Something About Nothing............ #14

It was so hot today (98) that I only was outside to go to our mailbox.

Been inside entire day

present temp is now 85

I saw Chicago is worse at 102 today
Glad I don’t live there anymore as that is wayyy hot

Yup, I’m west of Chicago about 500 miles and it was very hot today, pool was refreshing!

I did grill some chicken kabobs and some chicken breasts for dinner!!

I did a couple today wrapped with bacon!!!

If I keep eating like this my perfect figure is bound to stay perfect right!?!?!?
Disneylife, it’s hot where you are too!
Bet this is not the contest you want to win.
You are probably tired of the heat too.

If you leave off the bacon, you won’t gain weight.
And I’ll take your bacon as that is the type of friend I am

charade, glad you found the pink and purple dyes!
Lots of trips back and forth to find this two colors.

Hope all the homies are doing okay!
@Charade tie dye is coming back here too. DGS did a t-shirt in last week of school. I had the same trouble with food dyes here when the grandchildren were home schooling they both had tasks to make cupcakes with different flags in icing. When we moved in here I threw mine all away as so messy. Eventually got a full box of colours online. We’ve used them a few times now.

@DisneyLifePapioNe we both did well on low carb piopi way of eating - bacon was a staple of that! Need to return to it but difficult with so much treat food here for the children.

@macraven send some of that heat our way please. Still in the 50’s here though bright and sunny this morning still cool. Grandchildren desperate to get in the pool like they were in May!

Hubs is so pleased I’m back on the forum and reading trip reports - always share snippets with him - he said last night it gives him hope that after 18 months of awfulness we will eventually return to “normal” and enjoy our US trips.

if it stays dry we are catching up on gardening today.
I love the Star Wars ears! I have never bought ears for myself (prefer my Disney baseball cap) but I bought these for B last year when we went to Disney with her high school band.

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Never worn a pair of ears in my life.....but then I`m not a Disney person I guess, It does seem to be more Disney folks that wear them........

They are nice though.....

Eh, not a fan of hummus or lamb, I have to say. Not dark meat chicken or turkey, either. Will never buy one of those turkey legs. Yuck.

Lamb I can understand as many don`t like it, but you never cook with thighs or legs???? I`d lose my half my dishes if I didn`t use them. They are so versatile and that`s where all the taste is.......bones!!!

Those turkey legs in the parks are disgusting. Real turkey legs however, cooked well are amazingly tasty!

Enjoy that warmth today.......:sunny:

Carole hmm that does sound good. Even tho I don’t like lamb. Grilled steaks, corn on cob & made Spicey chili green beans out of garden for early dinner.

Tomorrow making adobo chicken, it needs a quicker marinade then cooks in it. An interesting Filipino dish I’m still searching for the perfect version Tasted it first on a cruise years ago. Told it’s common comfort food there, was so good not sure I’ll ever replicate it but keep trying

really hope this new stylist decides upon what salon she will be hopping to after my current one closes next month. Full head & a good half foot cut in less than 2 hours woot! Usually more like 3 to 3-1/2.

Certain types of lamb dishes I`m not fond of.....I love lamb leg steaks, cook in seconds and a good old leg of lamb is perfect. I add lots of flavour and slow cook so any excess fat renders down......disappeares completely usually. But lamb shanks are beautiful......

Never tried that dish! Will look to give it a try sometime. One of my friends sent me her recipe for caramel chicken a week or so ago. Using boneless thighs it sounds delicious. Of course, I will take out a few things.....she has added the devils favourite beans! No.

Coca Cola chicken is nice too, doesn`t taste anything like you would with a ham joint too. Has to be the full fat stuff though......

Hair is beautiful Janet. That colour is perfect for you. Yes, I`d follow her wherever she goes......I`m glad you`re happy with it.....

All this talk of ears reminded me that we did by B some ears on her very first DIsney trip. Unfortunately the picture isn't very good. You can't tell, but the ears light up and blink.
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Here is Chip turning her ears on.
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Today I discovered that tie dye has become super popular. B has some white masks that she wanted to dye. She wanted pink and purple dye. We first went to Michael's, but all they had was red, blue, brown, and black. Next we went to Hobby Lobby and found 1 pack of pink dye. They were sold out of everything else. I bought the pink dye and then went to Target. They only had black and brown dye left. I then had a "well, duh" moment and realized that I could have bought the blue and red dyes at Michael's and mixed them to make purple. Went back to Michael's, but now the blue dye was sold out. Last stop was JoAnn Fabrics. They were almost completely sold out of dye, but did have some purple left. Yay!!

