Quick question on Point Transfers


DIS Veteran
Nov 5, 2002
Can somebody please tell me.. if points were transferred into my account at 1 o'clock today, would they be immediately available in order for me to make a reservation this afternoon? Or is there a waiting period for that to happen?

Depends - if you are transferring in points from a non-home resort and want to make a reservation at the non-home resort during the 7-11 month window, the answer is most likely no. I believe there is some manual workarounds that MS has to do to make the reservation. You would probably have to wait until at least Monday to make the reservation.

If you are transferring in points that match your home resort, the answer is yes.

If you are transferring in points and want to make a reservation 7 months or less from arrival, the answer is yes.

The above is my understanding - it is possible that MS will have a different one or that the system has been corrected to allow/disallow automatically.

Let us know what happens when you call - and also what specifically you were trying to accomplish.
Sorry, Carol...

Didn't give you enough information..did I?:upsidedow

Here are the specifics:

I have an Aug. UY at both VWL and BWV. The transfer would involve Dec. 06UY points at BCV. I want to make a res. at the BC for Nov. of 2007 and I'd really love to do it today. I'm not up on how far MS has gotten in tracking these points but it sounds like maybe not so far. I'll call them at 1 and let you all know what happens today. I know alot of folks are curious.

Thanks for the response.
Looking forward to the answer!

FWIW, even if you have to wait until Monday to make the reservation, I don't think you will have a problem getting what you want. I know that is a popular time for both BCV & BWV, but I think there is still availability (except possibly the 2 bedrooms with two queens). If not, I think a waitlist will come through fairly soon.

Good luck & PD!
Well, that was certainly interesting and educational.:goodvibes

I had help from another wonderful Diser (thank you disneyfreak) who transferred those points to me today. When I called to make my reservation, lo and behold...they were no longer BCV points but BWV points now. They had..yep, you guessed it...taken on MY home resort priority.:scared:

It wasn't a big deal though. I just explained to the very nice and thankfully competent MS person, what I was trying to do and she said they will take care of it manually after the system shuts down for the day. I should be able to view it online by Monday afternoon. The only thing I can suggest to anyone trying to do this in the future, is that you be careful to have as much information as possible about the person transferring to you and get a transfer # if possible. They seem perfectly willing to help when you have your story straight.

Interestingly, she did say that these rooms have been "set aside" for me, so that I did not have to sweat availability at the Beach Club til Monday. That made me feel much better. Beach Club....here we come!! Thanks for the PD Carol. It worked.:wizard:

I'll let you know if these reservations disappear into the great black MS void.
Well, that was certainly interesting and educational.:goodvibes

I had help from another wonderful Diser (thank you disneyfreak) who transferred those points to me today. When I called to make my reservation, lo and behold...they were no longer BCV points but BWV points now. They had..yep, you guessed it...taken on MY home resort priority.:scared:

It wasn't a big deal though. I just explained to the very nice and thankfully competent MS person, what I was trying to do and she said they will take care of it manually after the system shuts down for the day. I should be able to view it online by Monday afternoon. The only thing I can suggest to anyone trying to do this in the future, is that you be careful to have as much information as possible about the person transferring to you and get a transfer # if possible. They seem perfectly willing to help when you have your story straight.

Interestingly, she did say that these rooms have been "set aside" for me, so that I did not have to sweat availability at the Beach Club til Monday. That made me feel much better. Beach Club....here we come!! Thanks for the PD Carol. It worked.:wizard:

I'll let you know if these reservations disappear into the great black MS void.

Just as I suspected DVC still hasn't stopped point morphing only limited it. Those looking to game the system apparently can still do so. They will simply only be able to do it once per use year. This is sad news indeed.:sad2:

OP, just be aware you cannot transfer in either direction again during this use year. your 1 has been used as well as disneyfreaks.

Congrats on getting BCV!
Well, that was certainly interesting and educational.:goodvibes

I had help from another wonderful Diser (thank you disneyfreak) who transferred those points to me today. When I called to make my reservation, lo and behold...they were no longer BCV points but BWV points now. They had..yep, you guessed it...taken on MY home resort priority.:scared:

It wasn't a big deal though. I just explained to the very nice and thankfully competent MS person, what I was trying to do and she said they will take care of it manually after the system shuts down for the day. I should be able to view it online by Monday afternoon. The only thing I can suggest to anyone trying to do this in the future, is that you be careful to have as much information as possible about the person transferring to you and get a transfer # if possible. They seem perfectly willing to help when you have your story straight.
This is pretty much what I thought would happen.

Interestingly, she did say that these rooms have been "set aside" for me, so that I did not have to sweat availability at the Beach Club til Monday. That made me feel much better. Beach Club....here we come!! Thanks for the PD Carol. It worked.:wizard:
I didn't know they did this - that's great! You won't have to worry about availability until Monday.

I'll let you know if these reservations disappear into the great black MS void.
Maybe you will see them on the Members' website sometime on Monday. If not, you can call - I recommend later in the day to avoid the very busy morning hours this time of year.

Glad it worked out for you.

I didn't know they did this - that's great! You won't have to worry about availability until Monday.


Hi Carol:

This happened to me 2 years ago as well. (Points morphed from what I needed to what I already owned). I too called MS and was told a manual transfer had to occur which would take 2-3 days, and they 'held' rooms for me as well at my desired resort.


Sad to hear that point morphing hasn't been corrected, oh well, maybe I can find one transfer! ;)
This is crazy, So they just turn into your Resort and use year? Pretty crazy that disney hasn't pickup on it.
I thought this all got fixed!!
To be honest, I don't think that there was any indication it was going to be fixed, only wishful thinking on the part of some. I doubt it ever will be.
I certainly agree but should the burden fall on an $8 per hour MS agent? I'd say tech needs a swift kick in the pants.

I was meaning MS in a general sense, more specifically their tech team. That software must really stink. If they are serious about solving this problem (which I doubt) they need to step up to the plate and get it in gear. The stop-gap measures have got to go. This problem needs a REAL solution.
I was meaning MS in a general sense, more specifically their tech team. That software must really stink. If they are serious about solving this problem (which I doubt) they need to step up to the plate and get it in gear. The stop-gap measures have got to go. This problem needs a REAL solution.

What they really need is to spend $250,000.00 and have CaskBill write them new code. I bet if they throw in some AKL & CRV points they can get him!

What they really need is to spend $250,000.00 and have CaskBill write them new code. I bet if they throw in some AKL & CRV points they can get him!


Agreed, CaskBill's DVC programs kick ---. They beat anything I have seen on the official DVC website hands down. He's such a nice guy I bet they could get him on flattery alone, after all he wrote all those programs as shareware.

{hold out for the big bucks Batesville Bill, you're worth it!}

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