Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Evening all.

I have read but too much to remember other than the custody issues. They bring up so many memories of my son. He was the rare dad that was actually fighting for his son because the ex wasn't as responsible. To be fair she was 15 and my son was 16 when my Jay was born, they were kids themselves. My son fought to stay in his son's life, and it wasn't always easy. We had to get a restraining order against one of her new boyfriends after he threatened my son. I had to act as a go between for custody exchanges and that same boyfriend threatened me and did over $600 worth of damage to my car when he ripped my side view mirror off at one exchange. She kept my grandson from my son for 3 months when he was just 2 1/2 because she decided my son was no longer his father. She did it at Christmas and it was the most heart breaking holiday ever. By time the courts ordered her to honor the custody agreement my grandson was afraid of us. Thankfully once he saw all his presents waiting for him, he was happy again. The final attorney we hired was the pit bull we needed. My son got everything he was supposed to have, and she was warned that the ONLY reason she didn't lose custody was because they asked my 8-year-old grandson what HE wanted.

It's funny, Jay is now almost 24 and he remembers most of that time, and remarkably accurately. Thankfully his mother got the wakeup call she needed and became a little more involved, a LITTLE being the key. She wasn't great about some things, but she does love my grandson. He chose her because she was on a path of self-destruction and he needed to protect her. I have forgiven her for the past and we now have a good relationship. My son can't forgive her but the one thing I will not tolerate, and he knows it, is his disrespecting Jay's mother to Jay. I know that hurts my grandson. That's the one thing I tell anybody who asks for any input. No matter how hurt and angry you are the ex is still the other parent. Kids are remarkably intuitive and see the truth.

I am getting anxious about this trip and the bathroom remodel. My grandson was supposed to go with me today after church to get all the fixtures, of course he didn't feel good. He wants to go thursday and I told him that will not work. Hopefully tomorrow before we go to his dad's for a BBQ we can get everything. I have it all picked out so that should make it easier, and quicker.

@flyingdumbo127 - Most all phones come with the C charger and my new phone didn't come with a charger either. Thankfully they are all USB and I have plenty of those chargers around. If you have a $5 Below around, you they are great for picking up chargers and cords. My cat likes to chew on the wires so I go through them every couple of months. What I like is that I can get various lengths for under $6. I like a long cord for when I read in bed or for trips.

Since the Phillies are on National TV tonight I am going to try and go through some of what I need to pack to see if I need to get anything. Travelling with someone that has health issues means I have a pharmacy in one suitcase. I have to prepare for every contingency. He has had blisters that turned into toe ulcers, scrapes that needed HUGE bandages, stomach issues, migraines, etc. I would rather over pack and be prepared than not have what I need. Thankfully he went to Urgent Care finally the other day and got his ear taken care of. Turned out it was just impacted wax, but he was driving me crazy. He never once said he was in any pain, so I thought the issue had resolved. In 95 degree heat he decided he was going to walk to Urgent Care. Of course, he has no clue what meds he takes so that would have been interesting.

Hope everyone has a nice holiday tomorrow.
Happy Sunday.

Oh boy we've had a full house...some of DHs family is in town. We went from 3 people to 7 in the house the last couple days. Two nephews(adults), one of their fiancée, and my BIL....Guest room is occupied, one air bed in the family room and another in DHs office. I was stressed how it would be with everyone here but so far it's been great. DHs family isn't very close so it's been years since they've all seen each other (DH and BIL are closer than the rest and see each other once, maybe twice a year).

We all went over to our friends house yesterday for BBQ and swim. Our friend did a roast on a giant rotisserie over a big firepit, and another in a smoker, along with all the sides we had. OMGoodness so good.

Today has been a lazy low-key day, everyone has taken a nap at least once, I think. DH and one nephew are sleeping now. Tomorrow we're back over to our friends for swimming and hamburgers and hot dogs. Then everyone goes home Tuesday and I'll be back to posting again. :)
Hello everyone, DD got engaged on Friday, so happy for her! Her wonderful day did have a sad ending though. They were going to stop home and get their dogs to come tell us the good news, and my Dds “Goose” a pit bull mix was very sick, he had vomited bile at least 10 times, so they took him to the emergency vet. He has pancreatitis, they treated and brought him home after 5 hours at the clinic. Later that night they took him back, because he was panting and wheezing. He spent the night. Poor guy still is not eating. We really are worried it is something more than the pancreatitis. They we’re going to come over tomorrow but, don’t think they should now, I understand.