They are very cute.

Yep tie dye is everywhere.

It was so hot today (98) that I only was outside to go to our mailbox.

Been inside entire day

present temp is now 85

I saw Chicago is worse at 102 today
Glad I don’t live there anymore as that is wayyy hot

Yep, America in general is very hot all over right now. My cousins were talking of how hot they are right now too. A friend in Orlando sent me picture of the storm close to his house yesterday even by their standards!

Bacon was good!!!

We have a gorgeous day today.......and of course dinner tonight is a classic winter warming dish. Of course. It`ll be fine.

Woke up this morning to the aroma of garlic and red wine from the lamb. So, got up and added everything else and popped it in the slow cooker. It`ll sit there all day simmering. The smell is gorgeous.

Definitley garden time today. Have washing out on the line and have bedding to go out soon.

This afternoon will be garden time.....usually we we`d be watching the Grand Prix, but last few years we`ve completely lost interest in watching it, no competition and not anywhere near as exciting as it used to be. Shame as I grew up watching races for as long as I can remember and been to many races since I was very young. I was over the moon when I met Tom and he was as big a fan as I was! Will glance at the results and that`s it.

So.......another lazy day ahead......

I`m having pizza for lunch strangely. Last night when they brought back the pizza`s, they mistakenly made mine a large way could I finish it. So, will reheat it in the crisper tray in oven for lunch.......we have switched the Aga off for now, so will use regular oven.

But, nice sounding Sunday ahead.......and still trying to find a cottage to rent in September.....seems we have too much choice!






Have a wonderful Sunday...............​
Morning all. Up early, decided to put in an online order for pickup at WM to avoid the weekend hordes today. Next up, bacon after the mr does his many miles on the track, then going to wrap up all the various presents I’ve accumulated for upcoming events & stow them. Busy work much lol. Jr will be over for early dinner, then the GD/DiL to grab some garden bounty.
My wife has said for a while she is interested in starting her own line of ears, she says she has so many ears that are really cool but so uncomfortable to wear for very long, she would make comfort a priority in her design.

Must be bad headbands I guess..... :confused3
Idk any headband after a bit gives me a raging headache. Even the type that were popular back in the day

They were selling ones in WDW where you could switch out the headband various embellishment, various characters. Liked it that there was less to pack for kids that want to change it up daily in the parks.
All this talk of ears reminded me that we did by B some ears on her very first DIsney trip. Unfortunately the picture isn't very good. You can't tell, but the ears light up and blink.
View attachment 511542

Here is Chip turning her ears on.

Today I discovered that tie dye has become super popular. B has some white masks that she wanted to dye. She wanted pink and purple dye. We first went to Michael's, but all they had was red, blue, brown, and black. Next we went to Hobby Lobby and found 1 pack of pink dye. They were sold out of everything else. I bought the pink dye and then went to Target. They only had black and brown dye left. I then had a "well, duh" moment and realized that I could have bought the blue and red dyes at Michael's and mixed them to make purple. Went back to Michael's, but now the blue dye was sold out. Last stop was JoAnn Fabrics. They were almost completely sold out of dye, but did have some purple left. Yay!!
Lol so cute, a real rite of passage for many of us. I brought GD the pink personalized Mickey mouse ears hat to meet her for the 1st time when she was borne :). She’s never looked back

I am such a fan of the pre bottled squeee dye kits to which you just add water. Not all that much more than the ritz packets and surely neater. A nice craft to burn some time for kids. Anything white that isn’t nailed down here has got the treatment. I get a big kick out of the socks.

Have several beautiful batik pieces from the islands, table linens & throw pillows with beautiful pictorial designs. Did a tour of a ‘factory’ there once, needs lots of patience & talent to pull that off. I’m more of a free form sort
It was so hot today (98) that I only was outside to go to our mailbox.

