*Confirmed* G+ Changes to Advanced Lightning Lane

Agree......Its awesome........I would never pay for Genie+ if it had Tiers and you only got 1 Tier 1 ride and had to use all 3 before making another selection
Problem is without a limitation, for example at Epcot, Frozen, Test Track and Remy would be gone fast.
Heres a great example of right now on the posted vs actual wait times (from people that are in line real time right now)

HM says 50 mins and it's only 12........Small World 45 mins and it's only 21...........Jungle Cruise posted 50 mins vs 37 actual

Posted times are wrong probably 99% of the time

View attachment 843469
which app is this? Len's? This looks different from my Touring Plans Lines App, but could be an Android/Apple difference.
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Universal announcement for how to train your dragon came out today. Looks pretty incredible. So themed

Will disney tell us ANYTHING?

Probably not.
Universal announcement for how to train your dragon came out today. Looks pretty incredible. So themed

Will disney tell us ANYTHING?

Probably not.
Disney doesn't need to tell us anything. They've been rolling out excellent rides like Rise, Guardians, Tron in the past few years. They'll still have one more park than Universal in 2025.

Can we just be excited for Universal without questioning Disney?
Disney doesn't need to tell us anything. They've been rolling out excellent rides like Rise, Guardians, Tron in the past few years. They'll still have one more park than Universal in 2025.

Can we just be excited for Universal without questioning Disney?
I would also like to add that its not like we don't know something is coming from Disney. The difference is Disney likes to announce these big things at their dedicated D23 events. Universal does not have something like this and can be more spontaneous with announcements. If, after D23, we still don't have any concrete news, then I think it is ok to question Disney. But, all things are pointing to Disney announcing the Dinoland replacement as well as possible other lands or rides.
Disney doesn't need to tell us anything. They've been rolling out excellent rides like Rise, Guardians, Tron in the past few years. They'll still have one more park than Universal in 2025.

Can we just be excited for Universal without questioning Disney?
Good point. Meant more cause the thread has been around forever with no updates.
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I would also like to add that its not like we don't know something is coming from Disney. The difference is Disney likes to announce these big things at their dedicated D23 events. Universal does not have something like this and can be more spontaneous with announcements. If, after D23, we still don't have any concrete news, then I think it is ok to question Disney. But, all things are pointing to Disney announcing the Dinoland replacement as well as possible other lands or rides.
I think it's more that historically Universal waits fairly long in the process to formerly announce details Disney announces years and years in advance. Personally? I prefer Universal's method because with Disney I'm more often to experience disappointment by means of a project being cut or trimmed down sometimes quite significantly.

Personally I don't think not having an equivalent to D23 is why Universal is more latent in their announcements (which to many seem spontaneous), in many ways I think they are more cautious with what they release to the public.
Disney doesn't need to tell us anything. They've been rolling out excellent rides like Rise, Guardians, Tron in the past few years. They'll still have one more park than Universal in 2025.

Can we just be excited for Universal without questioning Disney?
Although in your statement you couldn't be excited for Universal without at the same time questioning them and throwing shade at them. The PP wasn't talking about the ride quality of Disney nor how many parks they have. They just said the How to Train Your Dragon rides looks "incredible" and "so themed" how did the number of parks make it into the conversation? Nor the other attractions Disney had opened? You yourself could just be excited about Universal without making mention of Disney.

I think the PP was more like many people who expects news to come forth when something big is said about their competition and throughout the years very much is the case that when one announces something big another shortly there after announces something, sometimes lack luster sometimes really neat.
I think it's more that historically Universal waits fairly long in the process to formerly announce details Disney announces years and years in advance. Personally? I prefer Universal's method because with Disney I'm more often to experience disappointment by means of a project being cut or trimmed down sometimes quite significantly.

Personally I don't think not having an equivalent to D23 is why Universal is more latent in their announcements (which to many seem spontaneous), in many ways I think they are more cautious with what they release to the public.
I didn't mean to make Universal's announcements seem bad or anything else but more so just tried to state Universal and Disney announce things differently, i.e. at a dedicated scheduled event vs a random day in March. You point out nicely as well that that Disney announces things prior to shovel in dirt vs Universal's announcing things when it is close to releasing. I would rather Disney's route of years in advance, but i understand about being disappointed when projects are cut or even cancelled.
I didn't mean to make Universal's announcements seem bad or anything else but more so just tried to state Universal and Disney announce things differently, i.e. at a dedicated scheduled event vs a random day in March. You point out nicely as well that that Disney announces things prior to shovel in dirt vs Universal's announcing things when it is close to releasing. I would rather Disney's route of years in advance, but i understand about being disappointed when projects are cut or even cancelled.
I didn't think you were painting Universal's announcement in a bad light :flower3: so no worries on that front!
Disney doesn't need to tell us anything. They've been rolling out excellent rides like Rise, Guardians, Tron in the past few years. They'll still have one more park than Universal in 2025.

Can we just be excited for Universal without questioning Disney?
This this this sooo much.

It's exhausting how impossible it seems for some folks to be excited for Universal without throwing shade and hate at Disney at the same time. It's not a competition, it's not a pageant and the only winners are guests because we get more awesome parks.

Except me I guess because the constant shade and hate makes Universal fans seem insufferable. Just be happy and enjoy, I promise it's a lot more fun.
It's exhausting how impossible it seems for some folks to be excited for Universal without throwing shade and hate at Disney at the same time.
To be fair, most of those people throw shade and hate at Disney whether or not Universal happens to be doing something cool.

It seems like an exhausting way to live, but to each their own I guess.
Although in your statement you couldn't be excited for Universal without at the same time questioning them and throwing shade at them.
Not throwing shade. I'm happy for Universal and excited about Epic. While the other "fans" were busy using Universal to criticize Disney, I actually flew to Hollywood to get a feel of Epic by visiting Nintendo World. It was terrific!
.. the constant shade and hate makes Universal fans seem insufferable. Just be happy and enjoy, I promise it's a lot more fun.
The real Universal fans (like myself :D) don't provoke/criticize other companies. If you're happy with what you have, why in the world would you care what others have to offer.


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