Quick Trip Day 1--IOA


Earning My Ears
Apr 24, 2000
Only had 3 days in Florida so me and fiance tried to pack in as much as possible! We flew out of Flint, MI around 8:30am and arrived in Orlando before 11am. Picked up rental car and we were off to IOA! Got there at 1pm. We did this last May and LOVED this park and just had to do it again! Weather was warm but cloudy and the park was not crowded. Was able to get right on the Hulk. I love this coaster! Fiance and I are coaster nuts and this coaster is definately in my top 5 coasters. Love the launch! Fiance is big so he has to use the special seats they have in two of the rows. Did this coaster twice and off to Spiderman. No wait! woo-hoo! Seemed even better this time! Tried Dr. Doom for the first time. Fun but short. Fiance waited for me because he didn't think he would fit (think he was scared too!) But when I got off the ride he decided he could fit on it by trying out the seat out front so we did it again. He liked it and didn't think it was as scary as he thought it would be. We went and did all of the rides in SuessLand. Went on Jurassic River Falls and had fun :) Then went back to Dueling Dragons. Did Ice first, then Fire. I love these coasters! They are sooooooo smooth! Still think Fire edges out Ice in terms of thrilling ride but both are awesome rides. Tried the Flying Unicorn since it wasn't open last time we hit the park. Pretty fun for a kiddy coaster! We then went to Toon Lagoon and hit both water rides since we didn't do these last year. Had small ponchos but still got wet--especially on the River ride! They were great rides with good themeing though. We hit Hulk again before calling it a day (it was almost clsoing time). Ate at Bob Marley's in City Walk and did a little shopping on the way back to the hotel. Had to get to bed early because we were gonna try to do both Discovery COve and SeaWorld the next day!
Mahalo for the report. This is the first report that I have read that mentioned Bob Marleys. I have wondered about it. How was it and what types of food do they offer?

I guess it is supposed to be Jamaican. We had the Natty Dread--which were these veggie stuffed pastries that were excellant! We also had taro/sweet potato/plantain chips and a cheese/beer fondue as appitizers and both were good. Prices are reasonable too!
Bob Marley's sounds great! I love this type of food. Thanks for the details. :D



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