Questions about Events-Only Attendees


S/D Cheerleader & SSB Tormentor
Feb 16, 2000
When the events-only tickets go on sale, do we have to pay the full amount for each person, or a deposit for our group? I'm assuming here it would be a deposit, since the people getting the entire package only sent in a deposit, but I figured I'd ask.

In that same line, if we reserve spots for people who ultimately do not attend, can we apply that money toward our own tickets, and then the tickets go back into the pool for other people?

Will there be a maximum of events-only ticket sales per person ordering? (i.e., if there's a family of 6, might it be limited to only 4 tickets per order?)

Will the "free" events be limited to those who have paid for the other events, or will those who may have been shut out of the events tickets be able to attend some functions?

Sorry - too many questions, but I've been wondering about this.

Thanks! :)

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Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."
Good questions. :)

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<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
I believe the answer would be seven. :rolleyes:

If I'm wrong, then it wouldn't be the first time! :D

Beyond that, I'm also interested in any other answers there might be to the questions you have asked. :)

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Did it say somewhere around here when the events only packages will go on sale?

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Somewhere around here it said that they would go on sale on or around Feb. 12th, once Pete and crew have the deposits for hotel/event pkgs. So stay tuned right around then.... :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Hi Cookie:

To answer your questsion:

1) A deposit of $50 per group will apply to the event only registration. All deposits and payments are refundable prior to Oct 1.

2) I do not plan on imposing a maximum on the number of spots that someone can hold, unless we start getting too tight, then I might have to. As of now, the answer is 'probably not'.

3) The free events are open to anyone. Keep in mind that the 'free' events are not going to be lavish by any means, but I think it's important that we have meets and events for those who just want to stop by and say hello, without comitting to the event-only portion. Of course, the specialty parties (Illuminations Dessert, Fantasmic Dessert, Tower of Terror, etc) are open only to those who have paid for the event only or room package.

Hope that answers your questions.


Pete Werner
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Thanks, Pete - that covered it all! :)



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Gail a/k/a CookieGVB

"All you need is mugs..."


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