Sistah Twistah - A January Dining Review- Updated- 6/25 - COMPLETE!!!

Hey everyone, first off I wanted to say that Shira (who's silently following along- Hi Shira! :wave: ) would like to add that her roast beef sandwich was a little dry without the sour cream.
She suggests you replace it with ketchup or mayo if you leave it off.

Hi Shira! Thanks for the tip. I LOVE mayo, and if there's garlic mayo even better. I'm really hoping I can substitute if I pre-order.
loving your reviews so far - had never really contemplated the issues with eating out not mixing dairy/meat. Following along to see how you get on with your other meals :)
I found out today that once you're at 30 days or less, you can go to MDE online and when you check your ADR there you will see a button for pre-order. It doesn't show up on the mobile app (at least not on mine on my iPhone). I did pre-order fir BOG, but wonder how much of the wait to order queue I miss (the whispering knights and all)
Enjoying your reviews! I have avoided cosmic Rays due to a general aversion to tomorrow land (I love the rides, but not the mad sounds and sights at ground level). I can see between Sonny Eclipse (no one has ever reviewed him quite so entertainingly) and he chicken and ribs plate I need to get over my Tomorrowland issues! I love that food beat jet lag for you!
I love your reviews...a great idea to do it as you go! Looking forward to your next funny instalment. Thanks for all the tips too- definitely need to figure out how to pre-order for BOG!
Thanks for joining! :-)
If you log in to your MDE account and check your ADRs, you should see a little button next to BOG letting you pre-order. But that's only 30 days before your reservation.

Jumping on from another BOG thread! I definitely need to figure out how to pre-order but I'm wondering if I can if I substitute. Planning to sub the drink for the soup and possibly get one of the specialty drinks (or water if I decide against the extra cost of the specialty drink).
Hi there! Welcome! :wave2:
You can definitely sub some of the things even when you pre-order, from what I've heard. But even if you don't, they will still double check your order when you get there so you can make any changes on the spot.
From what I hear, it'll still save you time and the wait in line! ::yes::

Hi Shira! Thanks for the tip. I LOVE mayo, and if there's garlic mayo even better. I'm really hoping I can substitute if I pre-order.
Shira says hi :D
That's a good question. When she ordered the roast beef sandwich she got the ketchup on the side but we didn't think to ask for anything else. I wonder if you could substitute it when you pre-order.
You'll have to let us know :-)

loving your reviews so far - had never really contemplated the issues with eating out not mixing dairy/meat. Following along to see how you get on with your other meals :)
Thank you so much! Yeah, when you don't have issues it doesn't seem like a big deal. But when you're aware it becomes kind of a hassle sometimes. I suppose it's like allergies.
But people get allergies more than they get a weird religious thing like not mixing meat and dairy... At one point I told Shira she could just say she's allergic to pork or dairy or whatever it was she was trying to avoid at that moment.. :laughing:

I found out today that once you're at 30 days or less, you can go to MDE online and when you check your ADR there you will see a button for pre-order. It doesn't show up on the mobile app (at least not on mine on my iPhone). I did pre-order fir BOG, but wonder how much of the wait to order queue I miss (the whispering knights and all)
Yep- I had that option on my MDE account :) Just didn't do anything about it...
I think that if you pre-order you won't be sent to the same line as everyone else. In other words you'll be missing out on the whispering knight. Is that what they're called?
I called them coughing and sneezing suits of armor! :D I think they're the reason I got sick when I got home at the end of the trip. Or it might have been my body unwilling to got back to work :rolleyes2

Enjoying your reviews! I have avoided cosmic Rays due to a general aversion to tomorrow land (I love the rides, but not the mad sounds and sights at ground level). I can see between Sonny Eclipse (no one has ever reviewed him quite so entertainingly) and he chicken and ribs plate I need to get over my Tomorrowland issues! I love that food beat jet lag for you!
Yessss, get on over to Tomorrowland and have yourself some yummy chicken and ribs! And say hi to Sonny while you're there! Tell him I miss him :love: :cloud9:
It'll only be another two years, Sonny, my love :rotfl:
(Food beats everything including jet lag ;) ) Thanks for being here!
I'm not sure what they are-I haven't seen them yet! Someone on another thread somewhere called them whispering Knights I think!
I'm not sure what they are-I haven't seen them yet! Someone on another thread somewhere called them whispering Knights I think!
Ha ha, yeah- they do whisper. You basically walk in between two rows of suits of armour that are standing against the walls. They whisper and do some other stuff :)
But like you said, if you pre-order I think you won't get to see them 8-)
(You can probably just walk up to the back of the line for a few seconds to get a glimpse of them.)
The one drink we ordered we just got up and took ourselves, cup and all, which made me wonder how things work there. Anyone can just get up and take what they want. Our receipt was checked but we had one cup of orange soda (I think) and one cup of water- how could he tell that they weren't both soda? :drinking1

YEP.. I wonder if Disney sees this as an issue!? They've gotta be losing money on this.. I know we always get on drink and split it and get another water.

