Something About Nothing............ #14

Met my lifelong tolerance for snow a long time ago.
Honestly, with the high & low temps this winter, it’s ice that’s been the problem

Yep, the south is stealing our labor force lol.

Here, it’s increasingly a struggle to find qualified/licensed tradespeople & healthcare workers. Talking very well paying union wages & benefits but, mandatory OT situation. Doesn’t help so many new hires fail the random mandatory drug tests. They know it’s coming, still fail. :confused3
I meant to post much earlier today, but work got busy and then the day got away from me.

That must have been exciting to see the book in print! And happy new toilet...
He is very excited about the book. His boss has even talked about which classes could benefit from it.
So far we are happy with the new toilet. It flushes much quieter than the previous one.

Got our hotel booked for a few nights in Scotland next month, mainly to see mum and her new place but will see my siblings too. Short visit but will be nice. Managed to get a sea view in the hotel which isn`t always available as it fills up quickly, beautiful hotel.
A sea view sounds heavenly. I still hope to visit Scotland someday. One of our clients is going to Ireland in a couple of weeks. I want to visit there too.

newer building, and with the rain yesterday, roof leaking seen in the hallway outside my office.
Well that’s not good. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Well, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Welcome back.

She isn't interested in teaching history?
No. I can’t picture her as a teacher either. She would prefer to work in a library or museum. I think she would be really good at research or archives.

I'm still crocheting the huge afghan from He**. It will be pretty long and wide.
I would love to see it when finished. My mom tried to teach me to crochet, but I never got the hang of it.

Can she also volunteer in local library?
I have encouraged her to check into volunteer opportunities at the library or a local museum.

I’d not pass on free tuition. Perhaps take library sciences coursework/minor over the summer?
I don’t think we have library sciences at our university, but she could complete a master’s in public history. It would cover areas like museum and archival work.

Rule in our house, major in something that will pay the bills.
I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to find a job in this field. However, we did talk her out of a theater degree.

2FA is becoming very common, especially on financial, government and work platforms. Two-factor authentication really does provide a helpful layer of security for online logins.
I know it makes things more secure, but I absolutely hate 2FA. Most of the sites we use at work requires it.

Congrats to the mr on his book!

Well, once again I took an afternoon nap and am wide awake again. I am going to stitch and watch more Doctor Who. I’m in the Jon Pertwee era now.
One of these days I will not be a night owl and do my posting here in the daytime and not at midnight!

Maybe it will take a few days to do that as Mr Mac and I have events set up the next few days and we won’t be home until late evenings.

Weather in my area is finally improving and looking forward to sunshine and lollipops days.
I am ready to start some yard improvements and buy some tomato plants.

Our lawn dude has us set up for mid march for mowing.
He wanted to come today but I think we need to wait another few weeks.
Two of our neighbors already had their first move yesterday.

Our community theater has started this seasons first play of the season
Bought our tickets now for the Friday event.
It’s small time productions and always has a decent turnout.

It’s a small time event that will operate until the fall.

Of course we will eat out that night as we make it as a date night for us.

Weather today was good until the sun started to set.
Turned the heat on late evening but ac will in the next few months will have ac on for day and night.

We still miss living in the north at times as we had many great neighbors and was sad they did not move south with us.

Once our temps start to rise more, the ac will be back on non stop.

It did take us getting used to living in the south the first year living here now.
At this point we be able to be more outdoors for events in town.

I still have moments of missing the business we had when we lived in Chicago.

We quite enjoyed that area except for their weather.
Not enough warm weather to suit us.

Still have not connected to many homeowners in our association as most are not retired and they work in the day time.

We put the heat on weeks back and soon we will switch to ac
Do like how small towns are.
Can’t get lost here but if one would, would only take a short time to get your bearings.

Coming out of Chicago, you need to learn the driving maps as it’s so crowded and a large town

Me living in the south there is no way to get lost as it’s a small town.

