Read if Renting Stroller


Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2001
My guess is this tip has been posted at some point in the past, but since I just got back from Disney and saw noone else doing - I thought I would share.

If you will rent a stroller while visiting the various theme parks, remember that so will thousands of other folks - and they all look the same! Take something with you to tie on your stroller to identify it. We took a bright orange and black shoelace and tied it on the handle bar. It stood out like a sore thumb. Honestly, I never saw one other stroller with something on it to make it easy to find during a whole week in the parks. I did frequently see people spending time trying to find their stroller by looking at the name cards Disney provides. Also keep in mind that it is not uncommon for strollers to be moved to a designated parking area. So you may find it grouped with many other strollers - not exactly where you parked it prior to entering an attraction.

Hope this helps somebody out!

- Andy
It's been years since I needed to rent a stroller.

Back then, I did try the shoelace trick. Both the stroller and the shoelace disappeared. :(

Collector's Board Moderator
Best one I heard along this lines, was to fold up a clean diaper so that it looked as if it had been used, and pop that in the basket of the stroller - no one will come near it!

I was told that the strollers at MK are smaller than those at other parks. I don't think my seven year old can walk all day so I hope he can fit in the strollers. If not, I may have to bring one.
How much does it cost to rent a stroller and do they have dual strollers if so about how much does it cost?
I'm sure somewhere along the lines this suggestion has been posted too, but last night I was reading, browsing actually in the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World book. Someone had wrote in and said that they would pay the rental fee if they arrived early at a park, but as they would be leaving, instead of returning it they would find someone to rent it to for $3.00. Then they would go to their resort and later would return to another park and again they would look for someone who was leaving and this offer to pay $3.00 for their stroller. A way to get your strollers at half price!
Strollers are $7/day for a single, and $13/day for a double. $1 is refunded at end of day upon returning the stroller. Note if you are park hopping, you do not need to pay again. Simply take your receipt to the next park and get another stroller. Get the $1 refund at the end of the day.

Interesting tip on renting your stroller on your own for $3. For those who are new to this - N. Baileys example would work in a park hopping situation. Say you paid $13 for a double at the MK. Leave around noon, but don't turn your stroller in. Rent it on your own for $3. You still have your receipt, so when you get to the next park pick up another stroller. Assuming you leave early enough that someone else is still looking to rent, rent that stroller for $3. Guess your happy because cost is now $7, and people you rented to are happy. Guess Disney's not real happy, but they certainly find lots of ways to separate you from your money!

Above would be a bit too much work for me, but it sounds like it should work fine. Good tip!

I thought the single size strollers seem a bit small. My 3 1/2 year old daughter fit fine but my 6 year old son was a bit cramped - more in height, then width. I usually got a double stroller and the 2 of them fit in that fine.

Hope that helps,
When we were finished in the parks we would go by the line of people waiting to rent strollers and pick someone to just give our stroller to. We didn't mind losing the buck and it really makes someone's day to be able to leave that line and have a free stroller.

WDW Swan-Nov. 2000
Disney Wonder-Nov. 2000
AS Movies-May 2001
Disney Wonder-May 2001
Shades of Green-May 2001


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