We both ordered the onion soup. Anything with melted cheese on or in it is gonna be something I order. The other option was potato leek soup, I believe. But that doesn't come with any cheese so the choice was obvious.

YES PLEASE! Yum. I liked this soup a lot, too. Our last experience at BOG we both had the Croque Monsieur and it was less than stellar, but I've had the roast beef and yumm.... both of those look so good.

BOG is definitely a great quick service option! I know we pre-ordered both times and it made our lives easier. I love that you can switch out the soup/desserts/drinks!!
Following along and all caught up! Loving your reviews so far.

Now, I'd like to take a moment to say something important: When other DISers tell you, "Pre-order! It'll save you time! Just do it!" - make sure to listen to them.
Be smarter than I was. Take my mistake and the mistakes of all the other dozens of people waiting in line ahead of us, and learn from them.

COMPLETELY AGREE! I was just complaining about the same thing on my DR! I think we tried to order ahead of time but had problems so just figured we could wait it out in line...NOT the right decision!
YEP.. I wonder if Disney sees this as an issue!? They've gotta be losing money on this.. I know we always get on drink and split it and get another water.

I've been wondering about this too! Maybe they just assume a small loss and move on because it saves so much time/effort for CMs having to get drinks and refills? Can't imagine fountain soda costs much...
YEP.. I wonder if Disney sees this as an issue!? They've gotta be losing money on this.. I know we always get on drink and split it and get another water.
I guess they don't.. :confused: And they can't be losing THAT much money on it, can they? Wouldn't they put a stop to it if they were?

YES PLEASE! Yum. I liked this soup a lot, too. Our last experience at BOG we both had the Croque Monsieur and it was less than stellar, but I've had the roast beef and yumm.... both of those look so good.

BOG is definitely a great quick service option! I know we pre-ordered both times and it made our lives easier. I love that you can switch out the soup/desserts/drinks!!
I love the sound of the Croque Monsieur but the pictures on all the dining reviews never did it for me and I'm glad I didn't order it. But the soup switch is definitely awesome!!

Following along and all caught up! Loving your reviews so far.
Hey, you're here! Welcome!! I promise I'll update when I get home today ::yes::

COMPLETELY AGREE! I was just complaining about the same thing on my DR! I think we tried to order ahead of time but had problems so just figured we could wait it out in line...NOT the right decision!
Yep, I was just enjoying your pictures of the suits of armour! (I didn't take any for some reason..) Guess we'll both learn for next time ;)

I've been wondering about this too! Maybe they just assume a small loss and move on because it saves so much time/effort for CMs having to get drinks and refills? Can't imagine fountain soda costs much..
I was thinking they would not have any cups out and only give them to you if you ordered a drink so at least they could have SOME control over the situation. But nope- everything's out. Strange.

Loving your report so far...joining in! :wave2:
Hi there! Welcome! Just a few more (way too long) hours at work to survive and then I'll post another update :banana:
A promise is a promise is a promise. And so, I give you my next installment of Sistah Twistah:

Casey's Corner!

After having lunch at Be Our Guest, we continued to roam the Magic Kingdom at our leisurely pace until one of us realized- "Hey! We haven't eaten in a while!"
And since I have such fond memories of that yummy hot dog I had there two years ago, it was off to Casey's! Also, the smells coming from that corner of Main Street all day are hard to resist. It was obvious to me that at some point we would find ourselves in there.

I love anything hot dog and was craving a chili-cheese dog, but since we were looking for more of a snack and wanted to split it, I went for the corn dog nuggets.

4 Caseys Corner.jpg

Corn Dog Nuggets - $5.99

Look at that beauty! Relish, sauerkraut, ketchup and mustard all in one shot! (Loooove those little paper cups of heaven!)
These were not considered a snack on the dining plan ( :( ) and I paid for them OOP. There were about 10 of those babies which was a nice little portion and we were ok with splitting it.
They are delicious!!!! Hot and crispy and just mmmm......

