Something About Nothing............ #14

Happy Monday evening everyone :wave:



SF. And so, to start our fun, can enjoy Strong water, by just walking from our room. And even though we have to checkout before our reserved time, little one booked Amatista for brunch. Mom’s day gift.
What a sweet gift for a Mother‘s Day brunch from your daughter. I think it was in one of Carole’s trip reports that I read the Mother’s Day brunch at Amatista is nice.

Well, can you tell, we are doing that graduation countdown. Yay! Now to get her to join the working world. Empty nesters soon enough I hope. Oh my, time has surely flown.
Yes, it seems that time is just racing by. So nice of you to do trip for your daughters graduation.

I just submitted my last assignment!
Congratulations on making it over the finish line.

I am behind in reading many of the recent posts but wanted to send my regrets about your brother in law
Prayers to your sister on departing of her husband.
Thank you Mac. That is so kind of you. Thank for your prayers. She is doing well as can be expected.

It is very sad for her and the entire family

You stay a close knit family and you all feel the pain of the loss.
Some of our family are heading to Florida for the burial service next week.

What a fabulous trip this has been so far…….weather, park time, family time and food have all been wonderful.
So good to hear your trip is going well. Sounds fantastic.

Robbie my sympathies to you and your family
Thank you Janet.

Re rental cars…if u use auto slash can select costco as a search discount with tons of other affiliations. They run all u select at same time. Even if u have already booked on ur own? can enter info there and they will monitor pricing, then sending u notifications when price drops.
Thank you for the info on auto slash. I did a cost comparison using my Alamo member ship as well as Cotsco discount and was able to get a nice deal on a SUV.

Hit small in casino last night. Decided I need this statue. I look snookered. Just tired after 8 hrs on beach; well, a little lit lol
You look nice all gussied up. Always nice to celebrate.

Not complaining. Nice place to have breakfast
Wow…..what a view while enjoying your breakfast with your feet propped up.

Yes, this will be his first run over here. One of the VIP co-ordinators is running it and told him about it, so he signed up last night, hopefully his ankle will hold out, but it’s only 5K which he can run in his sleep.
Congratulations to Kyle on his run. Hope all went well.

Sitting in my favorite spot in my living room. Has been a bit of a busy few days.

Dad and half sister were down for a cousin on my dads side of his family who‘s husband passed away. Dad was close to this cousin and wanted to be there for the family.

Then one of our first cousins passed away Tuesday morning. She had been in hospice and rallied for awhile and then finally passed with liver cancer. She was a wonderful, loving person. We went to her service on Saturday. I will miss her.

While Dad was here we discussed him going to my brother in laws service in FLorida. He is 86 and a bit frail. My sister K and I did not think he would do well with the long road trip. I took him last July to visit my sister and brother in law and while he did okay it was a bit much.

It was decided after much discussion that a few of us would fly down together to the service. It is better for him to fly only two hours instead of 14 hour road trip. He is determined to go. He finally agreed to fly. My younger sister K and I are both Nurses and my half sister is living with Dad now and helping him so he will have 3 of his daughters to look after him on the trip. Older sister D is a Nurse too, but we do not want her fretting over dad. She needs to rest and just enjoy her family being there for her.

We really want to be there for my older sister D as she lays her husband to rest.

On a happy note I watched my little great-nephew J today. He really is the sweetest little fella. I’am so thankful for the time I get to spend with him. He is my shopping buddy and we always find fun things to look at in the stores. I’am looking forward to taking to him Universal in the future. He is 3 1/2 so it will be a little while yet. He likes the Minions. His older cousin M was a big Minion fan so he will be able to educate little J on all the Minion characters.

One of my grand dogs had a birthday Friday. Her name is Nala and I took her a Birthday dog cookie and a gift. My granddaughter M sent me a video later of Nala happily crunching away on her dog cookie treat. It was so cute. I did not know they made dog cookies. Granddaughter told me where to find them at specialty dog food store.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.
Oh Robo, such sad news on losses of your cousins and brother in law. Wonderful for your dad to be cared by daughters, so he can fly to pay respects. Glad you had fun with little J. It’s the young that keep us young. I hope you are feeling good, and enjoying some coffee in your favorite mug.