Dinner tonight was take out Chinese. Tried a new to us place, some was good some not. We live near a tiny country church that has mass every 4th of July, I went today and put the altar cloths on, and put some flowers on the altar. I’m not going,however, because I am nervous in such a small space about COVID. Too much of a risk with DH’s condition.

Chemo brain fog is a real thing, DH keeps leaving our dog outside and forgetting to let him back in. I have to pay more attention.

I‘m wishing good thoughts for those not feeling well. Also, Mona, I hope your new phone works ou and so glad to hear your Dad is doing better after his booster.

Kirby, your daughters ex sounds, like it is a very good thing he is an ex. He needs to grow up!!
Tazdev.... you sound like a very wise Grandma.
Hello and good evening to all Quackers.

@Bianca and Bernard glad to hear you are feeling better.

@Snowysmom sorry to hear you had a small breakdown and are having such a hard time at the moment. It does sound like you are finding things to do and working on moving forward, which is wonderful! Even small "victories" are something to celebrate.

@easyas123 bummer on the Covid. Good to hear you are not feeling too awful.

@flyingdumbo127 Hope you have found a charger and you have your new phone up and running.

@Breezy_Carol Did you get a good first impression from your new minister's first day. I always think I need a few Sundays in before I can decide on some things...like how I like their preaching style.

@dazedx3 :cool1: on your daughters engagement!! How exciting. I also hope their dog starts to show signs of improvement soon.

@Pea-n-Me How annoying and stressful for your daughter to still be having so many issues. Hope she is starting turn the corner.

@Kirby I do keep a journal and I make sure to send my attorney an email every time he does something that is against the recommendations, I say that since there isn't any type of custody order in place yet. Sigh.

@tazdev3225 I'm glad to hear that things with Jay's mom improved some. I am in hopes that someday my husband and I will be able to have a decent relationship, but he's making it so hard. Verbal and emotional abuse are no joke. Add lying and cheating and it's a hard pill for me to swallow. I am terrified that once I submit my affidavit all hopes of us having any type of civil relationship will be gone. My kids though are my one and only priority right now and I just can't say in good faith that he should have them as much as he is asking them for. Maybe when they are a bit older and things have settled, but for now, they definitely are not better with him for a majority of the time. I also try really hard to not say anything negative about him in front of the kids and have instructed my family to also not say anything about him or his mother that is negative in front of the kids.

Not much new to report. I did get my youngest son picked up at 8:30 this AM. My other son is now there going on his second night I have had no communication regarding him staying there again or when he plans on bringing him home. I will text him in the AM with a time I plan to get him. That seems to be the only way without causing an argument. My two middle kids are at any sisters for a few nights, getting to celebrate the 4th in the "big town". My oldest home with me.
No big plans for us tomorrow as far as I know. Not knowing when my son will be back kind of throws a wrench in things. We may hit a parade in the afternoon.
Hope everyone has a good 4th...if you are a neighbor to our north, hope you had a good Canada Day.

Happy 4th, all!

Yesterday morning, my uncle (my late mom's brother) came over to help go through some old photos. It was nice to see him, and he was glad to take some home. I have some coming home with me, and some to send to my brother as well. It was cool to hear stories of family members from way before my time!

Then we took a break in the afternoon to go to the lake for a cookout / birthday party for my stepmom's great-granddaughter. It was the perfect day for it:



Today is one more section of the basement and then seeing how much will fit in my car 😆 to drive home tomorrow.
Good morning and HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY to my Quacker family~ Going to be another hot one, no rain in sight. All the storms they predicted for the weekend never materialized. They say tomorrow we will get them
@dazedx3 --Congratulations on your daughter's engagement, and I hope their furbaby improves quickly.
@tazdev3225 I hope your trip, and your remodel, both go smoothly. I hope your hubby has no issues on the trip. Geez to him not telling you about his ear. Glad he got it cleared up quickly
@PollyannaMom --love the pictures, it does indeed look like a perfect place on a perfect day!