Been inside entire day

present temp is now 85

I saw Chicago is worse at 102 today
Glad I don’t live there anymore as that is wayyy hot
You need to train the cats to earn their keep :)
Never tried that dish! Will look to give it a try sometime. One of my friends sent me her recipe for caramel chicken a week or so ago. Using boneless thighs it sounds delicious. Of course, I will take out a few things.....she has added the devils favourite beans! No.
Discovered after pickling didn’t have that spare quart of white vinegar. Rarely use it if truth be told. Was almost tempted to try a combo of white/cider but ‘chickened’ out.

Good day all, stay cool :)
Cool feeling is relative. Another sunny sunrise, so bright out. 80 out, and so, the last of the weekend wash is hanging out to dry. I hope that more humid air will still let them dry quick, as other was dry before noon yesterday. Been hanging out for almost 2 hours already. And will be a hot one, as AC has been running on and off this morning. So nice to not have humidity inside too.

So good morning and good afternoon to all the homies. Sunday sunny Sunday.,...

I think we will go out and celebrate later.

Those ears are priceless!!!!!

We still have our boys first sets of ears in our curios!
I'm not even sure if she still has them. I really hope she didn't throw them out.

It was so hot today (98) that I only was outside to go to our mailbox.

Been inside entire day
Sounds like a good plan. High of 96 here today.

charade, glad you found the pink and purple dyes!
Lots of trips back and forth to find this two colors.
Thankfully the shops were all close to each other.

Never worn a pair of ears in my life.....but then I`m not a Disney person I guess, It does seem to be more Disney folks that wear them........
Definitely a Disney thing. I've never worn ears at the parks. I think they are cute, but they hurt my head and I find them hard to keep on. I prefer my Walt/Mickey baseball cap.

Idk any headband after a bit gives me a raging headache. Even the type that were popular back in the day
Same here. i just haven't found any that are comfortable.

I am such a fan of the pre bottled squeee dye kits to which you just add water. Not all that much more than the ritz packets and surely neater.
I wanted to get the pre bottled kind, but they were all sold out. There were very few powder packets or bottles of liquid left. I guess everyone is tie dyeing with their kids now.

Little zoo for you.
I want to go back to the zoo, but not until it is a little cooler out.

Today we were finally able to have our small group Bible studies in person again. We only had 19 people show up, but it was so nice seeing them in person rather than in a Zoom meeting.


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Haha, I bought older one a tie dyed shirt a few weeks ago. The other day, little one dyed a white shirt for him, as she had bought a kit, and hers looked almost exactly the same as the one I bought.

Pool was lovely, dip later in the afternoon, then after dinner. So refreshing, and warm. Back home, showered and just chilling as will be an early to bed, as routine week day starts again. No taking this Friday off, as will save it for next week, I think.

Have that most restful night, and keep that AC on. Still 88 F out, and oh so muggy.
We love the zoo - we have Chester Zoo
Just over an hour away and probably the best in the UK. However since reopening on limited numbers demand is huge and I spent hours trying to get on the system for tickets. It was causing DGS some anxiety so we decided to leave it for now and hope in another month it might be easier. He has adopted animals there every year and it’s a favourite place.

We have a small animal wildlife park closer and we will try for tickets for there during the holidays.
We have tickets for another National Trust property near us on Thursday. DD has scavenger hunts ready to use in the gardens as they usually have children’s treasure trails on but not at the moment.

Today I am going over to Dad’s to meet an antique dealer for a few special things to be valued and removed that I don’t have the room to keep. We have many antique programmes on TV here - do you? One of the dealers on Bargain Hunt has his auction house in our town and one of his team is driving over to Dad’s so that’s better than me having to load the car.

Collectibles were huge here and Mum had many but not very popular anymore. I have another appointment next week with someone who will take them.

Beautiful morning I think the children will be happy in the garden today.
Morning all. Up early, decided to put in an online order for pickup at WM to avoid the weekend hordes today. Next up, bacon after the mr does his many miles on the track, then going to wrap up all the various presents I’ve accumulated for upcoming events & stow them. Busy work much lol. Jr will be over for early dinner, then the GD/DiL to grab some garden bounty.

Discovered after pickling didn’t have that spare quart of white vinegar. Rarely use it if truth be told. Was almost tempted to try a combo of white/cider but ‘chickened’ out.

