Something About Nothing............ #14

We do need a Brenton here!
Catchy name and we don’t have any others with it

i checked it out and can answer one of his questions he asked in another thread ….

Tie up all the older folks and have them follow him when at the Darkside (UO)so they don’t get separated
Even whistles will work if anyone gets displace in the crowds

It can be a crowd at the parks when he and 22 others follow him

And start early … get in line before park opens and beat the rush as the park will fill up quickly

Brenton it is then......yes, nice name......

It's hump day!!!! Love this day.

Papers are shuffled and spreadsheets made. I have one phonecall I need to make to the credit department here at another branch. Waiting for our manager to appear so we can do it together. I don't get paid enough to do parts of her job that they should be doing. Wondering how much push back I will get. Sigh

It is older ds's birthday today. I am just waiting for him to text me of where he wants to go for supper tonight - in case I need to make a reservation. He's been warned!!!! We might end up eating from a brown paper bag with the golden arches on it if he doesn't reply lol

Hey all - new guy around here. Seattle based. Hope you’re all having a wonderful evening.
Face masks gone from next week over here in public places...........
Sigh, we are far from that happening here. No comment about how our leaders are doing here. Tired, tired tired of all of it. I was hoping our health officials would look at other countries and see what they are doing. Sadly, they are not. Numbers seem to be leveling off and dropping now. Hopefully soon their verbage will start to change.

Well, I should head out and get some yummy cupcakes for ds's birthday. You gotta have some cake of some sort today. Since we don't need a whole cake in the house, cupcakes will have to do!

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!
:bday: for your son!!

flip a coin on which fast food place is his bd diner in case you have to make that call

personally I would consider Arbys over Micky Dee if he does not give you a heads up where he wants to eat

My offsprings always picked the most expensive place to celebrate since it was on my dime when they were adults
The bar bill was always more than the food …

It's hump day!!!! Love this day.

Papers are shuffled and spreadsheets made. I have one phonecall I need to make to the credit department here at another branch. Waiting for our manager to appear so we can do it together. I don't get paid enough to do parts of her job that they should be doing. Wondering how much push back I will get. Sigh

It is older ds's birthday today. I am just waiting for him to text me of where he wants to go for supper tonight - in case I need to make a reservation. He's been warned!!!! We might end up eating from a brown paper bag with the golden arches on it if he doesn't reply lol


Sigh, we are far from that happening here. No comment about how our leaders are doing here. Tired, tired tired of all of it. I was hoping our health officials would look at other countries and see what they are doing. Sadly, they are not. Numbers seem to be leveling off and dropping now. Hopefully soon their verbage will start to change.

Well, I should head out and get some yummy cupcakes for ds's birthday. You gotta have some cake of some sort today. Since we don't need a whole cake in the house, cupcakes will have to do!

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!

:bday: to your son on his special day........hope he has a good one.......cupcakes work just fine!!

High Vaccine and Booster numbers here......:thumbsup2

Have a good night with your celebrations.......🎂

Dinner over and it was lush!!! Pulled pork was hot and spicy, and we didn`t make a huge meal of it as it was just us and we fancied some coleslaw and some made both this afternoon......yep......lush!!! Coleslaw over here always contains lots of hard raw onions, so I make mine American style, much sweeter too.

Feeling very full now.

Time to make a large pot of tea. I made some salted caramel ice cream today (forgot I was supposed to be being healthy) but we have no room for it, so it`ll keep till another night.
A happy birthday to Pumpkin’s DS. Yeah, I’d try to eat at any other place than McD’s. Unless. I get the fries and a drink.

Sigh, this day is dragging. And no sight of whether no more masks here. I wear one whenever I’m inside a store. Been hit or miss how many don’t wear a mask in a store. No vaccinated checks at door, unless eating in the City. Eh, have no reason to go into town, given uptick in virus and crimes’ numbers. And we have not eaten inside for weeks now. Just not the right time to do so, even though we are boosted vaccinated.

But hey, snow coming tomorrow morning. Messy morning commute advised for tomorrow. Glad I don’t have to deal with that yet. Sigh. Winter it is. And haircut next week, which I’m more than ready for. That, and for Spring to be here too.
It’s 62 where I am right now but tomorrow it will only be a memory…
High tomorrow will be 35
Back to winter status for a few days
I have a haircut today too!!! I realized around xmas that wow, my hair is really long. Had to think back to when I had my last was June :sad2: Just before ds's graduation. I guess it's time for a good chop. My girl is hard to get into now, and she has opened her own beauty school. So I'm excited to see her school, and chat with her. She is an old customer I had when I was managing a beauty supply store. It will be a good chin waggle session!

