Question about EE days


Dec 7, 2000
It's been awhile since we've taken advantage of the EE days at the parks. I've read that means they open 1.5 hours before the usual opening time. Say if a park opens at 9am, then it would open at 7:30am on an EE day, correct? How early do the Disney buses start running then? Could we expect to catch a bus at 6:30 or 7:00 am? Thanks!
Yes, that would mean that the parks would be open around 7:30. I think they said something about "sometimes" they open the park a half hour early so that would mean EE would get in 1.5 hours early but technically it is 1 hour before park opening. We were going to get there 1.5 hours early anyway & if they didn't open, we could take a spin on the monorail or walk around a bit. Busses are ready to take you that early too! Have fun! =)

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D
all the times i have ever used EE, they opened 90 minutes early. The busses will begin to run 30 minutes prior to opening.
The one thing that is sometimes tricky is TCC. If you are parking there, you may have to convince a gate CM to let you through, by showing them your resort ID and tickets.


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