ROFR question

I don’t think they actively try to do this most of the time. I think they just staff to as many people as it takes to avoid taking longer than 30 days, which they’re contractually obligated to provide an answer by.

Now, there have definitely been situations where they’re very tight on a specific resort and that resort’s ROFRs mysteriously take longer than the others, most recently at VGF. But that’s definitely the exception.

To clarify, they have to be given at least 30 days before a closing day is set. They can take up to closing if they want.
Yes, and that might be a difficult algorithm to write - unless DVD kept a very detailed database of purchase requests.
Compare it to the exponentially more complicated process of calculating an insurance quote based on hundreds of factors. We expect that to come back within 2 or 3 seconds, yes?
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Compare it to the exponentially more complicated process of calculating an insurance quote based on hundreds of factors. We expect that to come back within 2 or 3 seconds, yes?
Does the insurance quote computer program have to check with all the agents selling that insurance to find out information about other people who want to buy insurance from them, before it can calculate the quote for me?

We don’t know how the drunken monkey ROFR process works, but we do know that sometimes they’ll take points at a higher price and let a lower price pass. We surmise that the points they took were ones they needed to complete a contract of a given size, perhaps because they matched the RU of points they had on hand (or, before they gave themselves the power to change UY, the points they took matched the UY of points on hand). That’s what I meant by needing a database where the guides entered that they had a customer who wanted xxx points at yyy resort with zz UY, and the ROFR algorithm would look at those needs when deciding which contracts to take. We don’t know how that works, whether the guides notify the ROFR staff of those needs or what.
I think the ROFR person (or people) are using a mixture of the Unit # for the points, the outstanding point add on requests they may have, the way the points are either banked or borrowed, and the sales prices - plus any directives from their higher ups at DVC, in all coordination to make their decisions. Trying not to get too poetic about it, but I imagine the person doing it might view it as a bit of an art and a bit of a science, based on whatever their goals are in that given moment, which is probably why they wouldn't just automate it all away to a program. OR maybe I'm just reading way too much into things and it really is just monkeys throwing darts, hahaha....

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