Room Key and Passes - Are they both on the same card?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
At WDW last December, our length of stay passes were coded onto our Yacht Club room keys. This was very convenient and easier to keep track of than having a room key and a paper pass.

We will be staying the Disneyland Hotel in June and getting the Ultimate Park Hopper Passes. Does anyone know if these will be separate pieces of paper or if they can be coded on to the room keys?

Bouncing- - just can't help bouncing!

No, unfortunately the Disneyland hotels do not yet have a system for coding passes on to room keys, so you will get separate passes. In fact to even CHARGE to your room you will get this little charge slip to take with you, not your room key. Hopefully someday they will get the WDW-type of system! :)

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It is soooo inconvenient. We were so spoiled by the convenience of the Resort ID card at WDW... then to go to DL and have to carry the room key, the charge slip, and the park hopper pass. I don't remember having to show picture ID at WDW either, but they required it everywhere at DL... or was I just out of it?

DVC 12/00
WDW - 12/00 (DxL), 8/96 (CR/GF)
DL - 8/00 (offsite), 11/99 (DLH), 8/98 (DLH), 8/97 (offsite), 12/96 (offsite), 6/94 (DLH), and numerous visits as a child...


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