Repeat after me:


<font color=CC66CC>Short Post Man cracks me up!<br
Nov 25, 2001
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!
I will never complain about MY kids again!

I'm with Fishbone† (hey look, I got the symbol in there on the first try!!!!) I AM MOST assuredly going to have nightmares.

LOL Coqui
"Don't worry sir, I promise to have your daughter home by 10pm."

Now THAT would be scary.
Eeeeewwwwwwwww! I should never have looked at this before going to bed!
Now I was weird in high school, but that is WAY OVER THE TOP!

Yes, Spago, I do believe that person is a female....
Originally posted by SPAGo 98
wait, so is that a guy or a girl? i thought it was a girl...?

Good point, there is no real way to be sure from this picture. It has a sort of unisex scary quality to it.
Oh my. I wonder if security people even bother making him/her walk through the metal detector
I'm thinking female by the size of the shoulders, and the smallish neck.

I can't tell if there is an Adams Apple because the studded collar is in the way....

But my guess is female...
Anybody got an electromagnet....:teeth: :teeth: :teeth:
EEEWWWWWW.....By the way, with all that stuff, I can't see how you can tell if it is a girl or guy.

I will never complain about my children.
I will never complain about my children.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I will never complain about my children
I will never complain about my children
I will never complain about my children

I hope I don't have nightmares tonight!


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