Quick answer re: Costco membership, please


DIS Veteran
Nov 1, 1999
Hi All,

I want to buy a few things from the Costco online store. The prices are not the best but the items(Xmas presents) are available there and hardly anyplace else. I am wondering if membership is worth for me. I just noticed when checking out online that I, as a non-member will have to pay a 5% surcharge. The surcharge will not exceed the cost of membership which is $45. I live nowhere near a Costco and don't anticipate ever going to the store. Are the online deals deals worth the membership price? Thanks so much! Threehearts
I would just go with the 5% surcharge if you do not anticipate ever shopping at a Costco.
I agree with Alice28. The merchandise on costco's site doesn't even scratch the surface of what they sell at their actual stores, so I don't think it would be worth paying the $45 membership fee, IMHO
Hi threehearts- I live in MD, my closest Costco is about 35 minutes from me and I don't shop there except maybe once every third month or so. I joined because they offered the very best prices for my Disney Cruise. I saved several hundred dollars right there.
There is a Costco in Frederick that is really nice, one in White Marsh that is a dump, and one in Glen Burnie that is in between.
They have really good quality meats...
But if you don't see yourself ever going there I would just pay the surcharge.


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