Room layout/bathroom access question


aka tivogirl, keeper of the live WDW webcams at ht
Jun 29, 2001
We've got three couples (all adults) going down and plan on getting a two bedroom unit. Just curious what the bathroom access would be for the couple in the main living quarters of the home. Particularly, if these folks use the pullout in the living room to sleep on and have to go to the bathroom at 2 a.m., can they get to a toilet without going through the master or second bedroom?

I'm looking over the layouts and it appears BWV is the only unit with a door to the master toilet/shower area that allows access without going through the master bedroom. Is this the case for ALL the BWV two bedroom units? Is there a door for access without going through the master bedroom at OKW or VWL and it's just not on the layouts?

As always, any help is appreciated! Thanks!
OKW has an extra door through the laundry room into the master bathroom in buildings 30 and higher only (they were built in a second phase after buildings 11 to 29).

VWL is similiar to BWV, there are 2 entrances to the master bathroom in all 1 & 2 bedrooms.

With 6 adults, you would probably like the extra room of OKW.

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