Next door neighbors were shooting off fireworks in their back yard for over an hour the last 2 nights. I don't mind that they do, but I do mind that I am finding fireworks in my lawn and under our car. Mr L says one was so close Friday night that he thought it landed on our roof (but I looked yesterday and didn't see anything)
No plans for the day except grill out tonite. Burgers, potato salad, corn and watermelon.

Have a great day everyone--Happy Birthday America!~

@dazedx3 Congrats on your DD's engagement.

@flyingdumbo127 Glad you got your phone. My phone did come with a charger. I got USB cords on Amazon. There is a 5 Below near me so I may just have to take a look there too.

@PollyannaMom Love the lake pictures. So pretty.

@TazDev Wishing you a relaxing and peaceful cruise getaway. It sounds challenging getting packed but once you are on the ship I hope you can just chill out a bit and enjoy the scenery.

@frog3101 I hope you can have a somewhat civil relationship with your soon to be ex. That is what helps the kids and they should be top priority. I hope he can see that at some point along the way.

As I sit here on the computer I have my window open. I hear the cardinal calling again. I was out on the balcony earlier drinking coffee when I saw him fly by, skimming the tree tops. He was just a flash of red. I think Chris is sending the cardinal to me. He knows I need some comforting. I had another meltdown last night. I am finding it hard to live alone. I see the therapist Thursday so that will be a discussion point. I took a nice long walk outside. It is cool and sunny.

Older DS and family came over yesterday. HIs kids are a bit on the wild side so need to be watched. They are still very young and see everything as a toy. Chris made a model of the Enterprise from Star Trek when he was a teen. I have the model on top of a book shelf and never thought the kids would go there, in the bedroom. Well, the little one asked if he could play with it but he had already grabbed it. I had to rescue it and tell them how special it is and that it is not a toy. I redirected to another toy. My other grandkids saw the model last time they were here and very quietly asked if they could play with it. I explained to them too and they were impressed that Grandpa made that model. I also have a lunar lander model and models my kids made also from Star Trek on the shelf. We had the model of the Enterprise hanging in the kids' bedroom when they were young. In our second house it was in our bedroom on a shelf. Chris always had it out where he could see it. Now I have it out where I can see it.

I am going over to younger DS today for cookout food. Looking forward to a hot dog and hamburger. Then we are going to a parade in the next town. Thankfully I can drive back roads everywhere.

Have a nice 4th of July.

Happy 4th of July dear Quackers!

Prayers that each of you has a safe and fun day.

Thank you all on the phone suggestions. Dad did get from Best Buy a charger. It works just fine which for $22 it better. The only 5 Belows are a good hour away. I appreciate that suggestion though! The only other extra it looks like this phone would need should I ever want to get photos off of it easily onto the computer, is another type of USB C to something (forgot what the Verizon lady called it) device so that one end of the phone can be plugged into the USB port in our desktop. For now, we can get around this for free, by sending any photos taken on my phone to dad's. His phone is old and still uses the older connections.

I got to talk with Terri last night, she was my first friend call on my new phone. Dad was my first call, of course, and to try out the phone :) So far we are most pleased with it. I'll check it out more today.

Extra hug and love to all who have had custody issues in their past or who may currently be going them now. It will always be y prayer that children (of all ages) truly are put first and treated as the precious gifts on loan from God they are to their families! With all my heart, an extra thanks, to each of loving you Quackers for showering so many kiddos with loving care in your lives as well as, of course, each of us every day.

Today is my cousins 40th Anniversary! We will give them a call later.

Are any of you wearing red, white, and blue? Dad has on a blue T shirt, and I have on a light blue background with tie dye T shirt.

We're going to a Patriotic jigsaw puzzle that a friend sent and watch more of A Christmas Treasure.

I'll check in later 🐥❤️


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Happy 4th! 🇺🇸 We are laying low today, went out yesterday for haircut and traffic was horrendous. Still in pj’s right now having my coffee! I may go by my friend’s house later to bring her something to eat. Dogs weren’t bad hearing fireworks last night. 🤞🏻 Hoping for the same tonight.

