RANT ALERT Park Manners

I think Disney can afford this, but they should have a few buses that drive around for the chairs only. I am not in any hurry to board a bus, and I don't have a problem waiting for someone using them. But it may be a little easier for the person in the chairs to be able to get on a bus that is just for them.
Reinforcing the idea of "Do unto others" is more important than catching the next bus or my aching feet. And we're not in the parks to anyone's breaking point. We learned long ago that our family vacation is only as much fun as the most miserable person. So when one person has had enough, either we split up or we all go back for a swim. Sure, we may not use that Soarin' fastpass. But we'll have a great vacation.

Wonderful words to vacation by... This will be our mantra in May!
hey ladies, how about everyone use the butt gaskets in the bathroom or put down tp instead of backing up to the toilet and hover spraying like a feral cat? having to wipe someone elses urine soaked seat for the hundredth time gets old.

Amen to the original post!

This makes me think of the time we were in line for Toy Story for a very long time. There was a group in front of us that turned into a bigger group as we got closer. They were not speaking English, and my husband informed them, "This is America, and we don't do that here!" My teenage stepson was mortified and I kind of was too, but boy I was not happy about them cutting. I also remember going into some movie type attraction and the party in front of us refused to go all the way down the aisle because they wanted a center view. So we had to squeeze past them. They also did not speak English. I also have had numerous experiences of people waaayyyy to close to me! I always say people are so afraid to miss out on something. They don't even really know what it is. I think they just see a big swarm of people going in a direction, and they just HAVE to go there. You just have to put your patience pants on when you go to Disney!!
I think Disney can afford this, but they should have a few buses that drive around for the chairs only. I am not in any hurry to board a bus, and I don't have a problem waiting for someone using them. But it may be a little easier for the person in the chairs to be able to get on a bus that is just for them.

But just think about how long the bus ride would be for them. To be on a bus that was only loading and unloading scooters. That would take quite a while!
Rant--If you are a teenage Brazilian girl, stay home until you learn manners. What a bad example these large groups are or maybe just poor parenting at home! My opinion. as I was there in Feb and overheard (i understand their language) them talking about how funny it is to make the "americans" mad as they were singing at the top of there lungs as we waited for a parade. I told a couple of them that we weren't mad. That they were bad ambassadors for their country. they were surprise i spoke and just laughed and kept on singing.

:cool1: Good for you. All big groups tend to be rude because there is safety in numbers. They sometimes get a kick out of having that kind of power in numbers. Although, once we were in Epcot, and a huge Brazilian group came past us with their flag as we were taking pictures with my little girl who I think was around 2? Anyway, she was in her stroller, and they were so attentive to her and gave her the flag and were very hospitable at that moment.
Don't change your kids diaper on the table next to where I'm eating! Yuck! That is what restrooms or at least out of the restaurant areas are for.:mad:
Amen to the original post!

This makes me think of the time we were in line for Toy Story for a very long time. There was a group in front of us that turned into a bigger group as we got closer. They were not speaking English, and my husband informed them, "This is America, and we don't do that here!" My teenage stepson was mortified and I kind of was too, but boy I was not happy about them cutting. I also remember going into some movie type attraction and the party in front of us refused to go all the way down the aisle because they wanted a center view. So we had to squeeze past them. They also did not speak English. I also have had numerous experiences of people waaayyyy to close to me! I always say people are so afraid to miss out on something. They don't even really know what it is. I think they just see a big swarm of people going in a direction, and they just HAVE to go there. You just have to put your patience pants on when you go to Disney!!

Traveling with a language barrier is challenging, but can be overcome by just paying attention to the CMs and what others around you are doing!!!! My family visited my Navy son in Japan last year and this year, and of course, we had to go to Tokyo Disney. CMs speak a little English, but when we entered a ride queue, or got to a loading area, the CMs were usually shouting to be heard and it was always in Japanese. I speak about 50 words of that language, so I usually didn't understand them. But they were also waving their arms or pointing along with shouting, and the rest of the people were following their directions, so we just followed the people. If we started to go the wrong way, we were politely corrected with gesturing and bowing.