I have my evening tea after a beautiful day. Little one got me produced in England tea in a tin. It’s good. And little one was in the mood for a steak dinner, so we went to the butcher store I like, and got a nice filet roast he sliced into steaks for me. Perfect on the grill, with sautéed carrots and tomatoes, and white rice. Since we picked up some heirloom tomatoes, we made bruschetta, with a bread loaf we got sliced, so put some olive oil on them, and placed on grill, toasted the bread, then added the tomatoes. Yum meal. Older one is coming home to finish up the leftover. Lucky him. I think little one ate more steak than the rest of us. She likes a good medium cooked steak. And that’s how I cook my steaks. I like medium to medium rare.

Hope all have a good night, and with some rain to fall tomorrow, keep those tacos dry.
Quick Monday night stop in. I did try to post over the weekend, but it must have disappeared :magnify:

It was a crazy weekend. I had the weekend off, and got some corners cleaned, some groceries bought, and also had some downtime as well. We had a fabulous meal on Saturday to celebrate fil's birthday.

Some parts of our outer city limits are on evacuation notice. There is a wild fire not far from the city. It is still out of control yet, but hopefully since the winds have died down, they may be able to contain it. We have been hearing helicopters and water bombers since Friday night. I'll post a picture of how earie it was Friday night. It felt like the zombie apocalypse was happening. What should have been a beautiful bright evening, felt like something out of a horror film. We haven't in all our years here, haven't had a fire this close. It is one for the record books. We are hoping for lots of rain to fall - but of course there is none in sight.

Yes, this will be his first run over here. One of the VIP co-ordinators is running it and told him about it, so he signed up last night, hopefully his ankle will hold out, but it’s only 5K which he can run in his sleep. Sounds fun, it’s a Cinco de Mayo theme, so lots of food trucks which I of course won’t eat but I might have a margarita or two!!
That is awesome! Sounds like your trip is going great! Some fun, some relaxing with great food and drinks ::yes::
So 4 degrees hotter than where we will be leaving from. Okay with me. Time of year mostly packing shorts and t shirts. Toss a sweatshirt jacket and a pair of lightweight pants, and that’s all that needed. Little one wants to go on the water rides, as we haven’t done them the last couple of times we visited. And so, will toss two or three bathing suits in there. Nice to have one drying and at least one dry. Will see what the warmest day is when we are there, and that will be our water ride fun morning. We do the water rides in the late morning, then go back, freshen up and find some late lunch somewhere. And have more park fun.
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B texted to let us know that she got a perfect score on her history final. She is going to graduate Cum Laude.
That is amazing!

Your countdown is getting closer and closer!
Other than walking to the buffet twice, my exercise today consisted of thrashing the mr in a game of cornhole. Not that we are competitive or anything lol. Mini golf next sea day. Not about to do flow rider or rock climbing walk, fun to watch tho
I love just being able to " belly up" to those buffets when you need to (for the most part) I think my favorite part of our cruise we did was eating our breakfast on our balcony every morning. Enjoy all the ports and activities on the boat.
On a happy note I watched my little great-nephew J today. He really is the sweetest little fella. I’am so thankful for the time I get to spend with him. He is my shopping buddy and we always find fun things to look at in the stores. I’am looking forward to taking to him Universal in the future. He is 3 1/2 so it will be a little while yet. He likes the Minions. His older cousin M was a big Minion fan so he will be able to educate little J on all the Minion characters.
Sorry to hear of more family members passing. It sounds like your dad will be surrounded by lots of help if all of daughters take him. Gotta love having those little buddies! I know our gd was so excited to tell grandpa that " she will share her dilly bars with him next time we visit" Her and grandpa love their DQ icecream :laughing:

Well, I should hit the shower before bed. I got outside to walk tonight - and if I shower tonight, it is less time to get ready in the morning.

