Pumba (Re: Beans)


~*Snoopy Fan Forever*~
May 15, 2000
Hey Pumba...You told me a little bit ago that you had a great recipe for homemade beans...would you mind posting it so I can steal it! LOL...I want to make them for DH maybe tomorrow if you think you could post it by then? If not, no big deal...Thanks so much!! :)
1----16 ounce bag of pea beans.....
four to six links of sweet or hot or both italian sausages
half cup of molasses.mixed with hot water ...
an onion
some dry mustard
salt and pepper
...night before ....put beans in pot and let them soak over night
tomorrow.....if you don't have a pressure cooker....(which is one hour of cooking after
the little thingie giggles..)
drain the beans and take out any rocks....
put them in the crockpot and put in molasses and water.......stir together....enough to cover the beans.
add the sausages..add spices too...and put them in the beans.....put on high for three hours and then on low until supper time
make a loaf of bread too and either a salad or coleslaw.........
I am in the mood for beans now too......
Thanks so much, Pumba...I am going to make them for Sunday dinner...I will let you know how they come out...:)

Pum, if I ever win the lottery, I am hiring you to come be my cook!! :) LOL


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