

Disxuni - Enjoy your day at the park.

Schumi - Hope you have a good dental visit.


(I apologize ahead of time for Fred lovers for this use of gif)

Been a rough day for me. I hope it gets better for you. Sorry about what one of your therapists had to go through as well. I can't imagine doing all that work for nothing, then on top of it having to wait for another.
:wave2: doing a quick freezing stop in

We are still in the deep freeze. It just doesn't want to let you. Today was sunshiny day and when you stepped outside and took a breath in, it would burn your lungs and you start to cough. Sooooo cold. My fingers and toes can't warm up. I'm on day 5 of doing nothing at home except sitting with a blanket on me. Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst. And then it is supposed to slowly warm up again.

In other news...the daughter called this afternoon. She is currently in the hospital and they are inducing labor :banana::jumping1:
I texted the son inlaw to see how she was doing....and hopefully by morning we have a new granddaughter.

We booked flights tonight to fly out Friday morning. We don't want to spend 2 days driving and missing out on spending time with them.

She is not due for another 3 weeks, but her liver is not working properly, so as a precaution they are inducing. So it's good we are going down as there are a few things she had to do yet. Today was her last day of work. She couldn't even finish the whole day lol.

I'm sure I won't sleep much tonight but I'll leave the light on for anyone who cant sleep or those early risers who need the light on for those early mornings.

I attached our current temperature. car is NOT going to like me when I start her tomorrow morning. Screenshot_20200115-204414.png

You are thisclose to being a g’ma!

Safe travels to see your daughter and family in a few days
Hope all goes smooth in her delivery and baby will be healthy

You win the title for the coldest temps
I’m no longer in competition for that

Light will be left on here tonight so no one stubs a toe
:wave2: doing a quick freezing stop in

We are still in the deep freeze. It just doesn't want to let you. Today was sunshiny day and when you stepped outside and took a breath in, it would burn your lungs and you start to cough. Sooooo cold. My fingers and toes can't warm up. I'm on day 5 of doing nothing at home except sitting with a blanket on me. Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst. And then it is supposed to slowly warm up again.

In other news...the daughter called this afternoon. She is currently in the hospital and they are inducing labor :banana::jumping1:
I texted the son inlaw to see how she was doing....and hopefully by morning we have a new granddaughter.

We booked flights tonight to fly out Friday morning. We don't want to spend 2 days driving and missing out on spending time with them.

She is not due for another 3 weeks, but her liver is not working properly, so as a precaution they are inducing. So it's good we are going down as there are a few things she had to do yet. Today was her last day of work. She couldn't even finish the whole day lol.

I'm sure I won't sleep much tonight but I'll leave the light on for anyone who cant sleep or those early risers who need the light on for those early mornings.

I attached our current temperature. car is NOT going to like me when I start her tomorrow morning. View attachment 465422

Boy I’m cooling down just reading that temp!!!

Best wishes to your daughter........I hope everything goes well for them all and soon you’ll be hugging that new little grand baby.....:hug:

Well, not as cold here for us, but cold for where we’s the wind more than anything.

Heading our to the dentist soon......then some grocery shopping.

Will have a long winter coat on today. My Russian Front coat as Tom calls it.

No idea about food today.......will be a winter warmer for sure.....chicken casserole and dumplings maybe.....not much effort and delicious!

Have a great Thursday.......

Yay! Hopefully I am posting that Pumpkin is a new Grandma, and the little one, and mom, are doing well. Congratulations! Safe travels to see the new family member, and brrr, that is cold.

Well, I am in the blowing almost a hoolie with Schumi, today. 50 mph winds to be blowing this afternoon. Wind chills in the 30's. Yeah, I'm going try to stay inside.

Yesterday, went home, told older one, I was not feeling good, going to lay down for awhile. My DH woke me up, when he came to bed, around 10:30. Growling what I am doing in bed. Um, was sleeping, apparently. Cleaned up, and went back to bed. Feeling a bit better, but still congested. Will be so happy to sleep in tomorrow. Yay, for taking this Friday off, as planned last week. And another yay! The winter is still here, yes, but the days are getting longer. Yep, not quite as dark on the way home.

Yep, Charade, a winter mix for us too on Saturday, starting in the afternoon. Saying snow, then sleet, then rain. The fact that we will stay above freezing, the whole time, makes me feel better about any travel I have to do. And yeah, I am hoping the rain is the bulk of the precipitation. The weather people have said, anything from 2 to 6 inches of snow predicted. Guess on Friday night or Saturday morning, that amount will be more finite.

Hope your dental visit went well, Schumi. Yep, I have a long, puffy almost, winter jacket. That will be worn on Monday, when the high is predicted to be 25. On work days, meals that do not take much effort, but are delicious, is what I try for. It's the week-ends, I tend to bake and cook more.

So, with Charade and I sneezing away, those in the quite cold, like Pumpkin, and those enjoying some heat (like some of our Southern homies might be):
465449 Well? Drink up, everyone. It's good for you.

Hope Keisha and boy are having another fun day.

TinyD, and MonyK, hope the new pups are bring the family so much joyful puppy fun.

With that, I am indeed ready for another cup of tea, so yes indeed, I have my drink.

