Pre-trip report November, 2015 Hershey to WDW

It's weird. Li-Li and I are traveling to Punta Cana in a little over a month. Our last few trips have all been to WDW. If this were a WDW trip by this time we would be in a frenzy of double checking ADRs. Plotting what we wanted to do on which days. Trying to figure out fast passes, and checking and rechecking car rental prices, etc. We'd sit around imagining what it will be like to hand out at Mexico with a tequila flight buzz while wondering over to Germany. Where are we going to eat? How many Mickey Bars can I munch upon during the trip. We'd be watching recent trip videos on YouTube and listing to extra Disney podcasts. Leah would be checking her lists and writing down notes.

For Punta Cana it's a lot different. It's more about dreaming what we'll eat after we get back after we can end this damn pre-trip dieting. (We are a vain people. We are not a naturally fit people. We enjoy snacks. So it's diet time so we don't look poorly next to all the Dutch and French tourists. Not that they all look great. Let's face it. Europeans seem to think the less fit one is the less bathing attire one ought to wear.) We are definitely looking forward to the trip. However, spending five days and four nights by a pool, or on a pleasant breezy beach with beer and snacks (keeping Irish skinned Li Li from burning in the sun she loves so much) is a completely different vibe.

Not exactly Disney trip related, but an observation.
Hi there!!!
I am following along! I didn't know you had a report going! I followed from LiLi's signature from my report!!!

I love your plans and i am SO JEALOUS you were able to meet Ashley and Joe!!!! I think we saw them once because i remember the turtle backpack!!! they blew past us! HA HA I am also watching their web casts every wednesday!!!

I LOVE your new luggage!!!
Ok, I have to your dog part Anatolian? He looks a little like mine (Anatolian x Great Pyrenees)...

Can't wait to continue reading about your plans!

Hi there!!!
I am following along! I didn't know you had a report going! I followed from LiLi's signature from my report!!!

I love your plans and i am SO JEALOUS you were able to meet Ashley and Joe!!!! I think we saw them once because i remember the turtle backpack!!! they blew past us! HA HA I am also watching their web casts every wednesday!!!

I LOVE your new luggage!!!

Hey! Thanks for following along! I am hoping to get a bit more structure into our plans this weekend, only 13 days until ADR day! :scared1:
Check out the next update for more Joe and Ashley interaction...:goodvibes

Ok, I have to your dog part Anatolian? He looks a little like mine (Anatolian x Great Pyrenees)...

Can't wait to continue reading about your plans!


Thanks for reading!:cool2:

I have to admit; I looked up Anatolian as I had not heard of that breed before. Ike is really a mutt for the most part. We have some guesses, the primary of which is Brittany. He seems to have the coloring and temperament of a Brittany the most. But he has a really deep chest, which I thought might be greyhound-ish, but after seeing pictures of Anatolians, perhaps it is that! He also has a really fluffy tail which seems a bit Collie-like. So, basically, we're not sure, but he is the sweetest! Those cute brown eyes have duped many a stranger into giving him food! :dogdance:
So, another BIG NEWS announcement. Nope, not free dining! :) We are sticking with our bounceback and Little Mermaid room. (But I am super happy for everyone who got free dining. Nice that the speculation is over!)

The Big News, mainly to us, is that we are in Joe and Ashley's September video from last week!!!!!!!:jumping1:

So, the picture above is when we just happened to join the Sum of All Thrills line right behind them!!! After a minor, subtle freakout, we introduced ourselves as fans to them and got the picture I posted. But they were SUPER nice and chatted with us as we were waiting and even made some recommendations as it was our first time on Sum of All Thrills. Anyhoo, we rode the ride right after them, and if you watch the video, that is me and Nigel that they video'ed on the ride. You can see Nigel's yellow shirt, my pink sweater and blue shoes and hear our screams!!! How cool is that?! And, they even waited for us to get off the ride and Ashley asked how we liked it! Of course we loved it, and thought it was so nice that she asked about our experience! So, we are You Tube famous, in a sense, since obviously you don't see our faces!:rotfl2:

So, that's our big news! It was exciting to us at least. :hyper: I am hoping this weekend to study the easyWDW crowd calendar and make some light ADR plans! Only 13 short days away! And 21 days until Punta Cana. CANNOT WAIT for some nice beach relaxation time! :beach:

I have to admit; I looked up Anatolian as I had not heard of that breed before. Ike is really a mutt for the most part. We have some guesses, the primary of which is Brittany. He seems to have the coloring and temperament of a Brittany the most. But he has a really deep chest, which I thought might be greyhound-ish, but after seeing pictures of Anatolians, perhaps it is that! He also has a really fluffy tail which seems a bit Collie-like. So, basically, we're not sure, but he is the sweetest! Those cute brown eyes have duped many a stranger into giving him food! :dogdance:

He looks like a pinto colored Anatolian like mine. (most people think mine is a St. Bernard mix) Yes those big brown eyes are very compelling. Does his tail curl? The Anatolians usually have a wheel type fluffy curly tail...I will have to find pictures of Dunkin standing up. And yes their chests are extremely deep. Dunkin's is so deep that I have yet to find a harness to fit him.

I have to check out Joe & Ashley's videos...I keep seeing their names pop up in trip reports...that may be something to do while on the 12 hour drive down a week from today!
that's SO AWESOME!!! You got to talk to them!!! So jealous. and they waited for you? HOW SWEET IS THAT!! It was on yesterdays web cast right? I haven't watched it yet. going to do that now!!
Then again you have pictures with a LOT of people! HA! i was shocked when you posted the one picture of us! :scared1:
Lois here on the Dis (she is on my PTR i can't remember her dis name) is also youtube famous!! a couple of weeks back when Joe and Ashley were in HS in Toy story Mania they are walking in the line then POOF there is Lois looking for her DH! it was awesome!!!

remind me.. What are your dates in November again?
He looks like a pinto colored Anatolian like mine. (most people think mine is a St. Bernard mix) Yes those big brown eyes are very compelling. Does his tail curl? The Anatolians usually have a wheel type fluffy curly tail...I will have to find pictures of Dunkin standing up. And yes their chests are extremely deep. Dunkin's is so deep that I have yet to find a harness to fit him.

I have to check out Joe & Ashley's videos...I keep seeing their names pop up in trip reports...that may be something to do while on the 12 hour drive down a week from today!

No curl in his tail, just very fluffy. Also, his coat is so shaggy that we actually shave him down for the warm weather. I'll have to post a pic of his "summer look".
Oh my goodness, one week!! Have fun! I'm so jealous, November is still so faaaaar! Although we are under 200, woo!

that's SO AWESOME!!! You got to talk to them!!! So jealous. and they waited for you? HOW SWEET IS THAT!! It was on yesterdays web cast right? I haven't watched it yet. going to do that now!!
Then again you have pictures with a LOT of people! HA! i was shocked when you posted the one picture of us! :scared1:
Lois here on the Dis (she is on my PTR i can't remember her dis name) is also youtube famous!! a couple of weeks back when Joe and Ashley were in HS in Toy story Mania they are walking in the line then POOF there is Lois looking for her DH! it was awesome!!!

remind me.. What are your dates in November again?

It was last week's video, not yesterday. They seriously are the sweetest people! We are the dangling legs, screaming on Sum of All Thrills in Epcot. Did your family try that? It's where you design your own coaster. It was a lot of fun.

Nigel is crazy picture taking man for sure! Lol. We are there the week before you, I believe. November 8 to 14.
It was last week's video, not yesterday. They seriously are the sweetest people! We are the dangling legs, screaming on Sum of All Thrills in Epcot.

Dang it i will go back and re watch!!! this past wednesday a friend of mine Lois was on it!!!

Did your family try that? It's where you design your own coaster. It was a lot of fun.

oh YES! the kids LOVED every minute of it!! can't wait to get back there!!

