Something About Nothing............ #14

I just cannot…as a fisherwoman, in my mind I see salmon eggs, often used as bait. :crazy:

It is a tough one tho lol

::yes:: The outcry over Tim Tracker not being invited to media night has been deafening. :confused3 No idea he had such an enthusiastic fan base. To each their own, absolutely not a fan of his videos.

I fly them frequently. Have enjoyed my share of $27 flights to FL for bonus trips as well as many freebie ones on earned points. There’s just something about getting a cancellation email a little over a day prior to my flight that has me pumping my brakes lol.

to distress my life, walked away from RT for 3of us re upcoming trip. We’ll book them again when the travel bug does bite us. I just will make sure to have cancellable SWA booked on points for same route;)

hope u do take the plunge!

I don`t like Tim Tracker......never got the love folks have for him. But I don`t watch any vlogger anyway. I much prefer the written word than listen to someone prattle on.....I did try to watch a couple of times, but got incredibly bored, and add the kid in the mix.....not for me.

Wonder why he was excluded though.

I can see iced tea being hard for Brits. It's just not in your genes. It gets pretty hot here, so hot tea isn't always nice. Plus, iced tea flavors nasty tap water pretty nicely :rotfl2: The iced tea I have now is passionfruit vanilla black tea. It's from a company called Tealeaves. They used to supply the tea for the Grand Floridian tea room at Disney. Their tea isn't cheap, but some of it is just amazing. I have had the tea at Harrods when we went to London years ago. That's one of my souvenirs when we travel. It was rather good and not expensive. I absolutely loved the food hall. I so want to go back.

We have really good peaches here in Central Texas too. When I was a kid, my great grandmother would grow peaches in her orchard. We would eat them sliced with milk or cream poured on them.

Being in the home of Tex Mex and also BBQ, it gets pretty tough. I am an all or nothing kind of person, so it's either all healthy or all bad. Waiting until the Formula 1 race ni town and Halloween to be bad for a bit.

I do keto for weight loss and health reasons. I started it to lose weight but soon realized it really helped with my allergies, eczema, digestive issues, and diverticulitis. My husband and son are good at accommodating me, when I cook. They get a break when we get to go food.

Ugh! Definitely get tested. Hope things are resolved soon.

Keto is so great for diabetes, from what I hear. I try to avoid things that carby, even when low carb, to help retrain my brain to not love the carbs and sugar. Otherwise, I would just go nuts and eat all the carbs:rotfl2:I will eat strawberries occasionally. Fruit really feels like sugar to me, and I tend to eat way too much. The chocolate gelato sounds really good. It would be a waste in any other flavor.

We are big on bacon here. I have to have mine almost burnt though. My son, who barely eats anything, can eat a whole package of bacon by himself. We have to fight him off to keep him from eating our portion. I think we will cook bacon this weekend, since it's a long weekend.

You would hate the bubble tea at the China booth for the Epcot Food & Wine festival. The boba are black!!

I am a bit surprised that they didn't invite him. He's really popular. I have watched some of his stuff but not much lately. My favorite Universal podcast, the Unofficial Universal Orlando Podcast, got invited for the first time this year. The founders of the podcast are in England and haven't been able to make it to the US in 2 years, so the other 2 US-based hosts are attending.

I know TeaLeaves! They don`t ship internationally yet, but I have cousins who will send anything for me, haven`t looked there for a while as we have so many options, but I can see why you like them, they have some nice teas. Harrods have a good range of online offerings, not just what they offer in the restaurants and they have an excellent delivery service.

Yes, iced tea isn`t a think over here at all.

Good evening everyone. What a day this has been. Finding a testing site proved to be a challenge. Most places required appointments and had none left for the day. I finally found a walk in clinic across town that would do it. I should have results tomorrow.

Not yet. Today they removed all of my cabinet doors. They will take them back to the workshop and paint them there.

Wow, that is crazy scary. Glad you are oaky.

Or possibly a Disney Princess.

Hope you have everything sorted out. Cheesecake Factory is a nice consolation.

That is so tragic.

Wow, those are awesome prices. I don't think Spirit flys anywhere near me.

I guess it's different when it is something you have had almost all of your life. I'm not much on hot drinks unless it is really cold out, however tonight I am drinking hot tea hoping it will soothe my cough some.

Right now it is rescheduled for the 13th, but if my test is negative I can move it up.

So sorry to hear this,

My husband has a wall hanging made from some of his old shirts. One day I plan to have one made for B from her dance t-shirts.

That's always a possibility. I am hoping it's just allergies. They usually get worse this time of year.

That makes for an interesting mental picture. I tried bubble to once, and did nit care for it.

Apologies for any typos. I am not going back to proofread. It's late, I'm tired, and have a headache. I'm calling it a night.

Good luck for today and hope the result is a good one and it`s just a cough. I hate honey, but for a sore throat, honey, large squeeze of lemon in hot water/tea/hot lemonade is wonderful.

Hope you got some sleep and feel better today.

Slept ok, it got quite hot during the night again even with the windows open, so hoping today is a nice quiet day like yesterday weather wise. Looks to be ok.

Never usually watch tv this early, but watching NYC and NJ and the flooding is horrific to see, such devastation too with folks homes being blown away.

Today, out walking this morning and meeting friends for bacon rolls in one of the cafe`s afterwards. It closes for the winter at the end of September which is a shame, but some places here are seasonal and they don`t open again till March/April. There are plenty of other places though.

Hoping I get an email to say what time my delivery is coming today and hope we`ll be in, we do leave the gates open and they can leave things in a safe place or they drop it in the farm. Either way hope the Champagne comes today.

Piece of toast this morning to keep us going till later, and yes, morning tea.

Looking forward to hearing reports from some friends who will be at HHN this weekend!!! TM preview sounded so good......saw a few videos from them and yep, will be fun.





Have a wonderful Friday.......😁
Keisha he sure was a handsome man :lovestruc I had a big crush on him! And Robert Redford!
Yes now that I think about it, Doubletree does seem pre ordained lol. Interesting take on the bubble tea balls! I suppose they do look like fish eggs!

Paris that’s why I always fly Alaska. Their customer service is always top notch. And I never had flight changes of note in the past, but Covid changed everything.

Schumi I’m hoping this won’t be a long search but didn’t find anything today.

Soniam I think the name of this group could be called- Will Travel For Bacon! Love it.
Also love Tex Mex. can eat the black beans. They don’t s pike my blood sugar so I tell them just to skip the rice. I’m not 100% Keto, I try to add foods that don’t spike me. The occasional oatmeal, fruits, whole grain like barley as sub for rice. I try to keep a balance. But I’m probably the only person who lost 5lb at wdw. Lol. Theme park eating isn’t easy.

Charade hoping you get negative results. Keeping my fingers crossed. Yes Cheesecake Factory is a good consolation lol . It’s a treat for us as we don’t have them in Canada.

Lynne good to hear your safe!
Ah, a good morning here. And what does a clear sky in the overnight do this time of year? Ooh, 55 degrees out. I’d say a tad cool start. But not complaining. Glorious sunny morning, with a partly cloudy afternoon, and a most pleasant 73 the high.

Thanks Sue. There are some in my area that will have still storm clearing to do, and the flooding in the City will be around for another day, but as all those with flooding, the clean up will commence when no water around. I am very thankful we are good.

Ooh bubble tea. I have had some, but it does seem almost too sweet, and well, I just like my tea plain, though I do put a slice of lemon in it once in awhile. And not British at all, I am no fan of milk or any creamy addition to my tea. But a tea fan I am. My mom always had a cup of tea, my dad, coffee, never tea. I like both, but prefer tea most of the time. I will also drink iced coffee too. That I tend to add cream to, as I like it a little sweet. But as it’s that morning routine for me, the tea is hot, as a tea kettle whistle was a half hour ago. And I too bring a electric kettle on vacation. Making tea from water through the coffee maker? Um no. I also use water bottle water, as I’m not fond of tap water drinking in Florida.

Ooh still dark out. Yep, time of the year, the Fall flavors, candy, food, drinks, and decor start to appear. And shorter days until the time change, and then until the winter solstice, a nice gift right before Christmas. As by Christmas, we start to have that daylight stay around a few minutes later every day. Well. Until we loose an hour going back to that daylight savings time. Then dark when I’m done on week days, and a bit brighter starting. Ah but yes, this starts the time of year, I’d be commuting in the dark, and coming home in the dark. We will see. So far, not a good time to be inside with many, all day.

Charade, hope you get a negative result soon, and then can have your scan. Yeah, older one is sniffing at time, as he’s been on his allergy medication for at least a month. Pollen in the air sets off his asthma. Until a hard frost, he’s taking medicine most of the year.

And so, this week day routine is on its last day, that Fabulous Friday is here. Yay!

Ooh a little shorter day for me, and a half day for Metro. Perfect way to start the weekend early. :dancer:::yes::
Schumi I’m hoping this won’t be a long search but didn’t find anything today.

Sorry Sue, searching for what??

And not British at all, I am no fan of milk or any creamy addition to my tea.

No cream ever in tea Lynne.......but milk, yes, for good old Breakfast or general purpose tea. I`m very British that way. Other teas are not designed for milk, never got the notion for Chai Teas made with milk.

Well, a surprisingly longer walk as we got out early, did just over 9 miles and then met our lazy friends who decided not to walk this morning, but they were waiting for us in the cafe bar. Dull, but pleasant for such a walk this morning.