I think anyone can understand most of what they are to do if they watch the CMs and their fellow guests. And that goes for English speakers too, LOL!
To the original poster:
#1: yes but does not apply to groups where only 2 or 3 people join. Restrooms breaks do happen!
#2: YES!!! I have a son and I don't even like him running around the restaurant when we finish eating. He can run in my room not the hotel like a mad man!
#3: I have always carried a backpack when I am in the parks. I am a packer and I like to carry more than I should. If you can get hit from it, you are way too close. If I feel your kid (or you) on my bag, I will "accidentally" hit you and say "my bad. maybe you were a little too close."
#5&6: I have a very impatient person. I can walk faster with my stroller than without! I will bump into you if you suddenly stop and run around you like a mad woman because I do get very anxious waiting for slow people to go by. If you stop, I will try to hit you, but I can't promise anything but that my son will throw his food at you because you are now in his way.

To everyone else: I really don't care about scooters. I do care about people that think that strollers are the only way to maneuver through a crowd quickly for them. I use my stroller, but I know how to use and when it is not safe. I also carry when I know a stroller is not safe. ;-)
Oh, I do have "leash" but you don't really know it is one. I got one that is actually a mini backpack, so he can have his milk, shoes, and a diaper because it is all need for one stop. The "leash" is put away and you don't know it until he is walking away from me. I do let him run wild around playgrounds and open areas with supervision, but when we are walking, we are going.

Other rants (mostly from working at theme parks): Look at the height checks before you even get to a ride! I hate waiting in line and then a parent (and kid) get mad because the kid isn't tall enough to ride.
Read all signs! If there is one stroller line, find it, not just whatever line is open. Read people! It's vacation like jail!
Know the prices (mostly for other theme parks). Do not be sticker shocked and think you can get a better deal when you wanted to wait to buy it. Now you just bought $20 parking and a jacked up ticket price. Nice going.
Judging looks. I am 24. I have a 1 year old. Do not look at him because you think he is my brother. I am his mother. He knows that and you will if you cross me.

General Disney that people haven't mention:
When people try to take a picture of the characters (Not character dining) and take pictures of the characters with children in them!!!! CMs do try to stop them, but you really want the pictures that bad, wait in line. Everyone else does. My child is not free game for you to take a picture of because you didn't want to wait your turn!

I have read some really funny stuff (spray like a feral cat; DH&DS on the monorail; "He farted. He farted." Poor kid though) but I think people over judge. I used to judge parents (and still do sometimes when I know what they are doing is unsafe, from a parent's perspective and from a ride operator's perspective) but I don't as much. I used to hate leash but I know my son needs one because he likes to walk and do his own thing. Boy am I glad I bought one that didn't look like monkey and had extra storage!

*end rant*
- Strollers are not battering rams. Double strollers should not be used as human bulldozers. For one, your kids are in that thing, be careful! Two, those hurt!!
*** & I am not talking about accidental bumps, I am talking about literally plowing through crows to get to the front for parade/wishes/whatnot

- Adults, if you have a great spot for something, there is no harm in letting a child stand in front of you. You know you are tall enough to see over them, & it means so much to kids to be able to see things. This is especially true at the wishes dessert party when everyone crowds the rails! Let the dang 4 year olds see!

- Don't push. At all. For any reason. It is just rude. We are adults.

- Let the mom with the potty training toddler who really, really can't hold it anymore cut in the bathroom line ladies. It's just common courtesy, I don't even have children and I know this.

- NEVER gripe or make a scene about a make a wish child skipping the line. Ever. It's a great way to have everyone around you thinking you are an awful human being.

- Adults, if you have a great spot for something, there is no harm in letting a child stand in front of you. You know you are tall enough to see over them, & it means so much to kids to be able to see things. This is especially true at the wishes dessert party when everyone crowds the rails! Let the dang 4 year olds see!


We have learned there is great harm in letting a child stand in front of you. The rest of the family! We used to let smaller children up front-then had a dad SIT on my child(claiming the whole time there was room)so the child we let in front had a place to sit in his lap. We tried again to let another small one up front-Mom came too because she really could not miss her baby experiencing the parade for the first time. Then grandma had to see-by the time the parade started we were two rows back.

Now the trend seems to be-Mom goes with the kid to stand in front and then pulls out a tablet to further block everyone's view.

So, sorry if we are in the front-we are staying.
We have learned there is great harm in letting a child stand in front of you. The rest of the family! We used to let smaller children up front-then had a dad SIT on my child(claiming the whole time there was room)so the child we let in front had a place to sit in his lap. We tried again to let another small one up front-Mom came too because she really could not miss her baby experiencing the parade for the first time. Then grandma had to see-by the time the parade started we were two rows back.