You can get bbq food anywhere in my town.
Now if you don’t like that type of food, Chattanooga has more eateries as we had in chicago…. with the exception that bbq is not a staple in northern Illinois
View attachment 837846
I’ve been on a roll, and donuts & cookies :rolleyes1

bought another treadmill yesterday. Wheee. We’ve burned thru a couple over the years. This one smaller, does incline, that’s the devil for me. No excuse not to get those miles in even when weather not cooperating

Today I bought a new, smaller vanity for main bath. Liked the bowl, speckled sort of finish. This time went with solid surface top & white wood which I’ve never had. Will need to
Update the mirrored cabinet to match down the road after I find one I like.

Kitchen still coming along, will be on tap next. We are on a roll lol

Nothing wrong with any work experience IMO.

Can she also volunteer in local library?

I’d not pass on free tuition. Perhaps take library sciences coursework/minor over the summer?

Macaroons are made on the moon lol

I make a point of referring to them that way To
Annoy the pseudo Francophiles

Same way we would use “wah-la” spelling here lol

Eek I’d shut that front door quick and call the cops. One scary looking camel there

They did I forgot to pencil it it in on calendar. Thanks for that reminder!

Oh that is amazing! Such thoughtful family

View attachment 837849

Good to hear your father is doing well in his recovery.

Rule in our house, major in something that will pay the bills. Feel free to pull a double major while you’re at it & minors in the fun stuffs

Ah, go ahead, put a smile on their faces lol

You were lost & now you are found, again. Hooray

2FA is becoming very common, especially on financial, government and work platforms. Two-factor authentication really does provide a helpful layer of security for online logins.

I can see just using a phone might be tricky if not used to the process. Treat yourself to an iPad or laptop.

I’m admittedly tired but, that sentence made me smile.

Congrats to the mr on his book!

Welcome home!

Hills are the test for me too! The woods behind us are on an incline I`m told....feels like a hill to me lol.....but they are excellent for when the weather gets bad.

Bethroom and kitchen are coming along well, it`s always nice to see those improvements roll along.

lol....gotcha!! And Voila.......(couldn`t resist) this is the Scottish "gorgeous but rots your teeth" bar. One of the things along with Scottish butter tablet we grew up with, hence the poor teeth as adults!!!


True about the degree. So many pointless degrees out there. I think we`ve stopped doing the "Study Harry Potter" type degrees out there. Employers want genuine degrees that will enhance their businesses.

disneysenior, I wish I had a computer as it would be a lot faster for me in posting.

Mine died 5 years ago so I just use my Iphone for everything.

I must admit, I use my phone for very little other than txting, occasionally emailing and actually phoning folks. But recently I do a little more with it but I much prefer the laptop or ipad. I know you don`t like ipads, but yep, I`d get a computer, it might be a lot easier for some things.

I meant to post much earlier today, but work got busy and then the day got away from me.

He is very excited about the book. His boss has even talked about which classes could benefit from it.
So far we are happy with the new toilet. It flushes much quieter than the previous one.

A sea view sounds heavenly. I still hope to visit Scotland someday. One of our clients is going to Ireland in a couple of weeks. I want to visit there too.

Well that’s not good. Hope it gets fixed soon.

Welcome back.

No. I can’t picture her as a teacher either. She would prefer to work in a library or museum. I think she would be really good at research or archives.

I would love to see it when finished. My mom tried to teach me to crochet, but I never got the hang of it.

I have encouraged her to check into volunteer opportunities at the library or a local museum.

I don’t think we have library sciences at our university, but she could complete a master’s in public history. It would cover areas like museum and archival work.

I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to find a job in this field. However, we did talk her out of a theater degree.

I know it makes things more secure, but I absolutely hate 2FA. Most of the sites we use at work requires it.


Well, once again I took an afternoon nap and am wide awake again. I am going to stitch and watch more Doctor Who. I’m in the Jon Pertwee era now.

I hear you on the quiet toilet. When we moved into this house, everything need replaced including every bit of plumbing, the worst offenders were the master bathroom toilet and the downstairs toilet. The whole household knew if you flushed either one!

Scotland is beautiful, absolutely stunning, but you do need good weather, a little like Ireland too, but it`s a place everyone should visit at some point.

Jon Pertwee is the first Doctor I grew up with, he morphed into Tom Baker who for me, is my Doctor era. But, when he left I stopped watching it, an age thing too as it was a kids show.