Happy for good news shared! Sending prayers for those who need them. :grouphug: Any good thoughts and prayers for my sibling’s cat, who is not doing well, are welcome. Thank you for prayers for DD, she was feeling better yesterday and heart rate was back down to normal, thankfully! She somehow managed to get a big paper turned in, too.

I meant to post this the other day, it’s the glaze we put on the Caprese salad. I also like the Ken’s Honey Vinaigrette.

I don't usually post this much but I did have to tell you about my sign. I was on my balcony reading a book, interestingly a book by Theresa Caputo. I am finding these books to be more comforting than how to deal with grief books right now. I saw a flash of red fly by down near the ground and go into a tree. I am on the 4th floor. Then I saw a female cardinal on the ground in front of my balcony. Then the male cardinal flew out of the tree near the ground and into another tree. Then the 2 cardinals flew around in front of my balcony but near the ground and flew off together. I needed that so much. It made me smile and cry at the same time. I feel blessed to have had that moment.
Happy 4th of July! I wore my red, white and blue stars shirt yesterday to church and today I'm wearing my Land I Love across the outline of the United States t-shirt today.

Our neighbor invited us to their annual 4th of July party that they held yesterday but we declined. They had so many people over there, must have been at least 20 children. I didn't want to sit out in the heat. They had their annual fireworks display plus a drone this year. DH sat out in the backyard to make sure that none of our grass caught on fire. I sat inside watching Wind River on Netflix listening to the fireworks.

Yesterday was DS's birthday. He was almost a firecracker! DD spent a good part of the day with him and DDIL plus a good number of their friends playing sand volleyball and walking around the Deep Ellum area of Dallas. She was exhausted when she got in around 6 pm and slept through the neighbors fireworks.

Today we are taking it easy, at least DD and I are. I took a nap for 3 1/2 hours yesterday and was up till midnight because of it. I put out a 300 piece puzzle to work on Saturday. I normally don't put out a puzzle when the kids are here but I've ordered a couple of 100 piece ones for us to do together when they come home. I have board puzzles for them but they are well past them. I will tell you this, it is so satisfying to walk up to a puzzle when putting pieces down in the right spot just flows.

DH is on the hunt for paint for the steel girders on the carport he built last weekend. He has found some but not all he needs so he's driving to different Home Depots today to see if he can find it. He's already laid out about 30 bags of mulch, I tell you Lynn, ya'll could go toe to toe on your work ethic. He is as busy as you, you both make me tired! :rotfl:

Later today DH is going to fry up some catfish that one of our employees gave us. He caught a boatload and I'm thankful he shared some with us. We're having waffle fries and hushpuppies too. I am going to try my hand at some coleslaw. I want to make it like my mom used to make it, I loved her coleslaw growing up. Haven't made it in ages.

Snowy, talking about getting used to living by yourself brought back memories of my mom when my dad passed away. They had been married over 65 years and she was his caretaker for over 20 of those years. She lived in her house for a little over a year before she moved in with us after he died. I was always in and out but I know she was lonely, especially in the evenings. While she missed my dad, I am so thankful that she got to live with us for awhile and be with the GK's. She loved being around them especially Lou Lou, her namesake. I pray that you will find joy in your heartache each day, like the cardinals or something else, to make things a little easier on you.

Pollyanna, I would love to be sitting by the lake in your pictures right now!

Its supposed to get up to 100 today, humidity is 65%. I'm just staying indoors for the most part for the next week, keeping my drapes pulled. I have been walking up and down my street most mornings. It's a mile when I walk it twice and its not level but uphill one way so getting some cardio half the time. I get my pace going downhill and then don't slow down on the uphill side. No weight loss but its what my cardiologist wants me to do so I'm doing it. I find that I'm really enjoying it and may add another street to my walk soon.