Now the trend seems to be-Mom goes with the kid to stand in front and then pulls out a tablet to further block everyone's view.

So, sorry if we are in the front-we are staying.

It's more of if there is a family with small children directly behind you, and you are right up at a rail, there is no harm in offering for the children (& them only!) to sneak in front in order to see. It's polite. I have found most families are really appreciative of this and I have never had it be an issue, or be abused. Maybe I am just lucky :confused3 ? My husband and I are both 5'11+, so I know us being in front really limits views for kids right behind us. I can deal with a toddler being in my bubble for 15 minutes, when that 15 minutes is basically the most amazing thing ever for them. I am an adult and LOVE disney, heck adore it, but we have to remember it means SO much to the kids.
It's more of if there is a family with small children directly behind you, and you are right up at a rail, there is no harm in offering for the children (& them only!) to sneak in front in order to see. It's polite. I have found most families are really appreciative of this and I have never had it be an issue, or be abused. Maybe I am just lucky :confused3 ? My husband and I are both 5'11+, so I know us being in front really limits views for kids right behind us. I can deal with a toddler being in my bubble for 15 minutes, when that 15 minutes is basically the most amazing thing ever for them. I am an adult and LOVE disney, heck adore it, but we have to remember it means SO much to the kids.

5 11 and with no children? Some on here might argue you don't belong in WDW LOL,

It is clear we are not going to agree as you claim to have had very different experiences. I will agree with you that WDW does mean so much alot too kids-my kid is my responsibility. If I want her to be able to see it is my job to parent and make sure I get there in time.

As far as your "bubble" comment-not everyone is able to tolerate people in their space (as show in many comments on here) and should not be judged harshly.
Yes, the strollers are cruel to ankles, but so are the Scooters. Please be mindful of where you are driving those bad boys. And please don't let kids have control... DD was ran into by a grandparent who thought it was cute to let grandson drive! :sad2:

I can't stand scooters!!! They drive me crazy!!!

I once was walking in front of a lady down a narrow exit (one person wide) and while I was by no means slow...she said to me, "if you don't move faster I'm going to ram you with my scooter!"... BITE ME LADY!

5 11 and with no children? Some on here might argue you don't belong in WDW LOL,

It is clear we are not going to agree as you claim to have had very different experiences. I will agree with you that WDW does mean so much alot too kids-my kid is my responsibility. If I want her to be able to see it is my job to parent and make sure I get there in time.

As far as your "bubble" comment-not everyone is able to tolerate people in their space (as show in many comments on here) and should not be judged harshly.

I don't feel I was judging anyone harshly. You do not have to agree with me, but personally I feel that in general, people should be more tolerant and aware of children at disney. It is disney after all! Everyone has their rant, that is mine.
I don't feel I was judging anyone harshly. You do not have to agree with me, but personally I feel that in general, people should be more tolerant and aware of children at disney. It is disney after all! Everyone has their rant, that is mine.

I get this is a "thing" for you. So how about this- if YOU want to give up your space go ahead. But maybe you could be more "tolerant" of those that don't as they don't have the same opinion/experience as you.
I get this is a "thing" for you. So how about this- if YOU want to give up your space go ahead. But maybe you could be more "tolerant" of those that don't as they don't have the same opinion/experience as you.

I do not see why you are so offended. Obviously, nobody "has" to do this. You have as much right to that spot as anyone around you regardless of age, and do not have to move if you don't want to/can't/don't feel like it. You got there first. Personally, I find it to be the polite thing to do, and if I was there with say children or my nephew/niece, I would appreciate someone offering to let them see. Due to this, I offer, because that is how I would want to be treated. That really is all. I don't go around slamming people who choose not to offer to others, as they are under no obligation to. I just offer when I have the opportunity, because I believe in treating people how you would like to be treated. My rant is not many people seem to share that feeling.
I do not see why you are so offended. Obviously, nobody "has" to do this. You have as much right to that spot as anyone around you regardless of age, and do not have to move if you don't want to/can't/don't feel like it. You got there first. Personally, I find it to be the polite thing to do, and if I was there with say children or my nephew/niece, I would appreciate someone offering to let them see. Due to this, I offer, because that is how I would want to be treated. That really is all. I don't go around slamming people who choose not to offer to others, as they are under no obligation to. I just offer when I have the opportunity, because I believe in treating people how you would like to be treated. My rant is not many people seem to share that feeling.

You are polite and I am "offended". Got it! LOL


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