Later homies,
465450 ::yes::


:wave2: Good Morning homies!
Lynne, hope you are doing better today
while you are at work
Whatever bug you had hope is out of your system now

I can’t complain about my weather
My daffodils are 10 inches high now
Warm weather makes them think it’s spring
If we get the usual February weather, plants will be ticked

Good morning to all!
Us at 6:15 am waiting to get into mgm
son had medical emergency 20 min into our first day at AK. Wound up hospitalized, but stabilized and released yesterday afternoon. Phew
Boarding group 17 for ROTR ride which never came up yet/technical issues. Retreated & enjoying shoneys breakfast buffet as I type
Will head back to AoA for a bit then head back over on gondola this time.
Morning Sans family



Hadn’t realized that! Maybe the ‘lil nugget needed to try and convince the mr for a long weekend lol

Haha....any celebration at Universal is cause for a visit for sure.

oh and middle got accepted to University of Minnesota his week! She really wanted this school so excited for her. Hope scholarship money follows!

Congratulations on your daughter getting into her preferred University.

Going to try a new recipe I was given for Apple crumble loaf cake and an old favourite lemon drizzle cake, along with some chocolate chip cookies. And change of dinner plans tonight...….now making smoked maple bbq chicken tonight with rice for us and Kyle is having a pizza I think....

Roasting off a couple of peppers again to be skinned and then chopped through some cold pasta with diced chicken breast and avocado with a honey mustard of my favourite lunches.....the roasted peppers ad so much extra flavour!!

Sounds delicious.

Finally finished up the sisters quilt. I just have to complete hand sewing on the label. I personalize each quilt I give with a special poem, number of the quilt and the quilt pattern. This is quilt # 10 I have made some someone. Considering I only started quilting 3 yrs ago...and have a second job... that's pretty good. I will be happy to part with this one. It was supposed to be easy...but everything just didn't go right with it

That is a beautiful quilt. I don’t know how you do it with your jobs. It is truely a labor of love.

Oh if they ever brought back the RHPS at HHN that would be amazing!!!!! I do miss that show a lot too...….seeing everyone, well almost everyone, up doing the dance and having fun was so fabulous!!!!!

Maybe the powers that be at Universal will read this and add it back to HHN again.

But had a fabulous time. Some shots from our trip:

Nice pictures of your trip Lynne.

I am not a good sailor. Hence, stayed on the top decks most of yesterday.

Me and big ships out in the open Ocean not good. Hubby and I tried a cruise many years ago and it was a one and done.

Interesting re the bill lol she’s the peanut in the front holding team sign

Congratulations to your granddaughter Keisha she is so cute.

Tuesday it is...….and can`t believe my baby boy is 26 today :hug:
Happy belated birthday to Kyle Schumi



Update on my sister n law she had her double mastectomy last week, she should know this week if she will need chemo. They did catch it early so it should be stage 1. I have also had some hard decisions on some medical stuff and will opt to have some preventative surgery the begining of March. A lot going on.

I’am so sorry to hear about your SIL....hopefully she will not have to have chemo....she is lucky to have you to be there for her.

I hope all goes well with your surgery in March. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way for you and your SIL.

I would like to wish a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the SANS family:D:DI hope everyone had great memories with family and friends. Ours was as good as it could be. I did have my usual get together Christmas Eve and went to my brother's Christmas day. The teens were happy with everything so that was good.

Happy belated Christmas and Happy New Years to you and your family. Glad to hear the teens were happy with their gifts.

I never been the best student (all my life) and the ADHD probably doesn't help. It's slow, but since I first initially come back for when I changed my major, I have gotten good grades, which is better than what I had when I first started college. Never thought in a billion years growing up I'd be going to college for Comp Science.

Hang in there’s fantastic that you found what you want to do for your degree....your Sans family are here to cheer you on.

In other news...the daughter called this afternoon. She is currently in the hospital and they are inducing labor :banana::jumping1:
I texted the son inlaw to see how she was doing....and hopefully by morning we have a new granddaughter.

Sending prayers and good thoughts that all goes well with your daughter during her induction and you all are holding that sweet grand baby soon.

Sue hope you are enjoying some beach walking. The wind has settled down for a number of days now. Supposed to be 80 today.

Keisha enjoy your time on vacation with your son. It will be warm and sunny 😎 today.

I have been enjoying the sunshine. Trying to do a little more exercise.


LOL.....thought this would be a good impetus :hyper:

Going to try my hand at some middle eastern food tonight chicken shawarma, couscous, hummus and pita.

Had my eye on a food processor during Christmas and I finally brought one the other day. So will see how it helps with homemade hummus.

Have a great Thursday everyone.


Thinking of HHN
son had medical emergency 20 min into our first day at AK. Wound up hospitalized, but stabilized and released yesterday afternoon. Phew
Boarding group 17 for ROTR ride which never came up yet/technical issues. Retreated & enjoying shoneys breakfast buffet as I type
Will head back to AoA for a bit then head back over on gondola this time.

Wow.....what a crowd of folks. Is everyone there for the new Star Wars ride.

Sorry to hear your son had Medical emergency. Glad to hear he is doing better. Sending prayers his way that all goes well the rest of your trip.


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