Sweet sleeps everyone.
I have a few minutes to post before going to bed. I have been cleaning since I got home from work. I found a dead yellow jacket on the floor of my laundry room. This makes 2 dead and 1 live one I have seen in the past week. I think it's time to talk to the pest control company.

Movie was okay. A little too long for my book, but whatever. I did like it in parts. Am a fan of Beastie Boy songs, so was rocking with one of their songs in the movie.
It was the least favorite of the 3 Guardians movies for me. It was too emotional and I didn't know most of the music.

Cinco de Mayo took over menu. Put in request for special grilled chicken breasts & salad. That demon cilantro will be in every single dish I’m told. Hmmph
I must be one of the few people who isn't bothered by cilantro. I don't want a lot of it in my food, but a little is okay.

My son does a yearly 10K in Richmond, I think it's called the Monument 10K,
That's only a couple of hours from me.

yes, hips and knees aren’t keen on running at all……
Same here. They don't particularly like walking either.

Dad and half sister were down for a cousin on my dads side of his family who‘s husband passed away.

Then one of our first cousins passed away Tuesday morning.
Prayers for your family. I am so sorry for all of your recent losses.

I checked our call rental rate tonight and discovered it had gone down. I asked dh to see if he could get the rate changed and he got really crabby about it. He is the only person I know who complains about saving money. He finally called and the new rate he was offered was even lower than the rate on the website. We ended up saving 97 dollars. I think he's beginning to appreciate my frugality now.
That’s great you got a good discount on your rental car, Charade. I think I got my best rate a few days ago, when I got a good drop. Been higher since then. But I will keep trying until the last day before we leave. Exciting, as graduation week. Then trip. Yep, a busy week. Congratulations to you and B.

Pumpkin, how scary, fire and evacuations near you. Even the smoke from those wild fires is not good for breathing. I hope your winds stop, and some rain does fall. And hope the wild fire gets contained and put out soon. Sounded like a nice perfect weekend, with no work, and some relaxing..

Overcast and cool. 54 degrees out. Did hear that cardinal not much after I got up. The birds, this time of year, like to chirp in the pre dawn hours.

And so, I swear I heard my AC on late last night. I told the kids, um, no AC in the evenings, makes the house too cool. And so, with the high being 68 degrees today, house feels a bit cool this morning. No perfect porridge here. Sigh. But weather lady, this early morning, said the rain will stay West and South of the city. Hence, a cloudy, overcast day, but at least should not see any rain from those clouds where I am. Still am in my shorts, even with a throw over my legs. It should be getting warmer soon. Yay to 80 degrees as the high on my commuting day. Woot!

But happy commuting day is not today. Thankfully. Lots of tea for me. And hope there’s enough sun peaking out around lunchtime, to be rocking those shades.

And what’s on the menu for Mac today? Yay a Taco Bell run, as a Taco Tuesday is here.

So be like Mac, and enjoy some tacos today. Those rolled up or hard tacos, your choice and mix if you want to. And have that most terrific Taco Tuesday.
Happy Monday evening everyone :wave:

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What a sweet gift for a Mother‘s Day brunch from your daughter. I think it was in one of Carole’s trip reports that I read the Mother’s Day brunch at Amatista is nice.

Yes, it seems that time is just racing by. So nice of you to do trip for your daughters graduation.

Congratulations on making it over the finish line.

Thank you Mac. That is so kind of you. Thank for your prayers. She is doing well as can be expected.

Some of our family are heading to Florida for the burial service next week.

So good to hear your trip is going well. Sounds fantastic.

Thank you Janet.

Thank you for the info on auto slash. I did a cost comparison using my Alamo member ship as well as Cotsco discount and was able to get a nice deal on a SUV.

You look nice all gussied up. Always nice to celebrate.

Wow…..what a view while enjoying your breakfast with your feet propped up.