Reservations are made at a little place tonight. Ds finally responded about where he wanted to eat. It surprised me that he picked this place. Good food, just not a place we frequent much.

Still super cold here. Not sure if I will head to the gym tonight after birthday celebrations or not. I finally seen the scale move yesterday, so now I want to keep it going!

Still have to pick up a card...guess I'll be leaving a few minutes early. Dh purchased the gift, I'm in charge of the card.

Have a great night everyone!!!
Good evening everyone. I did manage to get out of my driveway today. The roads in my neighborhood were still bad though. When I got to work I contacted the DOT and asked to have them cleared. When I got home this afternoon the neighborhood streets had been cleared.
Work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a fairly quiet day.

Well, I hope if she gets a new roommate they get on well together, sounds like she really enjoys where she is Charade which must make you happy. As long as they`re happy, it`s all we really ask for I guess.
She really does like her university. This semester she is excited to be taking a class about JRR Tolkien.

Oh good luck on Friday........procedures are never fun......hope it goes well.
Good luck with the procedure.
Thank you both. Oh the joys of being the child of a cancer survivor.

Thanks for all the kind welcomes! Brenton is my name.
Welcome again Brenton.

It is older ds's birthday today.
Happy birthday to him.

But hey, snow coming tomorrow morning.
We are supposed to get a little more tomorrow too, but I don't think we will get any accumulation.

It’s 62 where I am right now but tomorrow it will only be a memory
We need that 62 degrees here to melt some of this ice.

I am waiting for dh to get home and then we will have a late dinner. Tonight will be salmon pasta. I was going to make something else, something dh likes but I don't particularly care for, but I'm going to save that for tomorrow when I am not allowed solid food.
Asking for a friend

have a Q that I think many here will know. Wildly OT even for here, sorry. Not up to getting lectured on resort board how I should know the answer out of hand.

If you book a WDW room reservation arriving on 1/31
They have a stated 5 day cancellation period ‘before arrival’

Does that mean you need to cancel on the 26th (or would it be the 25th) to avoid losing the deposit? :scratchin

happy happy to pumpkins’ DS!

I think we`ll use Brenton instead......if that`s ok with you
So…I was going to suggest ‘wet’ :duck:

Asking for a friend

have a Q that I think many here will know. Wildly OT even for here, sorry. Not up to getting lectured on resort board how I should know the answer out of hand.

If you book a WDW room reservation arriving on 1/31
They have a stated 5 day cancellation period ‘before arrival’

Does that mean you need to cancel on the 26th (or would it be the 25th) to avoid losing the deposit? :scratchin

happy happy to pumpkins’ DS!
My guess would be cancel on the 25th

But this info is coming from a person not great in math
Which is how I had three kids within a four year time period…
I’d say by end of normal business day, on the 26 would be full refund time. When I was 5 days out from my December stay, scored that best rate I could find, and immediately cancelled my higher rate reservation and got my deposit back. Did it the morning of the 5th day before our check in day.

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, Charade. Hope all is okay with you.

Yay for haircut, Pumpkin. I’m ready for mine next week. I’ve been with the lady that does my hair for almost 30 years. We are about the same age.

Baked potato bar. Bacon, cheese, red peppers, green peppers, and scrambled eggs. I’m stuffed. Tea for me, and relaxing.
Oh crap
Did we scare Brenton off?

He has vanished now
Only scaring me off because you’re calling me Brendon instead of Brenton :)

Had a pretty busy afternoon at work and wasn’t able to hop on here. West coast time, ya know?

In other news, I got an airfryer for Christmas and have been experimenting with that. Been a lot of fun. I think Brussels might be my favorite so far!

edit: verrrrry slick edit changing it to Brenton from brendon lol
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A lot of the homies (posters) in this thread are sold on the air fryer.
They enjoy them.
If I had a larger kitchen and more than one counter top, I would buy one.
It’s 62 where I am right now but tomorrow it will only be a memory…
High tomorrow will be 35
Back to winter status for a few days

It`ll pass quickly and you`ll be back to having the nicest weather around!!

