Problem solved :):) Worldzone -storing my pictures


<font color=navy>Not afraid of canned biscuits<br>
Aug 18, 1999
They cancelled me. I just got through to my pics, but where should I put them now?

Does anyone have any other ideas for me?
They did it to me too Laurie! :mad: I got through, backed them all up and threw them in a file on my desktop. Now what?! :(
Cancelled you??? :eek: Please explain?? Did you have a free space for storage only, or did you pay for space?
I was paying for (storage) space Pandy Paws... I don't think I've had it a year yet....nor did I receive an offer of renewal of any kind. I'm confused. :confused: The email said that they were cancelling the account and I wouldn't be billed for the subscription again. :confused:
Luckily, mine are all on floppies to begin with so I don't have to go through them all and back them up. But what do I do now?

Pandy, you pay for space. But they want you to have a webpage there, not just store your pictures.
Just received a response to the email I sent asking about my account... here's the response:
I just sent out a mass email about the Plus and Elite accounts. We had a subscription set up with PayPal but evidentially it just bills you without notice when your term is up. We prefer to contact our members first so they can approve the payment, so we cancelled all subscriptions in PayPal but not the actual accounts. You will receive an email from us when your account is due and we will give you a link you can pay from. That way you can approve the payment first.

Whew! I feel better now. :) Although this doesn't explain why I can't see Jude in my siggy now. :confused:

Pandy, you pay for space. But they want you to have a webpage there, not just store your pictures.
They do? :( Mine is just storage. Uh oh. Am I going to get carted off to website prison for this?
hmmm...I can see your signature picture, Kama!!
I do have a webpage and domian name through them, and I did not pay through paypal, maybe that's why i didn't see an email like that.

Once you pay for the service it shouldn't matter how you use (or not use) all the available features :confused: but that's just MHO :o
Kimmie, I was just about to say what Donna did... Jude comes up fine for me. Maybe something on your end is messed up (drink some more coffee maybe ;) :p)
hmmm...I can see your signature picture, Kama!!
You can?!? I can't. :( I only see that hideous little red x. :mad: What'd I do? Did I mess something up when I backed everything up? Oh maaaan.... if I only had a brain! :rolleyes:

Once you pay for the service it shouldn't matter how you use (or not use) all the available features but that's just MHO
I agree.... I'm paying for the space, so don't see why it should matter. I guess they didn't like all of my cabana boy pictures. :p

Oh Juuuude.... where are youuuuu?!??!
I'm sucking it down as fast as I can Elaine... maybe an IV would be more effective. :p

OH! There he is! Nevvvvvv-er miiiiind. :o
I had the same thing happen to me. I got a response from my email that I sent and they told me that they were having problems with PayPal doing the automatic payments without notifying anyone before doing them. So they are cancelling their automatic payment service with PayPal and we will be notified when it's time for our renewals to be paid.

I automatically thought it was because I hadn't accessed my account in almost 6 months due to my mom's passing and just haven't had time to touch it since this summer. That was not the case and everything should be fine with all accounts. If you have further troubles you need to email them and let them know what you are experiencing since you've gotten that email from PayPal.
I can see that guy fine also, Kim. And I think Alycia's reply answers the question.
just a thought...maybe it's loading for me from the cache.

in any event, if you would like me to store it on my account for you, Kama...until you get things straightened out out, I will...just let me know
Oh poor Kimmie... can't tell a hideous red X from Jude :p Okay I'll stop picking on you. Also Kim, if the server is slow on either your end or even with the DIS, sometimes pics will load as red Xs since it was just taking too long to load from. I hope Jude is there to stay.
Thanks so much Donna! :) He seems to be showing up for me now. Not sure why he wasn't for a few minutes, but all seems well now. I guess as long as he's showing up for Jeannie and all other Jude fans out there, that's really all that matters. :p

Dan, yes her email did explain the cancellation notice perfectly... but I was momentarily confused (moreso than usual ;) ) when I couldn't see the pic in my sig. It's disappearance seemed to coincide with the cancellation notice, so was beginning to think there was a connection...when there really was none...apparantly just a little Worldzone (or Kama?) hiccup. :)

Oh poor Kimmie... can't tell a hideous red X from Jude
I'd say something like: "Well, they look so much alike" but then Jeannie would get mad at me and yank her signature picture, (Nooooo!!! Don't do it Jeannie! I swear, I didn't mean it!! ;) ) so instead I'll just say: Zip it Elaine! ;)
Originally posted by helenabear
Oh poor Kimmie... can't tell a hideous red X from Jude :p

Originally posted by helenabear
I hope Jude is there to stay.
Bless you dear Elaine.:)

Yay...aahhh Jude is back.:)


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