question about what to pack for utensils...


Cause afterall, a dream that you wish, will come t
Jan 29, 2001
Does the food courts offer napkins, cutlery and plates? I cannot remember from when we went last, but I do remember thinking how stupid I was for packing all the utensils, etc. that I did.

Anyone know???
Are you asking so you'll know if they provide utensils to be used for what they serve (yes they do) or so that you can take extras back to your room? Taking more than you need to eat what you've paid for is theft.

If I've misread your intent, I apologize, but I cannot envision any other reason why you would inquire about packing utensils.
I want to be able to take our meals up to the room so that we can eat while getting dressed or when we come back for a break.

I also plan on purchasing some bakery and fruit etc at the parks and bringing this back to our room. If we forget to grab a fork at that time can we run down to the resturants / food courts and grab some?

I also think that taking an extra piece of fruit or muffin from a buffet for later is not theft. With all the excitement of a charecter breakfast or just having to start their day, kids aren't ready to eat sometimes. Having something for the ride over maybe the best thing.
I know that at the CBR they have plastic forks, knives and spoons in the food court along with napkins. I believe that they are there for paying guests of the hotel. I don't think you have to purchase a meal to use any of the plastic utensils, salt, pepper, lemon packets etc. I think if they only want you to use those things if you purchase a meal they would only give you them with a meal. I have read posts that say that the All Star Movies has a microwave oven that hotel guests can use in the food court. I don't think you have to purchase a meal to use it. I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time! Now, if you want to take extra home - that's a different story! :)
I buy milk and sometimes other items from the hotels in Disney so that I can save a bit of money by eating cereal in the morning instead of spending it at an expensive restaurant. If they provided the utensils at the hotel in the food court for anyone to grab, would it then be considered theft at all? If they are leaving them out, they obviously are going to be used. I will purchase something to eat through their food courts, but mostly breakfast will be bought outside. I am just wondering if utensils are there, because last time I brought them. I got the idea for the utensils from the food court from somebody else on this post, so I do not feel that that would be theft at all, since I am spending the extra money to STAY on their property.
INDIVIDUAL PLASTIC SLEEVES. IN SELFSERVE CONTAINERS!! If you pay $1224.00 for all stars like I did then plastic ware IS part of the service and IS there for my use!!

Now,if it was metal ware at a resteraunt then I could see how TRAVELSHARYL would be affended.

But we are talking about 1/4 of a pennies worth of plastic!! If this was going to break Disney they would have a lock and key on the plastic ware!!

If you want to butter your muffin in your room then go for it!!!! The cast members will gladly grant you the privilage!!

Judge not lest ye be Judged!!!

or even two meals in our rooms. Disney usually doesn't offer free buffet breakfasts like off site hotels do and believe me, Disney wants my money for a 14 night stay at the CBR or a 2 room, twenty night stay at the ASMo more than they want my money for a packet of salt or a plastic fork! Otherwise, like Tink2dw said - they would not leave them there for anyone to take, they would have CMs guarding them! Disney food courts gladly leave these things for their guests to enjoy. Have a great trip and don't worry about it! Do bring paper plates and bowls though, those are not available.
Taking extra plastic ware back to your room, this is considered theft! What silly nonsense is that?? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
We often buy a few meals in the food courts. We have taken the utensils we used with that paid meal back to our room, washed them up and re-used them during our whole trip (washing them each time, of course). No harm done. You didn't have to pack them from home AND you "paid" for them.


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