Pregnant heading for Disney


Mar 27, 2000
I am 4 months pregnant and going to Disney in 3 days with a 4 year old and DH. Any sugesstions to make trip go smoothly?
I have been to Disney both times while I was expecting. The best thing for me was not to over do it and take breaks. Drink plenty of bottled water. Watch the warnings on all rides. I stayed cleared of all bumpy rides. There are still a lot you can ride. We had a great time both of these times. Have a good and safe trip!!!
Are you flying down to Orlando? When we go in December I am hoping to be baout 4-5 months pregnant. I guess I'm just curious....did your doctor give you any warnings about ride safety, flying safety or crowds? Have a fun trip!

1988 off site
1992 CB
1996 ALM
1998 CS
2000 GF June/July Honeymoon!!!
2001 Las Vegas - Caesar's
Disneyland - Disneyland Hotel
2001 Wilderness Lodge -one year anniversary!!!
2001 Pop Century!(Going for Christmas and New Year's Eve!!!!)
You may not get this before you go on your trip, but I hope it will help someone! Last year my family went to WDW when I was 6 mo. pregnant and my son was 15 mo. old. Doctor's only cautions were to be careful not to overdo and drink plenty of water. All the CMs were so wonderful! Everyone seemed to go out of their way to be sure that I was ok. I appreciated the concern! I followed the posted cautions on rides that were not appropriate for pregnant women and took frequent breaks (DS needed to anyway!). I was concerned before going (that I wouldn't be able to really enjoy everything), but it was a fantastic week!

Just be sure to use common sense and don't exhaust yourself!!!!
Jen C in MD

'80 - offsite
'96 - CBR (honeymoon)
'99 - CS
'01 - ASM
I was 3 mos. pregnant during our last trip. Wear very comfortable shoes, drink lots of water, and eat small meals to avoid nausea. Have fun!! There are still plenty of things you can ride. Now I get to take my 5 yr. old, and ride the things with her, that I couldn't last time because of her, I can't wait till MAY :D :D :D
I hope to be around 4 mo. by my trip in July. I am glad to hear that I will still be able to enjoy my trip I have looked forward to for so long. The only thing I worry about is being too tired to enjoy it. I know that last time I was pretty much zapped for 9 mo. I just hope I'm overcome by the "magic" when I get there.


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