Best wishes for your daughter finding something, it`s an incredibly interesting subject she has chosen and yes, will do her better than a theatre degree, hope she finds what she wants to do soon. And hope you got to sleep!!!!

One of these days I will not be a night owl and do my posting here in the daytime and not at midnight!

Maybe it will take a few days to do that as Mr Mac and I have events set up the next few days and we won’t be home until late evenings.

Weather in my area is finally improving and looking forward to sunshine and lollipops days.
I am ready to start some yard improvements and buy some tomato plants.

Our lawn dude has us set up for mid march for mowing.
He wanted to come today but I think we need to wait another few weeks.
Two of our neighbors already had their first move yesterday.

Our community theater has started this seasons first play of the season
Bought our tickets now for the Friday event.
It’s small time productions and always has a decent turnout.

It’s a small time event that will operate until the fall.

Of course we will eat out that night as we make it as a date night for us.

Weather today was good until the sun started to set.
Turned the heat on late evening but ac will in the next few months will have ac on for day and night.

We still miss living in the north at times as we had many great neighbors and was sad they did not move south with us.

Once our temps start to rise more, the ac will be back on non stop.

It did take us getting used to living in the south the first year living here now.
At this point we be able to be more outdoors for events in town.

I still have moments of missing the business we had when we lived in Chicago.

We quite enjoyed that area except for their weather.
Not enough warm weather to suit us.

Still have not connected to many homeowners in our association as most are not retired and they work in the day time.

I like how small towns are.
Can’t get lost here but if one would, would only take a short time to get your bearings.

Coming out of Chicago, you need to learn the driving maps as it’s so crowded and a large town

I love a busy few days now and again!!

Missing friends and neighbours is one of the downfalls of moving away from any areas, it`s not easy.

I think our gardener is hoping to get the lawns mowed by the end of the month, the ground is still so wet, so hope we get a dry March!! How are those roses coming along???

I always sleep well, but the sleeps I have after walking is so much deeper. Never heard a pin drop all night, Tom said he got up twice to look out the window as there were rutting foxes close by and they were loud. Usually when one of us moves the other notices, but never noticed a thing.

It is lovely waking up to it being much lighter in the mornings now and it still light after 6pm in the evenings now, we can really see that change in light. I don`t mind dark nights, find them very cosy, but I`m always ready for those lighter days too when they come around.

There`s been a lot of owls around too, I think some are living in one of our trees right now, but can`t catch them to get a picture when we`re there.

More parcels to send away this morning, hopefully the queue won`t be too long, then off to a couple of farm stores for fresh produce. We are so lucky having so many around us and we still have a couple of farms or smallholdings that still do produce with an honesty box sitting outside their properties. There`s one Tom likes in particular as they make their own local honey which he loves. So, some shopping this morning and then.....haven`t decided yet.

But, it`s the weekend and first day of March.....oh the cat meme was sent to me by one of my best friends.....think she`s trying to tell me something 🥴




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Ah, that Friday feeling, and laptop says don’t like you, using that web based entry, but then signs me in like usual. Hmm, hate that my IT has not decided which secure way to enter the way we used to when not in office, since disabling it for over a month now. Sigh. This way can be so unstable at times.

But yay, the first day of March. Weather. 26 degrees and the sunshine has already been shining since sunrise almost an hour before. And a beautiful sunshine filled day, with clouds beginning to fill the sky, late in the day time, then clouds fill the nighttime, as they are rain clouds, giving us rain tomorrow. Kids are almost ready to go, and hope they have a quick and safe trip. At least they have all the winter clothes needed, as will certainly be cooler 2 hours north of us. Can’t wait to see some of their pictures from their mountain fun going on this weekend.

Then, DH and I get to relax without the kids. Hehe, wants me to go with him to get gas, meaning I pay, he pumps. He hates to not be able to use cash, where we usually go. Whatever, then I assume we can go to the jewish deli not too far from the gas station he likes to go to for an early dinner, as I’ll ask to go later then after I turn off my laptop a half hour earlier this afternoon.

So hope all have a most Fabulous Friday. Yay, and this one too:

What a change in the weather.....beautiful morning, lovely sunshine and not too cold, so much so after our shopping, we headed up into the woods behind us again, lovely place to walk even if it is a little barren right now until the leaves start to blossom again.