Congratulations to Kyle on his run. Hope all went well.

Sitting in my favorite spot in my living room. Has been a bit of a busy few days.

Dad and half sister were down for a cousin on my dads side of his family who‘s husband passed away. Dad was close to this cousin and wanted to be there for the family.

Then one of our first cousins passed away Tuesday morning. She had been in hospice and rallied for awhile and then finally passed with liver cancer. She was a wonderful, loving person. We went to her service on Saturday. I will miss her.

While Dad was here we discussed him going to my brother in laws service in FLorida. He is 86 and a bit frail. My sister K and I did not think he would do well with the long road trip. I took him last July to visit my sister and brother in law and while he did okay it was a bit much.

It was decided after much discussion that a few of us would fly down together to the service. It is better for him to fly only two hours instead of 14 hour road trip. He is determined to go. He finally agreed to fly. My younger sister K and I are both Nurses and my half sister is living with Dad now and helping him so he will have 3 of his daughters to look after him on the trip. Older sister D is a Nurse too, but we do not want her fretting over dad. She needs to rest and just enjoy her family being there for her.

We really want to be there for my older sister D as she lays her husband to rest.

On a happy note I watched my little great-nephew J today. He really is the sweetest little fella. I’am so thankful for the time I get to spend with him. He is my shopping buddy and we always find fun things to look at in the stores. I’am looking forward to taking to him Universal in the future. He is 3 1/2 so it will be a little while yet. He likes the Minions. His older cousin M was a big Minion fan so he will be able to educate little J on all the Minion characters.

One of my grand dogs had a birthday Friday. Her name is Nala and I took her a Birthday dog cookie and a gift. My granddaughter M sent me a video later of Nala happily crunching away on her dog cookie treat. It was so cute. I did not know they made dog cookies. Granddaughter told me where to find them at specialty dog food store.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.

Robbie, I’m so sorry to read of more sadness in your family. Your dad sounds like a grand gentleman, sadly becoming few and far between.

I’m sure you’ll love taking the little guy to Universal, the new Minion experience is coming along nicely.

Thank you he really enjoyed the run.

Quick Monday night stop in. I did try to post over the weekend, but it must have disappeared :magnify:

It was a crazy weekend. I had the weekend off, and got some corners cleaned, some groceries bought, and also had some downtime as well. We had a fabulous meal on Saturday to celebrate fil's birthday.

Some parts of our outer city limits are on evacuation notice. There is a wild fire not far from the city. It is still out of control yet, but hopefully since the winds have died down, they may be able to contain it. We have been hearing helicopters and water bombers since Friday night. I'll post a picture of how earie it was Friday night. It felt like the zombie apocalypse was happening. What should have been a beautiful bright evening, felt like something out of a horror film. We haven't in all our years here, haven't had a fire this close. It is one for the record books. We are hoping for lots of rain to fall - but of course there is none in sight.

That is awesome! Sounds like your trip is going great! Some fun, some relaxing with great food and drinks ::yes::

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is amazing!

Your countdown is getting closer and closer!

I love just being able to " belly up" to those buffets when you need to (for the most part) I think my favorite part of our cruise we did was eating our breakfast on our balcony every morning. Enjoy all the ports and activities on the boat.

Sorry to hear of more family members passing. It sounds like your dad will be surrounded by lots of help if all of daughters take him. Gotta love having those little buddies! I know our gd was so excited to tell grandpa that " she will share her dilly bars with him next time we visit" Her and grandpa love their DQ icecream :laughing:

Well, I should hit the shower before bed. I got outside to walk tonight - and if I shower tonight, it is less time to get ready in the morning.

Sweet sleeps everyone.

I’ve never tried DQ ice cream, I keep meaning to stop by one time, but we’re never hungry when we do.

The trip has been amazing so far, we have truly loved every second.

Glad you had a nice weekend.

