Questions about the Contemporary


Earning My Ears
Jul 31, 2000
My family will be staying at the Contemporary Resort, North Garden Wing in early June '03. Not sure what type of view to request (or if we can request a view?). Are there certain rooms that are closer to the pool? Are there certain rooms in the North Wing that provide a view of the Electric Water Pageant? How about the MK fireworks?

Any suggestions any of you may have would be greatly appreciated! These boards are so helpful in making the most of a trip to WDW. Our first (and last) trip was in Dec '00. The information I learned from the boards was invaluable! Thanks so much!
I am pretty sure we stayed in the North Garden Wing last April & will be staying again this April.

We found these things to be helpful & requested them when making our reservation for April '03:

--Requested a ground floor so we could have a patio ($10 more because we are a SOG relocation)

--We wanted to have courtyard view so that the kids could go on the playground.

--Asked to be close to the main building for convenience of getting to food court & game room for kids. It also wasn't that far of a walk to the pool & marina.

Last year our room was close to a corner & faced the water, along with the courtyard & we could see the water pageant every night.

If you face courtyard you may or may not see fireworks, depending on what way you face or what floor you are on.
MurrayPK -

We stayed at the Contemporary (North Garden Wing) from 7-15 December and had a great time. I don't think (but could be wrong)there are any rooms in that wing which will allow views of both the water pageant and the MK Fireworks. We were on the third floor facing the water and had a great view of the Water Pageant. I believe we were in 7508 but will double check that with DH.

As for MK Fireworks, we noticed adults and children gathered each night at the main entrance of the North Garden Wing to watch the MK Fireworks as we entered the building. They looked like they were having a great time enjoying the view.

We also rented a refrigerator for our room ($10.00 per night). Then we went to Gooding's Grocery Store and stocked up on milk, Diet Pepsi, Wine, bottled water and lemonade and breakfast snacks. The soda machine's were either 2 or 2.50 per soda (and the machines are often empty of diet sodas or out of order) and the walk to the food court to refill your Mug was pretty long. The refrigerator is always a must in our room.

The guest laundry is on the second floor and if you are SOG, the office is on the third floor. Have a great trip.
We stayed in the Tower and were able to see both the Electric Parade on the Lagoon and the fireworks at night from the balcony. After a long day at the Parks, it was nice to get off the Monorail, take the elevator up and have a short walk to the room.
PLUS it's just a short ride down and walk to get to the shops, and restaurants inside the Contemporary.



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