Questions about renting points


<font color=deeppink>What us women do to be beauti
Sep 4, 2002
I have read the faq's regarding renting points, and I still have a few questions. I was wondering typically when do you pay off the rest of the fee (after deposit) to the DVC member? Is it possible to get ripped off? I know that most are not crooked, but what assurances does the renter have that after payment is sent to the DVC member that the member will not go back and change the reservation? I also would like to know if charging priviliages still extend to the renter? Thanks. This way I can relay all information to my DH and to another friend who is interested.:)
I realize the uneasiness of making a "blind trust" transaction, but I think you will find very honest people who are renting these points. I also think most are renting because they cannot use the points themselves, as was my case. I was not trying to make any money, just letting another family enjoy the magic of Disney. I recently completed a transaction with no problems. I made the reservations using the names of the family and sent them the original confirmation letters.
Originally posted by sm4987
...(snip)....I also would like to know if charging priviliages still extend to the renter? Thanks. This way I can relay all information to my DH and to another friend who is interested.:)

I'm assuming that you want to know if you (a renter) can charge items purchased on property (including meals) back to the room. The answer is yes if you provide a credit card at check in. Any charges will then be charged against the credit card. Actually, this works the same way as it would if you were staying at any of the Disney Hotels.
We recently rented points from someone on these boards. I was also a little leery. He sent me references of people he had rented to before. I checked them all out & got positive responses from everyone.

He also sent us the confirmation when he received it. We had to pay a small deposit before he made the ressie & then the remainder was due 60 days prior to arrival (I think) - it may have been 30.

Anyway, we had a good experience. :D

They one thing the owner recommended is that when you check in you make sure they know you are a "guest" of the owner so you get all DVC priveleges for your stay. I thought that was very nice of the owner to tell us that.

We had no problem checking in & no problems while we were there. I don't know if they do some kind of "check of the unit" after checking out but we made sure that we left it clean & the way we found it, especially due to the fact that we were "guests" of the owner.
You might also find out if your renter is using PayPal, or one of the other services online. I rented my points and used PayPal for receiving payment. Since that is a credit card transaction, PayPal can charge back in either direction if things don't go well. There is a small fee if you are receiving the money, but I felt it was worth it for peace of mind for everyone involved.

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