Nigel is crazy picture taking man for sure! Lol. We are there the week before you, I believe. November 8 to 14.

yes your last day is my first day.
Ok, I will have to watch the Ashley and Joe videos on the way down...I just don't know if I will have time before then! But between you and Mo talking about them, I NEED to see them now!
Ok, I will have to watch the Ashley and Joe videos on the way down...I just don't know if I will have time before then! But between you and Mo talking about them, I NEED to see them now!

You really do.. At first i wasn't really into it.. Until i started seeing people i knew in the backgrounds!!!
Plus they are ADORABLE. i make my husband watch them so he know how to use a video camera! HA HA.
Ugh, we mulched our yard and then had to recover from mulching our yard, so I didn't work on disney plans at all this weekend! Hopefully, I can get myself together in time for ADR week away!!!!
I wanted the episode your in again!!! I SEE YOUR FEET!!! HA HA!

Ugh, we mulched our yard and then had to recover from mulching our yard, so I didn't work on disney plans at all this weekend! Hopefully, I can get myself together in time for ADR week away!!!!
Ugh, we mulched our yard and then had to recover from mulching our yard, so I didn't work on disney plans at all this weekend! Hopefully, I can get myself together in time for ADR week away!!!!

You can do it! Do you have a somewhat list of where you want to eat?
I need to start watching these videos as well....I feel so out of the loop! I have watched a couple and they are adorable. I will definitely go back and watch your starring rolls (your appearance, not the place at HS). Now I want cupcakes...ok I'm back! :)
You can do it! Do you have a somewhat list of where you want to eat?

We do have a list; the problem is it is just too long!!! Way too many places we love to eat to fit them all in. Probably why we keep going back! Lol. I think we did narrow it down some. I'll try to get an update on that this week. But you'll probably be in Disney by then!!! :)
I will but I will be DISing while there! I hope to try to post daily. I am a very early riser (but have been sleeping more since the forced vacay in the hospital) so I want to try to do a short update daily.
Since our ADR day is supposedly tomorrow, let's talk FOOD! popcorn::

So, as I've said before, we are keeping the plans a bit looser this time around. We are driving in and although we still aren't sure if we will arrive Saturday night or stay somewhere and drive in Sunday morning, we probably won't plan any bigs TS meals the first couple of days. My main reason for no ADRs for Sunday through Tuesday is that we are beginning our trip at AoA! First, we love the Food Court there. I think they have great options between building your own burgers or create your own pasta and the Indian cuisine selections are great! (Butter chicken anyone? Maybe if we can't fit in Sanaa, we will at least grab some butter chicken at AoA).

The second reason that we are not planning ADRs is that we want to keep things loose so that we can pick the best day for swimming!!! Underwater music!! We will only be at AoA two nights, so we need to do the pool either Sunday, Monday or possibly Tuesday before we check out and head to Wilderness Lodge! Yep, the rest of the vacation is at our dream resort, WL. We have been wanting to stay here for ages, and when we got the bounceback offer in January, WL was 35% off! Woo hoo! And since Little Mermaid rooms are never included in discounts, I haven't had to worry about the latest special offers. I'm just sitting back, waiting to get to Disney.

So, on to the ADRS:
Tuesday - I'm thinking about Biergarten for lunch. We haven't been here since 2008's trip, and I'd rather go at lunchtime so as to save a little money, since its basically the same buffet but lunch prices are slightly cheaper. (I believe, anyone correct me if I'm wrong). Possibly want to swing by Beaches and Cream for a No Way Jose this same day, but I don't think I'm going to reserve it just yet.
Wednesday 11/11 - California Grill, 8:30 pm - I'm trying to see if I can time this right. Wishes will be at 10 pm, so I think 8:30 is late enough that we could still catch them from CG, but not too late for dinner.

Thursday is our party night (yay!) so dinner will be QS around MK. Probably Sleepy Hollow Spicy chicken waffle, maybe a Casey's hotdog, or a truffled mac n'cheese hotdog from Friar's Nook! We'll play it by ear. No dole whips; sadly, we are not fans. (Sacrilege, I know!) But plenty of dessert options at Big Top treats; we love anything with a stick up it! I'm guessing we'll start with breakfast at one of the "monorail" resorts, but again, loosey goosey.

Friday - