Scarlet and Pete's Fairy Tale Wedding *10th Sep 09* Wedding Pictures now up!

Day 5
Trip to the Court House

The day start with a bagel and a trip to the court house! So we got Disney to order us a taxi again but the driver was trying to rip us off for more money and this really shocked me he drove straight past the court house which was clearly marked and when I pointed out that he had driven past it he told me I was wrong and drove around for another 10 Min's "looking for it" after I insisted he turned back around and go back to were I said it was all of a sudden he remembered were it was after adding another $15 to our fair :mad: I did not like that man at all! So just a warning to you guys that have to go to the court house in taxi.
But we got there for about 9:00 and went right in the building felt kind of scary with all the armed officers (I couldn't get used to that) and as Pete and me were putting our shoes on the scanny thing the offices told Pete he wasn't allowed in the building with his belt buckle. It's an old metal wild west one so we asked what to do with it he told him to go hide it outside and hope that it was still there when we got out :confused: And that man was not very friendly at all. But the lady that got us our licence up stairs was so sweet really happy for us both and brighten the day up again. Getting the licence is so easy and really quick too. When we got outside Pete remembered that the nice driver from yesterday had given us his number :rolleyes: of course he remembers now! But he came, picked us up and drove is back no problem.
Once we got back we got a bus to Pop Century to meet our family while my dad was still trying to sort out everyone's passes we hung out with CJ (My sister, best friend and maid of honor) and Leigh (CJ's fiance, Petes best man and our close friend)

After about half an hour dad came back with the bad news Thomson travel agents had messed up big time and now all 17 of our guests had buy there passes at just over $200 each!!! This could have really messed up the holiday and everyone had to just work together to pay for them.
So after that everyone just really wanted to get into the park so that's what we did. My side of the family all came with me and Pete to the Magic Kingdom.Here's my mum, dad and cousin Jordon entering the park for the first time

And here we all are excited to be at Disney together




I'll leave it there for now but up next is our sweetheart dinner at the california grill :love:
Day 5
Sweetheart Dinner

So everyone wondered in and out of shops down main street for a little while as we tried to pick a ride that everyone wanted to go on (not an easy job) So in the end I took lead and everyone went on Haunted Mansion which was really funny because if you say BOO! to my cousin Olivia she jumps so she was squeaking all the way through
Now was splash mountain and the group was split here into the brave and the chickens I was team chicken so while half went on I stayed with my Nana, Grandad and Olivia. After they all came off soaking wet and over excited we all went on B.T.M and seeing my Nana and grandad ride B.T.M was just one of the cutest things So it was starting to get a little difficult going round in such a big group so we decided that we would all go on P.O.T.C together then go off in smaller groups. So after that CJ and Leigh came with us for dinner in Pecos Bills. After that I wanted to met the fairies and CJ definitely didn't so they went off on there own while Pete kindly waited in line with me and all the other kids (So Pete waited 45 Min's for fairies, 35 Min's for Princess and 20Min's for Ariel he must love me )
So all the time I'm going on about how I hope that Rosetta's there and she was! So the photo that came out blurry was ...

They were all so cute when I walk in all three of them ran up to me and was touching my hair and pulling my dress asking if I used cherries for the colour of my hair and if a garden fairy made my dress, it was really funny. So after Pete doing that for me I had to let him pick the next ride and of course it was Buzz. After that we went back to the hotel so we could get ready for our sweetheart dinner I was really excited about this and it definitely did not let us down.
We arrived at the bar just as the sun was setting over the Kingdom and it was just so beautiful that it made the night feel romantic right from the start

Pete ordered us a drink from the bar each and he got me my favourite a cosmopolitan, I hardly ever drink so I'm really not used to alcohol I take one sip of that and my throat was on fire wow there was allot of vodka in that.
Pete thought it was so funny that I couldn't drink it but I did keep my little cocktail stick So after a while we were shown to our table in a small room with only maybe 4 other tables I couldn't believe it the waitress said that they wanted to make it special for us and our table was set out lovely

It felt so privet and romantic and the menu was printed for Mr and Mrs D'Andilly so for my starter I got the mushroom ravioli and Pete got the beef and tomato soup both were so good. After that we were sat talking when our waitress came over to tell us that she had told the chef to wait with our main course until after wishes fireworks so we could go watch them on the observation deck, she also said to go to the second one because everyone goes to the first one so we did and there were only two other couples there. So there I was stood in the warm night air with Pete arms tight around me giving me kisses and we watched wishes from above Disney World, that was one of the most romantic moments of my life. So I had to go to the toilets before going back to the table to sort out my make up of course I would get all emotion and cry.
For our main course both me and Pete had the stake with sour cream potatoes and vegetables that was the best food I have ever tasted. The we had our sweetheart desert to share,YUM!

After we were finished we got engraved champagne flutes to take home along with our menus and the rest of our wine.
When we got home we thought that this would be the perfect time to give each other our wedding gifts as tomorrow Pete had to sleep in a different hotel.So I gave Pete his and he gave me mine. WOW, that guy can be thoughtful he had a locket made out of white gold for me on the front 3 white diamond's made a Mickey and on the back was engraved "Happily ever after"


Isn't it so beautiful and to know he thought of it himself and then had it made for me it just makes me all glowing and happy!
So that really was just the most beautiful night.
If anyone can possibly book a sweetheart dinner you really should do it I will remember that night forever it really was one of my top three memories ever the night just felt so magic and full of love I can't even explain it
Sorry to hear about the tickets - that sucks :confused3

Glad you had fun with the fairies though - you saw the same three as us!
awww I love the locket!!! Your pictures are so much fun! sorry that you had such problems with your tickets thats really annoying. How exactly do you book a sweetheart dinner? It sounds like it was really wonderful
oh scarlett! that locket is beautiful! I love it! And i got all teary eyed when i read about your sweetheart dinner... i'm planning one with DF on the honeymoon as a surprise! :)

I have to tell you that i'm psyched to read about your wedding day! And this is one of my favorite TR's of all time!
Love the TR!

What a **** about the tickets - gotta love Travel Agents huh?! I really hope everyone manages to claim the money back.

Oh, I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm the one that said you owed us $125 because we upgraded the cake to the one you had after you posted a picture. I showed Tim the picture of you with the cake you put in here earlier on and he said it is money well spent so we'll let you off :rotfl:

I'm so glad you had a fantastic time (even with the hassle of the courthouse being shut and the tickets) and am really looking forward to the rest of the trip :lovestruc
Hiya Scarlet love the TR so far, your pics are lovely. I didn't read along with your PTR but have seen some of your pictures around on a few threads and had to come and read all about your wedding trip. Your dress & cake were gorgeous.

Martini is adorable and what a gorgeous locket. Can't wait to read more :)
That pic of the sunset over MK is gorgeous!

I can't imagine DF getting me anything like you're locket! :rotfl: You've got a keeper there! Good thing you married him! :laughing:
That photo of you in front of the castle looks all misty and magical! How funny is that lady wanting to smell your hair because she was certain you was strawberry shortcake! Bless! I have a feeling you will get lots more compliments as your trip continues.

How adorable is Martini is those outfits... i bet he loves all the attention he gets from you and Petey!

Oh and i forgot to tell you yesterday - how awsome is the HM? I loveeee it! I get way to excited when im waiting to get on that ride!

Look forward to hearing more and finding out how you became a cupcake addict! :upsidedow


Yer, it was really odd that this little girl wanted to smell my hair but funny to :rotfl: And I totaly fell in love with the H.M we went on that far more then anything else, in the end the staff were like you two again? :laughing:

That locket is beautiful! :lovestruc Your boy did well! ;)

Thank you :goodvibes he is normally very thoughtful, I'm a lucky girl!:cloud9:

That locket is awesome!!! The sweetheart dinner sounds yummy! I can't wait to reading the wedding day posts!

The dinner was amazing, the best food I have ever tasted. Sorry it's taking so long to get to the big day but i'm almost there now!

Sorry to hear about the tickets - that sucks :confused3

Glad you had fun with the fairies though - you saw the same three as us!

Yer it was rubbish about the tickets but my family were really good about it and it didn't mess up the holiday for them. And how great is the room were you meet the fairies? There all really sweet arn't they :cutie: It's also good to know i' not the only adult that wanted to see them:thumbsup2

awww I love the locket!!! Your pictures are so much fun! sorry that you had such problems with your tickets thats really annoying. How exactly do you book a sweetheart dinner? It sounds like it was really wonderful

Yer the thing with the tickets did suck but everyone still had the best time. And to book the dinner I was just booking us in to eat at the C.G but the lady on the phone was lovely and she told me that they do the sweetheart dinner there and asked if we wanted to book that. So if you just call Disney dinning 90 days out and ask to book a sweetheart dinner they will do it for you it was about $99 each and so worth it :goodvibes

oh scarlett! that locket is beautiful! I love it! And i got all teary eyed when i read about your sweetheart dinner... i'm planning one with DF on the honeymoon as a surprise! :)

I have to tell you that i'm psyched to read about your wedding day! And this is one of my favorite TR's of all time!

Katie I am so excited that you have booked a S.D too is it in the C.G? You are going to have the most lovely time :cloud9: It will be the best surpise for you'r DF :goodvibes

Love the TR!

What a **** about the tickets - gotta love Travel Agents huh?! I really hope everyone manages to claim the money back.

Oh, I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm the one that said you owed us $125 because we upgraded the cake to the one you had after you posted a picture. I showed Tim the picture of you with the cake you put in here earlier on and he said it is money well spent so we'll let you off :rotfl:

I'm so glad you had a fantastic time (even with the hassle of the courthouse being shut and the tickets) and am really looking forward to the rest of the trip :lovestruc

I remember you and the cake :lmao: It really is worth thr extra money :thumbsup2 also if you want Cinders on top of the cake tell you're wedding planner it's only and another $20 but it really looks great witht the cake. And you still get the minnie and mickey cake topper you get with escape weddings anyway :)

Hiya Scarlet love the TR so far, your pics are lovely. I didn't read along with your PTR but have seen some of your pictures around on a few threads and had to come and read all about your wedding trip. Your dress & cake were gorgeous.

Martini is adorable and what a gorgeous locket. Can't wait to read more :)

Thanks Sarah :goodvibes that's so sweet and welcome to my T.R!

That pic of the sunset over MK is gorgeous!

I can't imagine DF getting me anything like you're locket! :rotfl: You've got a keeper there! Good thing you married him! :laughing:

Yer Pete is normaly really thoughtful I'm a lucky girl and you don't know you're DF might just surpise you:thumbsup2
i hope there are more updates today! im sitting here at work... and i dont feel like doing work! hehe!

how sweet of Pete to get that necklace- he must have put some thought into that, its so pretty.

that meal at CG looks so yummy!
i hope there are more updates today! im sitting here at work... and i dont feel like doing work! hehe!

how sweet of Pete to get that necklace- he must have put some thought into that, its so pretty.

that meal at CG looks so yummy!

HAHA, I'm writting now Stacey!:surfweb:
Day 6
Bridal tea party

This morning both me and Pete were really excited tomorrow was our big day and it made everything feel exciting. But I also felt a little sad because I knew at dinner time Pete would go to his bar and grill with the guys, I would go to my tea party and I wouldn't see him again until we were saying our vows. Again exciting, but in almost 4 years we haven't spent a night apart so I knew I was going to miss him.
But like I said everything seemed very exciting. We went to the Magic Kingdom I stopped to have a photo with some of my cute pumpkin friends

we worked our way through all our favorite rides Haunted Mansion, B.T.M, P.O.T.C, philliahmagic, Winnie the pooh ...
It was almost time for us to go to our parties but we could fit in a couple of rides first. So we went on Buzz Pete already had the top score while I was way way behind I'm really bad at it) So Pete shows me this hidden Z in front of Zurge and if you hit it you get loads of points) just as were in front of it the ride stops! So we both finished as Galactic Heroes, YAY!

As were about to leave Pete asked if we could go see the Laughing floor, oh no! I really didn't want to because I knew that it picks on people in the theater and I am sssoooo shy and for some reason I always get picked out, I don't know maybe it's the hair. So with that theory in mind I hide my hair and pull my cap right down to hide my face. So I'm sat there head down when Pete tells me I'm on the screen I went redder then my hair and sunk down in my chair and for the rest of the show I hid under Pete's arm. Really the show was funny but the fear of everyone looking at you is so not worth it, of course Pete found it funny thought!
So now we had to say you're goodbyes and you would have thought I wasn't going to see him for weeks rather than just one night but it was really emotional to know the next time I saw my beautiful man would be when he was stood there waiting to marry me :cloud9:
After Pete went off to meet the guys at the house of blues I went in one of the toilets to get changed into my tea dress there was no way I was going all the way back to hotel just to do that. So when I get out of the park I know I'm going to be early so I thought I would take the little boat across to the Grand Floridian and what happened next is really one of the oddest things that has every happened to me. I'm stood waiting for the boot and these 2 little girls were watching every move I made so I smiled at them and next thing I know there mum has come over to talk to me. She told me that her daughters think I'm a princess and that they wanted to have there photo with me so I said of course. Then when they herd me talk they got all excited so now I'm "the princess of England" :lmao: and there asking me all these questions then out of now wear there are 4 other children waiting to have there photo with me :eek: at this point I just want the boat to get here. It finally dose I get on and sit at the back ... and so do all 6 of my little friends! Now they want to hear stories about been a princess in England. Don't get me wrong they were all really cute kids but I was so embarrassed. The two girls that came to talk to me first asked there Mum if they could walk me to the tea room and there mum was more then happy to do that then they let me to go to the pool. That really was a weired experience.
I was early so I just sat in one of the big cozy chairs and waited for the girls to arrive. When they did we were shown to our tables.

