Question about location


You can't stop the beat!
Nov 6, 2000
My dad has a new agent out in LA and they want us to spend some time there over the summer. I'm really excited because I've only been to DL when I was little and I was wondering how far it is from LA? It would be so much fun to go and the only way my parents would even consider it is if we were already in California - our WDW trip this year was enough for my dad ;)
MaryJo, I've been looking at your website and it looks like so much fun.. I really hope we get to go this summer. :D

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<font size=4 color=purple>*Amy*</font>
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It really depends on where your coming from, LA is a huge place. From Downtown it would take 30-45 mins. From the San Fernando Valley 1 hour to 1 Hour 30 mins from some of the Beach communities it could take 20 mins.

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