It was cold though, gloves, hat and scarf for me but it was warm in the sunshine, this afternoon is completely different.

It is pouring with rain and cold out there and rain is now bouncing in with a heavy wind, what a complete change of day.

So an afternoon of not doing very much for me and my mister, he was supposed to be volunteering but someone else said they wanted to do it today and asked if Tom minded, he said it was fine. So we`re sitting in our kitchen, one on each sofa facing each other, each on our devices with 80`s music on, pot of tea on the table, perfect.

Honey mustard chicken tonight for dinner, got some purple carrots this morning in one of the farm stores, they are so cute, they also don`t taste any different to regular carrots, but look good.

Time for another cuppa........
Quick hello. I just dropped my car at the shop. The a/c is not blowing cold air. I figure it will be best to get this taken care of now rather than wait until it starts getting warm out. SO today will be an exciting day of laundry and house cleaning. I just finished paying bills.

Our community theater has started this seasons first play of the season
Bought our tickets now for the Friday event.
It’s small time productions and always has a decent turnout.
I love community theater. For a town as small as ours, we have a surprising amount of theater options. I think dh will be auditioning for something soon.

Jon Pertwee is the first Doctor I grew up with
By the time I learned about Doctor Who it was in the Peter Davison era, so he was my first Doctor. I was fortunate enough to meet him once.

And hope you got to sleep!!!!
I stayed up until almost 2:00 stitching. I slept until almost 8:00. I would have slept in longer, but I had to take my car to the shop this morning.

Okay, time to go be productive.
View attachment 837846
I’ve been on a roll, and donuts & cookies :rolleyes1

bought another treadmill yesterday. Wheee. We’ve burned thru a couple over the years. This one smaller, does incline, that’s the devil for me. No excuse not to get those miles in even when weather not cooperating

Today I bought a new, smaller vanity for main bath. Liked the bowl, speckled sort of finish. This time went with solid surface top & white wood which I’ve never had. Will need to
Update the mirrored cabinet to match down the road after I find one I like.

Kitchen still coming along, will be on tap next. We are on a roll lol

Nothing wrong with any work experience IMO.

Can she also volunteer in local library?

I’d not pass on free tuition. Perhaps take library sciences coursework/minor over the summer?

Macaroons are made on the moon lol

I make a point of referring to them that way To
Annoy the pseudo Francophiles

Same way we would use “wah-la” spelling here lol

Eek I’d shut that front door quick and call the cops. One scary looking camel there

They did I forgot to pencil it it in on calendar. Thanks for that reminder!

Oh that is amazing! Such thoughtful family

View attachment 837849

Good to hear your father is doing well in his recovery.

Rule in our house, major in something that will pay the bills. Feel free to pull a double major while you’re at it & minors in the fun stuffs

Ah, go ahead, put a smile on their faces lol

You were lost & now you are found, again. Hooray

2FA is becoming very common, especially on financial, government and work platforms. Two-factor authentication really does provide a helpful layer of security for online logins.

I can see just using a phone might be tricky if not used to the process. Treat yourself to an iPad or laptop.

I’m admittedly tired but, that sentence made me smile.

Congrats to the mr on his book!

Welcome home!
Well, Janet, I guess I did forget someone???? Wonder who?

I was looking back through the posts and didn't see one of yours, so I guess that's the excuse I will use:worship:

I'm glad to see that your son got his test appointment, finally. Hope all goes well.

That's pretty funny about macaroons and the moon:rotfl2:I've never heard that one before!

Did you end up getting the countertop figured out?

I'm going to chill out now. I've been running Mom all around town today, but it was fun. I'm having her over for supper tonight for left over noodles and mashed potatoes and fresh bread. We need lots of carbs up here in the North country to keep us warm!

And yes, Schumigirl, we eat beef and noodles with mashed potatoes. My husband loves mashed with everything, but I can pass it by with noodles. Gotta keep him happy:)

Again, many apologies for forgetting you somehow. I always get a kick out of your posts; they make me smile:)

Good to see you back posting Ruth!!! You were missed and it`s wonderful to know how much progress he is making!!!

Carbs are good for you in winter, will do you the power of good!!! Although....noodles and mashed potatoes together......???? Roast beef though.....lush!!

Yes, we`ve always been car people and I`ve driven many a sports car myself on track days outside of raleighing when we were younger (and slimmer) lol.....race track is the place to let fly when driving. Raleigh cars were a massive amount of fun to drive, even if you did end up the wrong way guys all had a wonderful day, I said to the ladies, we have to do it too....I think I`m on my own there, one or two of my other friends might go with me though.

It`s lovely seeing the trees flowering and budding, we shouldn`t get any awful weather now, maybe just cold, but all the daffodils in the village are out in full bloom, so hope they don`t get hit with your type of weather now!! I like the sound of a mock orange bush???

Robin will love what you`re making her, it sounds beautiful and yes just chilling with your lovely husband is the perfect way to spend evenings, nice and cosy Ruth, as it should be!!!

Turned out a better than expected day. Never believe a weather forecast, turned out nice in the end.

Got our parcel popped off, quite the queue in the Post Office, but moved fairly quickly, book store was practically empty so I got to wander without anyone getting in my way, Tom sat with a cup of tea while I perused the walls. Picked up several books and Tom was smiling when one of them was another copy of A Christmas Carol, one version I`ve never seen before, so I was pleased with my purchases.

Went up into the woods behind us a walk after that, it wasn`t too bad, cold but sunny. We came across a spot known locally for deer hanging around, they call it Bambi`s Rest......still haven`t managed to see any deer up there, not even a glimpse.


Beautiful during the day but very creepy when darkness falls.

Nice lazy afternoon when we came home, several pots of tea later I fell asleep for an hour, I blame all that fresh air. Tom went out for the fish and chips from the chippie and they were still sizzling when he got home, freshest chippie ever and they were gorgeous, fish are always like whales, we should really share one.....:rolleyes1.

Some tv tonight I think and another fresh pot of tea.
Hi Carole: Have you ever seen a mock orange bush? They are beautiful with white leaves and they smell just wonderful - yes like oranges. We have a couple of them and we love them. We plant them in full sun and they seem to like that, if you are thinking of getting one. They need no fussing at all, just plant and water:)

Yes grandson has worked all week!!!! It's like a miracle, but I'm sure he is worn out but happy to be back! Now he just needs to gain some weight and strength. We are headed in the right direction now:)

Weird weather continues: 50 today and sunny, tomorrow to be in 30's and next day possible snow!!!! NO, no more!
Quick hello. I just dropped my car at the shop. The a/c is not blowing cold air. I figure it will be best to get this taken care of now rather than wait until it starts getting warm out. SO today will be an exciting day of laundry and house cleaning. I just finished paying bills.

I love community theater. For a town as small as ours, we have a surprising amount of theater options. I think dh will be auditioning for something soon.

By the time I learned about Doctor Who it was in the Peter Davison era, so he was my first Doctor. I was fortunate enough to meet him once.

I stayed up until almost 2:00 stitching. I slept until almost 8:00. I would have slept in longer, but I had to take my car to the shop this morning.

Okay, time to go be productive.
Hi Charade:

I hope your daughter finds something she likes, that's the main thing. I dont blame her for not wanting to be a teacher nowadays. I don't have the temperament for it.

We love community theatre too. Ours has productions during the summer only. That is when the tourists show up:)

Wow, you stayed up late stitching! I used to be able to crochet for hours, but now can only do it for an hour or so at a time. I have arthritis in the fingers which makes it a challenge at times. But I love doing it so will plug along:)

Hope the car gets fixed soon, and have a wonderful weekend.
One of these days I will not be a night owl and do my posting here in the daytime and not at midnight!

Maybe it will take a few days to do that as Mr Mac and I have events set up the next few days and we won’t be home until late evenings.

Weather in my area is finally improving and looking forward to sunshine and lollipops days.
I am ready to start some yard improvements and buy some tomato plants.

Our lawn dude has us set up for mid march for mowing.
He wanted to come today but I think we need to wait another few weeks.
Two of our neighbors already had their first move yesterday.

Our community theater has started this seasons first play of the season
Bought our tickets now for the Friday event.
It’s small time productions and always has a decent turnout.

It’s a small time event that will operate until the fall.

Of course we will eat out that night as we make it as a date night for us.

Weather today was good until the sun started to set.
Turned the heat on late evening but ac will in the next few months will have ac on for day and night.

We still miss living in the north at times as we had many great neighbors and was sad they did not move south with us.

Once our temps start to rise more, the ac will be back on non stop.

It did take us getting used to living in the south the first year living here now.
At this point we be able to be more outdoors for events in town.

I still have moments of missing the business we had when we lived in Chicago.

We quite enjoyed that area except for their weather.
Not enough warm weather to suit us.

Still have not connected to many homeowners in our association as most are not retired and they work in the day time.

We put the heat on weeks back and soon we will switch to ac
Do like how small towns are.
Can’t get lost here but if one would, would only take a short time to get your bearings.

Coming out of Chicago, you need to learn the driving maps as it’s so crowded and a large town

Me living in the south there is no way to get lost as it’s a small town.

You can get bbq food anywhere in my town.
Now if you don’t like that type of food, Chattanooga has more eateries as we had in chicago…. with the exception that bbq is not a staple in northern Illinois
Hi Mac: I just noticed that you moved South. It sounds like you moved to Tennessee? We did the same thing and moved from Ohio to Tennessee. It was a Big switch for us culturely, temperature wise, and literally everything else! It all seemed so strange, but we finally got used to the accents and loved it. The people were friendly, even though we were da*n Yankees, LOL. The weather was hard to get used to with that hot humid weather too. It is a big adjustment, I know. But then we moved to N. Mn. and that was an even bigger difference! Now we are used to frigid weather and short summers, but the family lives here, so here we will stay:) I have a granddaughter who lives in Chicago and she loves it. She sends pictures of going to different places in town with her son. It looks nice, but I like a small town myself.
My cats still have not read the note that breakfast is served for them at 7:00 am.

They get canned food as they no longer have many teeth.

I feel for them as I don’t have many teeth either but I do have partials.

Your cats are so looked after!!

Bless them, they do well for having a few teeth. I must admit I`m thrilled with the dental implant I got, worth every darn penny!!

Hi Carole: Have you ever seen a mock orange bush? They are beautiful with white leaves and they smell just wonderful - yes like oranges. We have a couple of them and we love them. We plant them in full sun and they seem to like that, if you are thinking of getting one. They need no fussing at all, just plant and water:)

Yes grandson has worked all week!!!! It's like a miracle, but I'm sure he is worn out but happy to be back! Now he just needs to gain some weight and strength. We are headed in the right direction now:)

Weird weather continues: 50 today and sunny, tomorrow to be in 30's and next day possible snow!!!! NO, no more!

I googled it Ruth and the flowers on the picture I saw resembled a tree we have in our garden that flowers beautifully in the summer....does it look similar to yours? I posted this pic last summer after I took this. No fruit or anything but has a beautiful aroma I can`t quite describe, not orange like but....sweet without being pungent.


I was so glad to hear your grandson is doing so much better, doing a week at work is incredible after everything he has gone through. He does have a good work ethic for sure, he`ll go far in life. He may be tired, but I imagine he`ll be so happy to have completed the full week. Mum and dad will be over the moon too!!

Sounds like a busy day with your mum!!! She sounds amazing too. Hope she enjoys her dinner with you, yes, we do need those carbs in winter.

Yep, time for summer, we`ve had enough cold weather this year. As I said in my earlier post, it was beautiful this morning and wet and windy this afternoon, not warm at all out there. I do hope you don`t get any snow though!!!

Cosy night ahead Ruth.... ☺️

Dinner was lovely, I loathe honey, but adore honey mustard, Tom says honey is one of his favourite things, so he always enjoys this dish too. Cleared our plates tonight!! Bought a ginger cake from the French market in town this morning, very sweet but perfect with tea after dinner, very nice it was too.

Going to be a lazy and relaxed evening ahead of us, going to watch a comedy I think, with a lovely bottle of wine......🍷

10 more minutes before no more screen. Yay!