I have a few minutes to post before going to bed. I have been cleaning since I got home from work. I found a dead yellow jacket on the floor of my laundry room. This makes 2 dead and 1 live one I have seen in the past week. I think it's time to talk to the pest control company.

It was the least favorite of the 3 Guardians movies for me. It was too emotional and I didn't know most of the music.

I must be one of the few people who isn't bothered by cilantro. I don't want a lot of it in my food, but a little is okay.

That's only a couple of hours from me.

Same here. They don't particularly like walking either.

Prayers for your family. I am so sorry for all of your recent losses.

I checked our call rental rate tonight and discovered it had gone down. I asked dh to see if he could get the rate changed and he got really crabby about it. He is the only person I know who complains about saving money. He finally called and the new rate he was offered was even lower than the rate on the website. We ended up saving 97 dollars. I think he's beginning to appreciate my frugality now.

Tom wishes I could spell frugality never mind be a little that way…….lol…….

Quite a high percentage of the population taste soap when eating cilantro, to others it’s just fresh. Definitely an acquired taste.

yup, run to the TB day

Enjoy that TB tonight mac…….I thought of you as we passed one yesterday and they showed Georgia on the weather channel…….comparing your weather to ours and how different it is to the North……it was very interesting.

Yes, as Kyle is with us, we have the weather channel on when we‘re in the room again……

Flicking through we came across English football……..bleurgh……dull, dull and then even duller!!!

Hope you’re good and keeping busy……..:)

It’s getting close Charade……you and your daughter must be so excited.

It is gloriously hot today! Not complaining, this lizard is happy!

Went to Studios today, not too busy at all.

Citywalk and hotel restaurants will be ultra busy tonight, there is a massive IBM conference here, they have bought a massive amount of rooms over the hotels and tonight is their free night where they find their own dinner……Fernando told us not to go to Strong Water tonight because of that. We‘ll go offsite.

Still having the best time……

Time to shower and get changed.


Quick Monday night stop in. I did try to post over the weekend, but it must have disappeared :magnify:

It was a crazy weekend. I had the weekend off, and got some corners cleaned, some groceries bought, and also had some downtime as well. We had a fabulous meal on Saturday to celebrate fil's birthday.

Some parts of our outer city limits are on evacuation notice. There is a wild fire not far from the city. It is still out of control yet, but hopefully since the winds have died down, they may be able to contain it. We have been hearing helicopters and water bombers since Friday night. I'll post a picture of how earie it was Friday night. It felt like the zombie apocalypse was happening. What should have been a beautiful bright evening, felt like something out of a horror film. We haven't in all our years here, haven't had a fire this close. It is one for the record books. We are hoping for lots of rain to fall - but of course there is none in sight.

That is awesome! Sounds like your trip is going great! Some fun, some relaxing with great food and drinks ::yes::

Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is amazing!

Your countdown is getting closer and closer!

I love just being able to " belly up" to those buffets when you need to (for the most part) I think my favorite part of our cruise we did was eating our breakfast on our balcony every morning. Enjoy all the ports and activities on the boat.

Sorry to hear of more family members passing. It sounds like your dad will be surrounded by lots of help if all of daughters take him. Gotta love having those little buddies! I know our gd was so excited to tell grandpa that " she will share her dilly bars with him next time we visit" Her and grandpa love their DQ icecream :laughing:

Well, I should hit the shower before bed. I got outside to walk tonight - and if I shower tonight, it is less time to get ready in the morning.

Sweet sleeps everyone.
HI Pumpkin:
Just wanted to comment on your close call with the fire. I hope it was taken care of quickly?
We have some fires here each year. We live next to forestry areas so we do have those scary fires. But we have so many close lakes that we see bucket helicopters carrying water to fires up here. After all, we are the land of 10,000 lakes, LOL, (actually 11,800 but that doesn't sound as good as l0,000:)

Have a great day:)
Good evening. Busy day and I still don’t have everything done.
Pest control came today to take care of our stinging insect problem. They turned out to be paper wasps and not yellow jackets like I thought. It would have been funny if they had been yellow jackets. My sister is coming to visit and she is a Georgia Tech graduate.
And so, I swear I heard my AC on late last night. I told the kids, um, no AC in the evenings, makes the house too cool.
I have to have mine on now even with the fan going. I just get too hot when I sleep. I purchased a travel fan to take on our vacation.

