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Gerbilsting---$117-$19570-160-AKV-Mar-0/19, 0/20, 160/21, 160/22- sent 9/8/2020

Sad panda on the wait times for a response. We had an SSR contract bought from under us on 9/4 after a 40 something day wait. We got back on the horse right away and put in an offer on the AKV for a "safer" amount, hoping for better luck. We have a Wedding set for 10/11/2021 in Disney Springs @ Paddlefish which is just making this wait even more stressful!
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I was hoping for news this week I am waiting on 9/13 doesn’t look like this will happen. 😢
Same. After a bunch of answers for 9/2, 9/3, and even a couple 9/4 submissions came in two weeks ago, I was hopeful this interminable wait would end and we could move onto the next step, but nothing as yet. I'm trying to stay positive, but am only semi-successful. 😐 :surfweb:
It certainly seems as if they've slowed down their responses again, alas. Today is my 30-day mark for a small 50-point SSR, but given what I'm seeing here, I suspect it will still be a week or two before I get a response...
I did find one bright side today for me....we submitted 8/11 and still have not heard back. Our submission says we plan to close 10/ I would think if they don't get back to me by then, inherently Disney has waived their ROFR? (LOL - starting to go crazy waiting)
It certainly seems as if they've slowed down their responses again, alas. Today is my 30-day mark for a small 50-point SSR, but given what I'm seeing here, I suspect it will still be a week or two before I get a response...
I'm at day 28, and thinking the exact same thing!
I'm at day 28, and thinking the exact same thing!
Yikes, I'm at day 24.

& 9/16 for me.........:coffee:
yup, still waiting on 9/4 :fish:
Same! 9/14 for me
Me too, also 9/11.....

Mine is 9/20 and I was thinking I had about a week or so more... until I read these. I haven't been following the thread. Best to all of you. Hope you hear something soon. I can tell I still a few weeks to go.
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