In the background you can see Shira's choice of snack for the day- a lemonade slushie which wasn't even on the menu. Or maybe it was on the menu but it didn't have the little snack symbol next to it.
Either way, she asked and the friendly CM informed her it was considered a snack on the dining plan. She enjoyed it but I found it a bit too tart. I need my sweets! :cake:

It was a pretty nice day out- a bit chilly, but we found a table outside and enjoyed ourselves with everyone else.

4 Caseys Corner (1).jpg

See how everyone seems to be enjoying themselves? It's probably because the red and white stripes are just awesome and cheerful. And possibly also because the food is good.

We had a few little guys join us too!

4 Caseys Corner (2).jpg

We don't really have tiny baby ducklings roaming around freely in Israel so as an animal lover, this really warmed my heart :lovestruc
(And my Mickey Mouse shoe made it into the picture too!)

So bottom line- Casey's Corner is 5 stars in my book and I'll be back there every time I visit, no doubt about it!
(I never got that chili-cheese dog, BTW.... Goes into my list of "next time"s.)

Now on to bigger and better things like.....

Aloha Isle and the infamous Dole Whip!!!!!!

Ok, after reading the boards for months, it was pretty obvious that we would HAVE to try the Dole Whip.

This is me before trying the Dole Whip Float:

3.5 Dole Whips (1).jpg

Pineapple Dole Whip Float - $5.29

This is still me before trying the Dole Whip Float: (Note how excited I am.)

3.5 Dole Whips (2).jpg

This is me after trying the Dole Whip Float:

(Ok, no picture here so I'll have to make due with what's available) :

:( :sad2: :sad1: :worried: o_O :confused3 :confused: :scratchin

Disclaimer: I sincerely apologize if I offend any DIS members and\or Dole Whip fans with this review. No Dole Whips were harmed in the making of this dining report.

Listen guys, I can't figure it out. The whipped ice cream-like stuff was SO sweet. The juice tasted like the juice that's left over in canned pineapple. (Bitter, very strong, a bit of an aftertaste.)
I tried them separately. I tried them together. I tried waiting a bit to get used to the taste, then tried them again. Nope.
At first I was totally in denial. Licking and slurping little drops like "Hey, this isn't so bad. Yeah, I can kind of get it. Yeah, it's pretty good actually." Double nope.
I ate a few bites, Shira ate a few bites and then...... well, let's just say we never finished it and it went to the great Dole Whip farm up in the sky.

That being said, I have three points to add:
First of all, possibly on a hot day it would be so refreshingly cool that I wouldn't mind the taste. (Maybe even like it??)
Second, maybe I'll come back and try it again with different expectations. Maybe it'll grow on me. *shrug*
And lastly, when looking up the Dole Whip to make sure I was giving the right price info and such, I was semi-shocked to find and possibly remember that there is another option for the Dole Whip: A vanilla swirled Dole Whip!!!
Vanilla I can do! So I hereby pledge that "next time" I will give the Dole Whip another try. As a pineapple-vanilla swirl. And hopefully it will be as dreamy as all of you seem to think it is :cloud9:

Last review for today:

Skipper Canteen!

4.5 Skipper Canteen.jpg

What can I say about Skipper Canteen?
It's pretty close to the entrance to Adventureland. There were some people waiting outside to be seated. And it looked fairly pleasant.

That was my full review, since we never actually ate there. Ahem :D
(But we passed right by it so I had to take a picture!)

Well, thanks for reading! Next up is Everything Pop all by my lonesome (but so yummy!)
According to my notes, I DID NOT FINISH THE PORK. *gasp* :faint:
I guess I just wasn't thinking of future me, sitting at home across the globe, cold and miserable, missing my Disney food and wondering how the heck I didn't finish it when I had the chance. :confused3
Ah well, next time.
Wonderful reviews! That braised pork is just incredible at BOG lunch. But I agree with you on the serving size. For lunch, its a big plate (at least for me). So if I'm not on the DDP and paying OOP, I order the kids sz version & its perfect for lunch. ps I had the croque monsieur when BOG first opened & I lucked into their special fast pass lunch trial. It just wasn't good. No flavour. Just sad. I have also had the tuna nicoise salad for lunch. It was good but not as good as the pork IMO. A large amount of tuna (barely seared on the edges and raw inside as it should be served) which was a bit much for my tummy at lunch. It would be a good adventurous lunch dish to share with a companion along with the pork or the roast beef sammy so the tuna can be balanced out a little. Keep up the great work! Most appreciated! :-)
:( :sad2: :sad1: :worried: o_O :confused3 :confused: :scratchin

Disclaimer: I sincerely apologize if I offend any DIS members and\or Dole Whip fans with this review. No Dole Whips were harmed in the making of this dining report.