Citywalk and hotel restaurants will be ultra busy tonight, there is a massive IBM conference here,
Dh worked for IBM when we first met. He never got to go to any cool conventions though.

I should probably text my sister and see if she made it into town yet. She is going to be staying at a hotel for 2 nights and then with us for 2 nights.
Hehe, little one said she has to set alarm to
be in time for her graduation tomorrow. We are all excited. Weather to be a full day of sun, with high temp of 71. Perfect weather, though graduation is inside the stadium.

Getting close to my time for sleep. Little one? Who knows. I know she will be up in time though, or she better be. .
Hehe, little one said she has to set alarm to
be in time for her graduation tomorrow. We are all excited. Weather to be a full day of sun, with high temp of 71. Perfect weather, though graduation is inside the stadium.

Getting close to my time for sleep. Little one? Who knows. I know she will be up in time though, or she better be. .
Lynne, bet your daughter will be up before you are in the morning.
It’s going to be exciting for her graduation!
charade… sending mummy dust no rain on Friday !
Dry weather only … no rain allowed on graduation day.
I’m awake way too early again. I have some more cleaning to do, but I don’t want to disturb B and dh who are still sleeping.
My sister got into town just before midnight, so I hope she and my niece will sleep in a bit this morning. They are at a hotel for the first 2 nights.

Congratulations to Lynne’s daughter. Hope all goes well with the ceremony this morning.

🎓 🎓
Ah DH and I are the only ones up, as we both get online early. But the clear sky and sun has returned, and since we are heading to the longest daylight day next month, sunrise was over 10 minutes ago, and was beautiful. Bright and most of what we heard in the minutes we awoke? Airplanes. Guess they are enjoying that clearing of sky too.

And who do I also see this early morning?
Camel, you are so right. LoL. But as it’s a Wednesday, yes, not a Monday, where this day is a hump of a feeling day, as we get over today, and yay, one day closer to that most fabulous feeling Friday.

Ack, Charade. You are up way too early. Nice family in for graduation. Thanks, I can’t believe it is already May, and graduation time. My sister may have come, but she’s enjoying time away. Little one is fine with that. I’m sure she will call after the graduation. I think she’s excited, but that doesn’t make her an early riser. I will still be that mom alarm if I don’t hear her alarm goes off at the time I think she should be getting moving.

We all are taking the train. Parking near the university will be crazy, given it’s a number of graduation times of graduations today. Little one’s is the third today. There’s 5 today and 6 tomorrow. It’s a big university. Hence, a train station is at the university, and I’m pretty sure the university will be providing rides from the station to the stadium. It’s not a real long walk, about a mile or so, but would be nice to not have to walk if ride offered. Thus, by a late lunchtime, I will have a university graduate. Woot! Now the job search must be completed sooner then later. Though a celebration trip before that. Yay!

And so, from a sun filled day for this homie, though 20 degrees cooler than Orlando today, a hearty have a Wonderful Wednesday wish to you all. And a very good morning too.

Hehe, email just received from SW, it said get excited, check in time is a few days away. Well yes it is. And I will be up before the flight will take off the day after that, so will see our place in line as will check in right as the time to. Yay getting closer.
The house is clean but I haven’t heard anything from my sister yet.

We are a little annoyed this morning. We had hired a company to detail B’s car. They were supposed to arrive between 9:30-10:00 but haven’t shown up yet. Looks like we need to find another company.

It’s almost lunch time. I guess I should wake B and text my sister.
It's hump day!!! The weekend is in my eye sight and I'm glad to have the weekend off. With it being mother's day...I don't plan on doing much. I'm going to try to book a massage and pedicure somewhere. I might be out of luck doing that with such short notice. I guess we will see!