Have any of you been to Gatlinburg, TN? We are thinking of having a family trip there next year. Just now starting to research and thought I would ask if any of you had any tips or info on the area.
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I just wanted to mention a word about chargers. I was in bed one day with my iPad, and the charger was laying on the comforter. When all of a sudden I saw the end of it (where it plugs in) ”poof” and develop a flame, like a lighter. Thankfully I was right there and blew it out and unplugged it. I have always been a little nervous with charging cords, and bought some hooks so the kids could hang them on those rather than let them lay on the floor or bed, but that really opened my eyes to how quickly things can go bad. (And we already had a major fire here when we got hit by lightening!) I did some research, and found out that you should only buy the best chargers, not the cheap ones. I use Apple and they recommend ones sanctioned by them only. (So Apple doesn’t have to make them, but they have to meet their safety standards.) I would recommend the same for everyone, for safety. A few bucks more, but safer.

We also had a plug thing in our sunroom that plugged into an outlet and you plug other things into it. Made in China. It was behind some electronics. We kept smelling something like plastic burning, and couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. Lasted for a few days. Till we finally saw that that thing was slowly melting and it was just a matter of time until it lit up. Very scary! So we threw those away and only use good cords now. Stay safe everyone!
Snowysmom.... love the cardinal story,I’m so glad you are able to find comfort in those beautiful sightings.

Did a bit of grocery shopping this morning. I bought 24 quarts of
strawberries! I better get going, washing ,sugaring and freezing.

Happy 4th everyone. I’m struggling feeling very patriotic this year.
Happy 4th of July!

Busy day here. Did the Food Shopping for the week. Tomorrow I will make meatballs and burgers and put them in the freezer. I precooked about 10 lbs of meatballs over Memorial Day for my granddaughters Graduation Party. I plan to do the same with this ground beef so I will have the meatballs when I make pasta. It makes life so much easier.

I am wearing a red, white and blue shirt of sorts. I coached Baseball years ago for my grandson and we were the Liberty Bell Patriots. The shirts were Blue with a red and white Logo. My husband actually has a Patriotic Ford T-Shirt on which is rare for him to remember.

I am so paranoid about the Covid test for the cruise that I took a home test last night. It was negative so I was happy about that. Now to get through the actual test on Thursday. I made a list of things to do each day so hopefully I can get all the touch-up cleaning done and packed before I go to bed Friday. I am a horrible procrastinator and will wait to the very last second usually, but I have several things I need to get done this week and a baby shower on Friday. My daughter's best friend is finally expecting a little boy in September. She had been trying for a couple of years and is so happy. Her parents said no babysitting, but we all know her mom is going to be there for her. Yoko actually lives with her parents. They made the basement over into an apartment of sorts for her when she got married. Yoko had a brother but tragically he died of an OD about 15 years ago right before his daughter was born. He tried so hard to get clean and sober but sadly he didn't make it. He would have adored his daughter; she is so smart and so pretty. Yoko and her niece were on my monumental 24 people Disney Trip 5 years ago. NEVER travel with that many people and plan sit down dinners. It was insanity.

@Pea-n-Me - I am always telling my daughter to check on my grandson. Typical teenager he falls asleep with the phone plugged in and in his hand. Thankfully I have never had any issues with the $5 Below chargers but I only have an Apple I-Pad and I charge it during the day. I seriously can go through 5 or 6 chargers a year with the cats. They think the cords are chew toys or maybe they are practicing how to attack a mouse by the tail. My husband has an I-Phone, but he uses the original charger and puts it on the TV stand. Had to yell at him once or twice about bringing it in the bed too.

I don't know if I will last for fireworks tonight. If my son is setting them off, I may go over and make sure he doesn't blow himself up. Plus 2 of my grandkids have a hard time with the noise. They love watching the fireworks, but they have noise issues and start to shake. I just hope the rest of the neighbors realize tomorrow is a workday, so they stop by midnight, Last night my poor cat was hiding somewhere until this morning. I finally fell asleep around 1 AM and they were still going off.
To answer the question of if I am wearing red, white and blue today. I have on navy shorts. I have a white tee shirt that has a giant Mickey head in red, white, and blue on it. I have had it forever. I got it on my first trip to WDW and that was on July 1 , 1995-lol! Its held up through a lot of Memorial and 4'th of July's, and is still in great shape. They used to make their shirts a LOT better back then!


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