I have a haircut today too!!! I realized around xmas that wow, my hair is really long. Had to think back to when I had my last was June :sad2: Just before ds's graduation. I guess it's time for a good chop. My girl is hard to get into now, and she has opened her own beauty school. So I'm excited to see her school, and chat with her. She is an old customer I had when I was managing a beauty supply store. It will be a good chin waggle session!

Reservations are made at a little place tonight. Ds finally responded about where he wanted to eat. It surprised me that he picked this place. Good food, just not a place we frequent much.

Still super cold here. Not sure if I will head to the gym tonight after birthday celebrations or not. I finally seen the scale move yesterday, so now I want to keep it going!

Still have to pick up a card...guess I'll be leaving a few minutes early. Dh purchased the gift, I'm in charge of the card.

Have a great night everyone!!!

I love a good salon of my favourite things to do!

Hope the meal out went well last night......

Good evening everyone. I did manage to get out of my driveway today. The roads in my neighborhood were still bad though. When I got to work I contacted the DOT and asked to have them cleared. When I got home this afternoon the neighborhood streets had been cleared.
Work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I actually had a fairly quiet day.

She really does like her university. This semester she is excited to be taking a class about JRR Tolkien.

Thank you both. Oh the joys of being the child of a cancer survivor.

Welcome again Brenton.

Happy birthday to him.

We are supposed to get a little more tomorrow too, but I don't think we will get any accumulation.

We need that 62 degrees here to melt some of this ice.

I am waiting for dh to get home and then we will have a late dinner. Tonight will be salmon pasta. I was going to make something else, something dh likes but I don't particularly care for, but I'm going to save that for tomorrow when I am not allowed solid food.

That sounds like an interesting subject she`s studying this term, quite fascinating I imagine.

Glad your roads were cleared too, makes such a difference. Our main roads get gritted but so many country lanes that get missed here, once you`re out of them it`s usually fine.

So…I was going to suggest ‘wet’ :duck:

lol.....that was my first thought too!! Great minds think alike.......

A lot of the homies (posters) in this thread are sold on the air fryer.
They enjoy them.
If I had a larger kitchen and more than one counter top, I would buy one.

Never was impressed by them........I hate things cluttered on my counter tops and we have a huge kitchen but I don`t leave many things sitting out, except the kettle but that`s an essential........



You`re right though, many love them......

No snow predicted now this morning for us, but by lord it`s cold out there.....for US.

So, after doing my reading stint in the nursery which I`m so looking forward to again, planning on the heaviest jacket, warmest scarf, hat and gloves and we`ll go walk for a bit....maybe not 6 miles but we`ll do what we can.

Then a little shopping and not much else going on for us.......dull January indeed.

Must check when my next dental appointment is, I know it`s next month but could be quite early........I still have a calendar on the wall every year with a column for all of us and insist anything going on gets marked up......only I haven`t written that one in.

No idea what I`m cooking for dinner tonight........might do some kind of chicken dish or maybe fish.......we`ll see. For now, my usual pot of tea all to myself, breakfast later.




Happy Thursday :)
A happy Thirsty Thursday is here. And yep, I’m with Schumi, my teapot stays on my stove. Though I do have an air fryer, and my kids are more the users than I am. It’s good to use for a smaller meal, or side, and doesn’t heat up the kitchen like my oven does.

Ah yes, a weather advisory issued for this morning. Warner then they expected, so a cold rain we are having, started just around when I got up. 37 says the outdoor thermometer. But saying it’s going to turn to snow in about an hour, and snow for three hours before giving us just a fully cloud filled day. But at least the high is 44. So any snow shoving will be in, I bet, with just a sweatshirt on the men. Whether older one will be in shorts, could be. He had to be up earlier today, as his work is not as early as DH and I, and he’s now on a more routine week day schedule. At least the roads should be fine. All our vehicles have either four wheel drive, or AWD. And just heard the salt truck go noisily by, so we are ready for that change to snow. But as our nicer warmer weather day is our last. You can bet we will clear all wet, as that darn arctic air is coming to drop that high temp for my fabulous Friday, to a high of 26. And even my lazy day Saturday has a predicted high of 30. And we are heading to that mid Winter cold time. Next week’s high temp predictions are one in the 40’s, the rest in the low 30’s and a low 20 in there too. Sigh. But at least a dinner out, next week, as for the first time in awhile, DH feels like we are both boosted, and a mid week dinner. So for his birthday, that’s all he wants. And that’s okay with me. We do not exchange birthday gifts. And rarely have cake, though if my extended family gets together, we will celebrate his birthday later, as there’s an extended family birthday mid February, and two in March. So by end of May, our Memorial Day get together, will have a late happy birthday dessert for all those birthday guy and girls who had their birthday happen since the late Summer and Fall birthdays.

But week day routine am I, so that includes tea this early morning too. After a freshen up, teapot is just about ready. DH knows to fill it, and turn the burner on. He always is faster getting ready than I am, though I usually get moving almost as fast on these early week day starts. So ahh, time for more tea, and a search for what to snack on. Thinking a cooler day, so maybe oatmeal.

Later homies. May your Thirsty Thursday have something warm to drink, particularly those, like me, that are having a cool, and snowy day. Stay safe, feeling well, and hugs to any homie that just could use one.
Really cold here today for Texas, lows 30s F right now. It's only supposed to get up to 37. No precipitation, so that's good. Any freezing rain/sleet/snow and the city shuts down. We have a ton of highway overpasses and bridges. They sometimes put out chemicals or gravel, no salt, but not always. It's usually just best to stay home and off the roads when the schools shut down. Nothing shut down today.

Really sleepy today. Haven't slept well the last few nights. So, sleeping in after taking DS to school, more like sitting in the car with him while he drives to school, since he is still learning. I don't have anything to do until this afternoon, so I am just going to drink warm tea, sleep, and keep warm. It's going to be a lazy rest of the week and weekend, since it's supposed to be cold and DH will be out of town. That means to go food for DS and I for the rest of the week.
:wave2: Happy Thursday morning!

Woke up with a migraine/headache early this morning. Given that we went from -30F to 32F with freezing rain would probably explain why. We seem to be getting more huge weather swings this year than previous years. I'll take the mild weather, just hate how horrible our roads are. I can't change that, so I'll just enjoy the mild weather while we have it.

It felt great to have a haircut again!!! Had an interesting conversation with my stylist. I was noticing that my hair is extremely dry and I have had lots of breakage or thinning hair. She went on to ask me a few questions....but she is noticing from talking with all her client, and even herself she noticed her own hair experiencing the same things. She has noticed that many people who have had covid especially - they have had unusual hair loss/dryness. And even people who are double vaccinated - she says that about 75% of her clients are saying that they are experiencing hair loss since getting vaccinated. Just another side effect of it - just not widely reported or talked about.

I can see the new growth coming in now - and am always fussing with it to stop my curls from looking like I've stuck my fingers in a light socket :rotfl: Guess it's another trip to the beauty supply store to see what else I can add to my haircare routine.

Supper out was yummy. Tonight it is honey mustard chicken and our regular veggies and salad. Simple, but satisfying.

It’s 62 where I am right now but tomorrow it will only be a memory…
High tomorrow will be 35
Back to winter status for a few days
I hope your cold snap is short lived! Soon enough you will have your air conditioning back on and soaking up the warmth and heat again!
In other news, I got an airfryer for Christmas and have been experimenting with that. Been a lot of fun. I think Brussels might be my favorite so far!
We got one early in 2021, and I use it 3-5 times a week. It was one of our best purchases.
No snow predicted now this morning for us, but by lord it`s cold out there.....for US.
Yikes....stay warm! Hopefully your Agatha (I think that's what you call her) keeps your kitchen cozy and warm!!! And cold is cold is cold!!! Everyone has their threshold for cold. I may live in a colder/harsher climate than others here, but I start complaining when it hits - 10C. DH is like, that's not even cold yet :rotfl: I have never like the cold, even as a kid.
Later homies. May your Thirsty Thursday have something warm to drink, particularly those, like me, that are having a cool, and snowy day. Stay safe, feeling well, and hugs to any homie that just could use one.
Stay safe and I hope your cold and snow doesn't last long. Even though salt your roads are maintained in your cold/snowy weather, it still makes for slippery roads.
Really sleepy today. Haven't slept well the last few nights. So, sleeping in after taking DS to school, more like sitting in the car with him while he drives to school, since he is still learning. I don't have anything to do until this afternoon, so I am just going to drink warm tea, sleep, and keep warm. It's going to be a lazy rest of the week and weekend, since it's supposed to be cold and DH will be out of town. That means to go food for DS and I for the rest of the week.
I hope your cold snap doesn't last too long either. I hope you keep warm. I would love to join you in your lazy rest of the week/weekend. Sometimes we just need that time to just slow down and smell the roses.

Well, I should start to shuffle some of these papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!


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