Good day all, stay cool :)

Sounds like a good day!!! Hope dinner was good.

I have a bottle of apple cider vinegar in one of my ingredient cabinets.....can`t remember for the life of me why I bought it and when! It`s still got loads of time before it expires so it had to have been fairly recently.......not a clue!!!

White vinegar is good for cleaning windows.........I`m always have a bottle in, but no one uses it. If we get fish and chips Tom prefers malt vinegar.......

I think we will go out and celebrate later.

Definitely a Disney thing. I've never worn ears at the parks. I think they are cute, but they hurt my head and I find them hard to keep on. I prefer my Walt/Mickey baseball cap.

Hope you got some ice cream yesterday.....

Yep, I find ears like that a strange concept........although I have been known to wear a pair of red flashing devil horns at HHN......😈 Although they are uncomfortable too, but they are plastic.

Sending out good thoughts to those who need them today........❤

And we are around to Monday again today.........

Sun is shining and we were just saying what a lovely weekend we had. Just one of those where we didn`t do anything special, but had contact with friends near and far and that`s always nice!

Today.......I`m sure we will go out somewhere for a walk, and we need a few supplies so will pop for them later. Walk first. Beach or woods......not sure yet......

Haven`t given food a thought yet idea what we`ll eat for dinner.

Still looking to find somewhere for a week late September...we know what we want, but some are either already booked or too remote. Think we`ll opt for in a village after all.....but those cottages tend to be so small......although I guess I could describe them as cosy.......that`ll work!!

And......discovered today.......the Christmas movies are back on their own channel again :confused3 Don`t know why I was`s July!







Good Morning homies. Well it was still morning for Schumi and Real when I started. Work, yeah already at it for hours. Hence, good afternoon ladies.

Yes, Real we have antiques dealers here too. Shows about antique finds as well. We also have some old things of mum’s that all did not want, so will sell. And on our one animal show channel, I have seen the show, that is of the Chester Zoo. Looks like a quite lovely one. Our big zoo is the oldest in our country, and they also have tickets for timed entry. The little zoo, is just that, small, and a bit closer to us, and so much smaller than the big zoo, they allow members to come without reserving a ticketed time. That morning was this summer’s last weekend’s early entry for members. So with the heat, made sense to take advantage of that early entry.

And it’s going to be one hot feeling Monday. Feel like temps are 105 to 107F. Yeah, all through the night, phone flashed extreme weather warnings, excessive heat. Ooh, this morning, was time for sweating while outside, looking at that bright, beautiful blue sky. Then dashing back inside for AC cooled air. Already 82 out. And still ☀️ out. This lizard is loving the heat. No need for a jacket, shorts and a t shirt. And, when I am hot, flip flops are the usual footwear. Yep, even when shopping. So comfy is the name of the game, when it’s hot.

So, why yes, weekday routine. Quiet house, tea cup, filled with tea, in hand, and screens on. Follow on. It’s a Monday.
Morning Sans family :wave2:





For me it’s hummus, everyone else seems to love it.

Hummus for me is one of those things you eat in a Greek restaurant on a rare visit. Not bad, but not fantastic either.

Off all our usual trips, the fall one is especially special :)

Me too. Really enjoy my fall trips to UNIVERSAL.

Few prom pics with Paige and her best friend. Bittersweet because many of her friends aren't going like they normally would have. But one last good time with her best friend since 6th grade? yes please

Your daughters dress is beautiful.......beautiful dress for a beautiful young lady.

Up for a few hours doing chores before temps solar to high 90’s today bleech

It was 95 here yesterday with heat index of 106 and it felt like it. I went outside for a little while and was drenched in no time. Wasn’t fit to be out for man nor beast.

I purchased my first Christmas present last night. I bought these ears for B to wear when we go to DIsney.

Cute ears.

really hope this new stylist decides upon what salon she will be hopping to after my current one closes next month. Full head & a good half foot cut in less than 2 hours woot! Usually more like 3 to 3-1/2.

Your hair looks nice.

