Quick Question


Earning My Ears
Feb 25, 2001
All of you have been so helpful with my trip. I just had a quick question about bringing a laptop to the HRH. I know when I stood in Disney ( Contemporary )local phone calls were a flat 25¢ fee not matter how long you stood on. Does anyone know if that is also the case in the HRH? I plan to bring my laptop again, and would appreciate any info that you can offer. Thanks!!
Local calls are free, so if you are calling into a local dialup line, then I don't think there should be a charge.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!

I don't know about you, but all of our local calls when we were there mid-March were $1 each including the 3 we made to the local Pizza Hut. As a result, I began using my cellphone to make local calls since there is no roam or long distance charges with it.

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