Disney, nice to see all your posts. I don’t think I’d like to crochet, but I do like that my sister knits. I used to quiet, and sew, but haven’t done either in years now. Maybe I’ll pick it up one of these days.

Kids said mountain fun was great, and a great weather day for it. They go to a concert later this afternoon. Said hotel is nice. And little one said it looks like Royal Pacific. Guess we have stayed there so many times, she remembers.

Ooh almost time. Gas full up, then Red Robin dinner. DH likes any place that has a burger on it. That’s okay with me. We can do that deli for breakfast, as I know both of us will be up early.
Your cats are so looked after!!

Bless them, they do well for having a few teeth. I must admit I`m thrilled with the dental implant I got, worth every darn penny!!

I googled it Ruth and the flowers on the picture I saw resembled a tree we have in our garden that flowers beautifully in the summer....does it look similar to yours? I posted this pic last summer after I took this. No fruit or anything but has a beautiful aroma I can`t quite describe, not orange like but....sweet without being pungent.


I was so glad to hear your grandson is doing so much better, doing a week at work is incredible after everything he has gone through. He does have a good work ethic for sure, he`ll go far in life. He may be tired, but I imagine he`ll be so happy to have completed the full week. Mum and dad will be over the moon too!!

Sounds like a busy day with your mum!!! She sounds amazing too. Hope she enjoys her dinner with you, yes, we do need those carbs in winter.

Yep, time for summer, we`ve had enough cold weather this year. As I said in my earlier post, it was beautiful this morning and wet and windy this afternoon, not warm at all out there. I do hope you don`t get any snow though!!!

Cosy night ahead Ruth.... ☺️

Dinner was lovely, I loathe honey, but adore honey mustard, Tom says honey is one of his favourite things, so he always enjoys this dish too. Cleared our plates tonight!! Bought a ginger cake from the French market in town this morning, very sweet but perfect with tea after dinner, very nice it was too.

Going to be a lazy and relaxed evening ahead of us, going to watch a comedy I think, with a lovely bottle of wine......🍷

Those white flowers do look like the mock orange bush. It would never be recognized as a tree though. It is typical bush size. We did have one that was humongous! We had to remove it from our small garden area around our patio because it was taking over. Roger had to work and work to get it out. It wasn't easy. We divided it into 2 bushes and they are doing great. They smell like oranges but very sweet too. It's hard to explain. It's a wonderful scent and we always open the bedroom windows so we can smell the one by our window.
You know me and sending pictures, but I will try to find one of mine and send it. I will probably have to do it by phone though.

Thanks for the kind words about grandson. I haven't checked with him yet, but will do it this weekend. I still can't believe he actually worked this week. 2 weeks ago he had to have help with everything and was very weak. He is very strong willed and does not like to accept any help. I was surprised when he told his Mom and Dad that he needed help. That was a big thing for him, but I think it helped him get over the hump and start to get better:)

take care and I will send a picture ASAP,

10 more minutes before no more screen. Yay!

Disney, nice to see all your posts. I don’t think I’d like to crochet, but I do like that my sister knits. I used to quiet, and sew, but haven’t done either in years now. Maybe I’ll pick it up one of these days.

Kids said mountain fun was great, and a great weather day for it. They go to a concert later this afternoon. Said hotel is nice. And little one said it looks like Royal Pacific. Guess we have stayed there so many times, she remembers.

Ooh almost time. Gas full up, then Red Robin dinner. DH likes any place that has a burger on it. That’s okay with me. We can do that deli for breakfast, as I know both of us will be up early.
Hi Lynne:

I used to crochet when I was younger, like you, LOL. Then I was too busy with life to do it. Now that I am retired I am enjoying those old hobbies that I left behind.

It looks like your kids are having a wonderful time in the mountains. Can't wait for our next vacation coming up in April to Arizona:)
It’s going on to midnight now so just a quick drive thru to say good night to all the homies.

See you in the morning!

Good night
Sleep tight
and do not let the bed bugs bite

But if they do, get a shoe…and beat them till they’re black and blue..

When my boys were little their dad would recite that to our four kids.

Never really understood his humor but the good night jingle did keep our boys in bed when we turned out the lights…


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