Rolls with lots of bacon in them, Tom had a fried egg on his too.....looked lush! And huge amount of teas all round. So no need for lunch today.

Parcel did arrive safely and he didn`t see it as he was still in the shower, so tucked it away till Sunday.

Catching up with a few folks this afternoon on the phone, always nice to chat......and still trying to decide if a red coat I bought for winter is red`s lovely, but not as vibrant a red as the other one I had. Will try it outside and see if the light is different.
Good morning. I’m awake way too early, but I barely slept last night. I need this cough to go away. Hopefully I will get my rest results soon. We were told that they would call if it’s positive, but if it is negative it would be posted to the patient portal online. I think I am going to be pretty useless today. Might do some laundry if I am feeling up to it.

Good luck for today and hope the result is a good one and it`s just a cough. I hate honey, but for a sore throat, honey, large squeeze of lemon in hot water/tea/hot lemonade is wonderful.

Hope you got some sleep and feel better today.
Thanks Schumi. Fortunately I do like honey. I usually don’t put lemon in tea, but right now I’ll try anything.

Charade hoping you get negative results. Keeping my fingers crossed. Yes Cheesecake Factory is a good consolation lol . It’s a treat for us as we don’t have them in Canada.
Thanks Sue. My closest Cheesecake Factory is 2 hours away, so I don’t get there very often.

Charade, hope you get a negative result soon, and then can have your scan. Yeah, older one is sniffing at time, as he’s been on his allergy medication for at least a month. Pollen in the air sets off his asthma. Until a hard frost, he’s taking medicine most of the year.
Thanks Lynne. My sympathies for your son. I only need OTC medicine, but I guess sometimes the season is worse than others. I have heard that it’s ragweed season right now.

Well, since I am up I might as well get some breakfast. I’m going to try to get back to sleep later if I can.
Hope you get some more sleep Charade. And yeah, ragweed, and other pollen is in the air now. He’s the worse in the Spring and Fall. And why I can’t even have cut flowers in my house. They still send pollen in the air. The only flowers I have are made of legos, and fake plants are the only plant items seen in our home. Sending many good thoughts you are not positive for the virus, and enjoy your weekend.

That was a long walk Schumi. Nice to enjoy lots of tea with that delicious sounding meal. Bacon, in the rolls? Cannot go wrong. And yay, package came. Have a very happy wedding anniversary weekend. 2012 was indeed a good year for weddings. :bride:
Charade, get plenty of sleep if you can, and hope the cough eases soon.

Bacon, in the rolls?

2012 was indeed a good year for weddings. :bride:

Bacon roll


1992 was the year we got married Lynne.

One of the greyest days here today, and incredibly still. Feels colder than it probably is, but a very autumnal day. Wandered down to the fruit trees and yes, everything is ripe and ready to be picked. Farmhands will be round soon. But, all the trees apart from evergreens are starting to shed leaves.

Seems a little early all the same.
Yes, Schumi, and I was married in 2012 too. Though at the beginning of February. We have breakfast sandwiches like that, though ours generally include egg. Yum.

As my early day needs quick breakfast, was oatmeal for me.
Yes, Schumi, and I was married in 2012 too. Though at the beginning of February. We have breakfast sandwiches like that, though ours generally include egg. Yum.

As my early day needs quick breakfast, was oatmeal for me.


Yes, with the question mark after you asked if we put bacon in the rolls, I did wonder.
Yeah fat fingers. 1992. Sorry about that Schumi. 29 years, yep. Seems long ago, and yet, not that long ago feeling. We generally only go out to dinner to celebrate. Last year, and this year, we did take out. Was too cold to eat outside, and many of the restaurants were not open for dining, even this February.

Okay, all talk of food making me hungry. May look for a snack or two, and pour more water in the tea kettle. Feels a bit cool inside today.
Metro we are having an extended family get together, and celebrating late August birthdays. Weather is predicted to be nice, so grilling food, and eating outside, and since heater on pool, pool time too.

Hope you’re next 3 hours go fast feeling.
I hate waiting.
I am trying to get back to sleep. I doze off and then wake up coughing.
No plans for the weekend. Hopefully it won’t be spent in quarantine.

I did have something good happen yesterday. B wears Bausch & Lomb contact lenses. I purchased her a year’s supply in July. The company offers a rebate for that. My $200 rebate arrived yesterday. I’ll add it to my vacation budget.
celebrating an anniversary Todd......that`s about it!

Hope you have a great weekend opening night HHN for you???
That's nice.

No HHN for me this year unless the COVID cases diminish greatly by the end of the month which I'm really hoping....but not expecting.

I hate feeling like this but HHN is not worth it to possibly get exposed or worse.


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