Have some catching up to do today at the regular job - since having and picking up a couple of shifts at the healthcare job. But it shouldn't take me too long. There are a few extra papers to shuffle around.

Beautiful day here again - smoky skies - looks overcast and foggy and smells like camp fire. The fire is still burning out of control outside of the city. - but is moving away from the city. The small ski/bike trail hills have been burnt along with the chalet and campgrounds. Hopefully we get some rain soon - nothing in the forecast yet.

We also heard that where we had our family lake lot/ fil's retirement home was hit and many of those homes were destroyed by fire. We know that the neighbor on the one side of ours old lot lost his home - but we haven't heard if ours was saved. If it's still standing - it will have extensive smoke damage at the very least :sad:

Just wanted to comment on your close call with the fire. I hope it was taken care of quickly?
We have some fires here each year. We live next to forestry areas so we do have those scary fires. But we have so many close lakes that we see bucket helicopters carrying water to fires up here. After all, we are the land of 10,000 lakes, LOL, (actually 11,800 but that doesn't sound as good as l0,000:)
It's still out of control. And yes...that side of the area is heading into the Rocky mountains - so it's allllllllllllllll trees!!!! Farm land surrounds the other side - so that side is always clear. It has always been a concern here, but we were always protected by a very wide river. Well this one was started by a lightening strike on our side of the river. Hopefully soon - they get it under control. News reports are saying that more deployment will be coming - many are angry at the slow response in our area.
Thus, by a late lunchtime, I will have a university graduate. Woot! Now the job search must be completed sooner then later. Though a celebration trip before that. Yay!
:cheer2: Congrats to all of you! How exciting. I hope the ceremony was great. Soon you will be off on your trip to celebrate!
We are a little annoyed this morning. We had hired a company to detail B’s car. They were supposed to arrive between 9:30-10:00 but haven’t shown up yet. Looks like we need to find another company.
I hate when businesses / people don't keep their appointments. I hope you find a more reliable company.

Alright....going to attack some papers - my tea is almost gone now.

Have a great day everyone!
It's hump day!!! The weekend is in my eye sight and I'm glad to have the weekend off. With it being mother's day...I don't plan on doing much. I'm going to try to book a massage and pedicure somewhere. I might be out of luck doing that with such short notice. I guess we will see!

Have some catching up to do today at the regular job - since having and picking up a couple of shifts at the healthcare job. But it shouldn't take me too long. There are a few extra papers to shuffle around.

Beautiful day here again - smoky skies - looks overcast and foggy and smells like camp fire. The fire is still burning out of control outside of the city. - but is moving away from the city. The small ski/bike trail hills have been burnt along with the chalet and campgrounds. Hopefully we get some rain soon - nothing in the forecast yet.

We also heard that where we had our family lake lot/ fil's retirement home was hit and many of those homes were destroyed by fire. We know that the neighbor on the one side of ours old lot lost his home - but we haven't heard if ours was saved. If it's still standing - it will have extensive smoke damage at the very least :sad:

It's still out of control. And yes...that side of the area is heading into the Rocky mountains - so it's allllllllllllllll trees!!!! Farm land surrounds the other side - so that side is always clear. It has always been a concern here, but we were always protected by a very wide river. Well this one was started by a lightening strike on our side of the river. Hopefully soon - they get it under control. News reports are saying that more deployment will be coming - many are angry at the slow response in our area.

:cheer2: Congrats to all of you! How exciting. I hope the ceremony was great. Soon you will be off on your trip to celebrate!

I hate when businesses / people don't keep their appointments. I hope you find a more reliable company.

Alright....going to attack some papers - my tea is almost gone now.

Have a great day everyone!
Wow, I think I saw something about the fires on TV yesterday. It showed a large area that is affected by them. Was this your area? Those acts of nature are really scary and I hope they get it under control soon! Take care.


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