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Is $90/pt for 200-300 point SSR contracts with no banked points (but full points for current UY) and seller pays closing costs a realistic offer? I've put a few out there, but have gotten either no response, or a firm "no" with not even a counter. We're not desperate to buy more points and are willing to look for a good deal. Just wonder if I'm starting too low?
I'd probably lower the offer and leave it buyer pays closing... there are almost 500 SSR contracts available right now and it only takes one seller to agree. I use to offer on one and wait, but it's hit or miss whether they respond quickly so one weekend I offered on 12 BWV contracts and one agreed to my price- withdrew my offer on the couple I hadn't heard back from, but had several high counters. It only takes on seller to say yes though :) 200-300 is a sizeable contract and should be a bit lower especially with no banked points.
Is $90/pt for 200-300 point SSR contracts with no banked points (but full points for current UY) and seller pays closing costs a realistic offer? I've put a few out there, but have gotten either no response, or a firm "no" with not even a counter. We're not desperate to buy more points and are willing to look for a good deal. Just wonder if I'm starting too low?
Not IMO. I'd be offering $85 and I'd pay closing. In what I've seen, sellers would rather accept a lower price than pay closing.
Does not respond to low offers? Or do they not respond to all offers if they receive a higher offers than yours? Or are they just inundated with work that it takes them a few days?
I’ve always heard back on offers from them, usually within a couple hours. I made an offer on Saturday and that one took a little bit longer to hear back on.
My experience with fidelity is that they will get back to you quickly if the contract has not been sold.

If it has been sold, it either took longer for them to respond or I found out by calling them myself.

Of course, everyone's experience is different, but that has been mine.
Is $90/pt for 200-300 point SSR contracts with no banked points (but full points for current UY) and seller pays closing costs a realistic offer? I've put a few out there, but have gotten either no response, or a firm "no" with not even a counter. We're not desperate to buy more points and are willing to look for a good deal. Just wonder if I'm starting too low?

If the contract is meeting your needs, then I think it’s a good offer. I never look at what others got as anything but a guide and went from there.

If I found exactly what meet my needs, I didn’t worry about an extra $5 to $10 a point.
Thanks for the advice on the SSR contract everyone! I appreciate it..going to hold firm and not listen to the agents that are trying to convince me that above $100 is a good deal right now.:)

I would hold - I am in the final stages of closing on an SSR contract for $95/pt (171 pts) and it came fully loaded with 22 points. It also had 90 pts left from 2021 that are expiring July 31 of this year that im going to try to squeeze a trip in with.
Tx3Mom---$90-$15126-150-SSR-Feb-0/22, 200/23, 150/24, 150/25-Seller pays half MF 23- sent 3/16

Well here we are one year later and we are buying another contract! We just couldn’t resist the prices right now. I mean did we really NEED more points? 🤪 Well we did want SAPs and decided Saratoga was the best choice for us!

I know Saratoga gets a lot of shade as a resort of last choice…🙃 However, my daughter and I stayed there in December and loved it! We will use it primarily for our girls only trips and adult trips!
Good grief the waiting is hard! And I'm a control freak, so having the timeline of this process out of my hands is even worse 😅 I keep telling myself "Today, today I'll be notified our contract has been sent to ROFR and I'll finally be able to add my info to this thread!" But nope. Our offer was accepted 8 days ago and we were notified on the 14th that our deposit had been collected. We haven't even received a signed copy of the purchase agreement yet :-( I didn't realize I should have taken screen shots. I'm trying to reassure myself that is just slammed with resales to process right now, but it's hard watching other people have a faster experience.
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