Never worn a pair of ears in my life.....but then I`m not a Disney person I guess, It does seem to be more Disney folks that wear them........ sister brought me a pair of Sulley horns to wear for our visit to Hollywood Studios last year, because I told her I would not wear mouse ears. She brought her Disney mouse ears to wear.

I read in paper the other day they are going to push back school start day two weeks and have both virtual and in person attendance days. I think they are still trying to figure out what to do with school around here.

I might try and go walk the mall here this morning. To hot to do much outside again today......No problem with social distancing there. I was there quickly last week and there was basically no one there.

I have been busy making masks.....I’am going to start on a batch of children’s size masks to donate to a couple of schools in low income areas in next town.... I want every child who needs a mask to have one. I have two weeks to make that happen so that will be my next project.

Sending prayers and mummy dust to Keisha this morning.


Thinking of HHN this morning

And all things Halloween




See you later. Have a greatMonday everyone.

Good Morning, Robo. Yes, go to mall to walk around in the cool. Many do that around my way. Hope your coffee was delicious this Monday morning. Nice, you are continuing to make masks. So very kind of you. Hope your back is not giving you any issues now. And hope your Fall trip does happen. I too totally enjoy my time there in the Fall.
Someone forgot to leave the porch light on....

but it is on now.

Nothing new with me just planning my days when I get up each morning.

All my projects in the house are not completed and trying to decide if I should take a go and declutter my study room.
Have so many books that no longer hold my interest.
Two bookcases of books I no longer have interest in.

Need to find out if any organization would want them.

I normally donate my books to schools.
Not sure if or when school will restart.

On the record they start aug 3 or the first Tuesday of that week
School system trying to decide if they should wait for one more week from aug 3 to begin or wait until the week after
@macraven I have had to get rid of lots of books in the last year - when we moved here with my daughter - I love books and particularly children’s literature so I do try and donate but many places inundated with folks doing clear outs.
Had the antique sales guy at my parents yesterday he only wanted high end easily sold items eg a typewriter from 40’s, a tantalus (decanter holder), cameras.... none of the Royal Doulton figures, dinner sets, collectibles and in particular old books which surprised me as some good ones.

There was a letter pushed through the door from a dealer so I rang him and he’s coming next week - particularly likes old tools and kitchenware but most of that has already gone.

I’ve been looking at booking a couple of nights away with hubs but so many restrictions and I am still feeling I don’t want to be put in a position I might find uncomfortable having been shielding for so long - I know others are feeling the same. Will see how it goes on Friday with our first meal out.

Cool and overcast here again today - the penalty we pay for living on the edge of the Peak District.`re doing an amazing job with the making of masks. I`m sure they`re much appreciated. And I`m sure they`re lovely too.

Love those pictures.......I wish we did make a fuss for Halloween over looks so much fun to do trees and decorate fully for it......`s nice having a countdown......but what have they done to that castle......the blue looks like lego!!! It was far nicer the way it was before......the grey was much nicer......guess it`s a matter of personal taste, but not for`ll be able to plan soon I imagine. You must have lots of ideas what you will want to do and where to stay.....

mac.....sharing books is good. So many don`t have the luxury of new books. Schools won`t take any here, so although I do have a lot of books, we do a clear out every now and again and hand them in to the Charity stores or church Fayres. So many I won`t part with though.

I see your temperatures are still "slightly warm" lol.....yep, don`t be going out more than you need to.......

We have a beautiful day, after breakfast we are headed up into the woods. Farmer close to us said he has seen a load of deer up there, so hopefully we`ll get to see some. It was either that or the beach.......woods won out today!

Load of laundry washed and already out on the line, it`ll be dry in no time at all.

It`s a funny time right now, have a little more freedom but no one really has any desire to go to shops or mix as much as we did beforehand. We do have another lunch booked for tomorrow with same folks from last week, so that`ll be lovely. And one of our wine groups are talking about starting up again.....we`ll see if that works out.

Still trying to decide on a cottage for a many are now being booked up that we liked.......we`ll get something.

Masks finally become mandatory this Friday in all stores, well most stores......strangely sandwich shops and takeaways are exempt???? That would be essential I`d have thought........we`re getting used to wearing them now anyway. Seems some still object for whatever reason.

Dinner tonight is barbecue food......nice enough to grill out again.......





Have a wonderful Tuesday...........



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