Here is me, CJ and Olivia all been ladies with our tea :rotfl: The tea room is beautiful and I know I'm very English but I love afternoon tea so this was just heaven for me and the china that they use is the same china that I got as a wedding present from my Grandma and Grandad so that was really nice.

We chose the Buckingham Palace menu it was only $19.95 and you got so much food, the little tart you got was so yummy!
You also got a full pot of your chose of tea. I got the Princess tea (truthfully because it was called princess) but it was lovely it was strawberry and vanilla and here is me happy with my tea hehe

Pete's side of the family his lovely mum, auntie and cousins

me and my lovely sister, the lady in the tea room gave each one of us a fresh cut roses from the garden because it was my bridal party. They smelt so beautiful

For dessert we had the sweeties strawberries I have ever tasted in my life

the whole afternoon was so lovely and I am so happy that I chose to do this. Everyone seemed to have a really lovely time x
Day 6
House Of Blues

So as the ladies are having afternoon tea.The guy's were at Pete's bar and grill at the House of blues.

Here they all are, the dress code was western they did all have cowboy hats at one point :rotfl:

And here they all are been well guys...


after they were full up from what I'm told was amazing food. They all headed down to the Harley Davidson store :lmao:


When Pete went back to the hotel with my dad and Leigh his gift that I had made up for him had arrived. I'd asked for a pirate chest, with pirate hat, patch and rub on tattoos :rotfl: full of beer and boy food like pretzels and nuts... I was really happy with how it turned out

Pete loved it!
When he got his Pirate gift he called me to thank me for it and tell me he was missing me after saying we loved each other we hung up and the next time I would hear his voice it was going to be on our magical day:cloud9:
Oh you ladies looked stunning at the bridal tea! Alittle wierd about the little girls on the boat tough... dont know how i would've felt about that. HAHAHA but you handled it like a true lady!

I LOVE that the guys had a western theme! so cute! and the pirate chest gift you have made for pete is amazing, he must have been psyched when he got it.

I can't wait for your next installment... YAY!!!!!
Scarlett -

Everything looks lovely - I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE BIG DAY!

now any chance for another Martini photo as a bonus?

you and your sister are so pretty... your parents must be so proud of the beautiful children they produced! hehe!!

and how adorable those little girls are calling you the Princess of England...i agree with katie- you handled that well!

I might tell Wayne about the HOB idea.... i realllly wanted to go there this year but somehow forgot... i think he would love it there! How good is that basket you got Pete!!! thats the best one i have seen so far!!?

Cant wait to read more!

Woooohooooo its the wedding day next!!

When you start posting your wedding day photos .... you will get us lot calling you princess!!
Hi Scarlet :wave2:

I stumbled across this on 'New Posts' and am so glad I did!!!!

I have spent all morning 'lurking' reading the planning and am loving the trip reports!!!

I love :love: your theming. And you are just the cutest couple!!! You have impeccable taste! I would love to raid your wardrobe the outfit you wore for the tea party was lovely.

Love everything you picked, the dress is too beautiful, the cake amazing!!!

You all look fantastic!!! Love your sister/MoH's dress I want it!!!

I laughed when I read your description of first arriving in Orlando, 'like when Dorothy arrives in Oz' it is very bright & colourful!

I could gush about your wedding for pages but I won't (for much longer!!) I shall try and contain myself!!!

And your little dog Martini is tooo adorable! I want one. You have converted me to love small dogs. I have a very large dog who could swallow Martini in one!!!

Can't wait to see the next post!!!

i'd love to raid Scarlet's wardrobe too!!

I love love love all your outfits that you have worn so far!


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