Listen guys, I can't figure it out. The whipped ice cream-like stuff was SO sweet. The juice tasted like the juice that's left over in canned pineapple. (Bitter, very strong, a bit of an aftertaste.)
I tried them separately. I tried them together. I tried waiting a bit to get used to the taste, then tried them again. Nope.
At first I was totally in denial. Licking and slurping little drops like "Hey, this isn't so bad. Yeah, I can kind of get it. Yeah, it's pretty good actually." Double nope.
I ate a few bites, Shira ate a few bites and then...... well, let's just say we never finished it and it went to the great Dole Whip farm up in the sky.

That being said, I have three points to add:
First of all, possibly on a hot day it would be so refreshingly cool that I wouldn't mind the taste. (Maybe even like it??)
Second, maybe I'll come back and try it again with different expectations. Maybe it'll grow on me. *shrug*
And lastly, when looking up the Dole Whip to make sure I was giving the right price info and such, I was semi-shocked to find and possibly remember that there is another option for the Dole Whip: A vanilla swirled Dole Whip!!!
Vanilla I can do! So I hereby pledge that "next time" I will give the Dole Whip another try. As a pineapple-vanilla swirl. And hopefully it will be as dreamy as all of you seem to think it is.

Yes, I only like the vanilla swirled Dole Whip. I have heard you can get them at the Polynesian, so I may get one after our Kona Cafe breakfast (or not, if I am too full of Tonga Toast). That said, this next trip I am all about the Citrus Twist, since vanilla and orange together are one of my favorite flavor combinations.

Those ducklings are the sweetest, BTW!
Folks, Shira would like me to amend my Dole Whip post. She reminded me that she couldn't stand it from the very first bite. I was the one who kept trying to like it but she gave up right away.
Ah well, I guess reading the boards here makes a gal want to fit in :oops:

Wonderful reviews! That braised pork is just incredible at BOG lunch. But I agree with you on the serving size. For lunch, its a big plate (at least for me). So if I'm not on the DDP and paying OOP, I order the kids sz version & its perfect for lunch. ps I had the croque monsieur when BOG first opened & I lucked into their special fast pass lunch trial. It just wasn't good. No flavour. Just sad. I have also had the tuna nicoise salad for lunch. It was good but not as good as the pork IMO. A large amount of tuna (barely seared on the edges and raw inside as it should be served) which was a bit much for my tummy at lunch. It would be a good adventurous lunch dish to share with a companion along with the pork or the roast beef sammy so the tuna can be balanced out a little. Keep up the great work! Most appreciated! :-)
Thanks Sam! I'm a big girl and large portions don't scare me. But for some reason this was too much. I really think it must have been something other than the food because it's rare that I don't finish my plate :D
The tuna nicoise salad sounds yummy! Actually, I'd take the tuna without the salad part :rolleyes:

Yes, I only like the vanilla swirled Dole Whip. I have heard you can get them at the Polynesian, so I may get one after our Kona Cafe breakfast (or not, if I am too full of Tonga Toast). That said, this next trip I am all about the Citrus Twist, since vanilla and orange together are one of my favorite flavor combinations.

Those ducklings are the sweetest, BTW!
Vanilla and orange remind me of the creamsicle cake my mom used to make :cloud9:
It's weird though- I don't remember seeing the vanilla swirl on the menu at Aloha Isle but I looked it up on the Disney website and they do mention it.
See here on the Aloha Isle page it's in the description. But if you click on 'menu', only the regular Dole Whip comes up. Maybe it's a secret menu option and you need to know to ask for it? :confused3
Well, if I can't find it there next time, I'll have to try it at the Poly before my next 'Ohana meal! ::yes::
Loved the Skipper's Canteen review! It's okay that you didn't like the Dole Whip; I don't like the frozen orange slushy thing from the Orange Bird stand but lots of people say it's their favorite. To each their own!
Loved the Skipper's Canteen review! It's okay that you didn't like the Dole Whip; I don't like the frozen orange slushy thing from the Orange Bird stand but lots of people say it's their favorite. To each their own!
Thanks, Aunt Frannie! You made me feel better about not liking the Dole Whip :flower3:


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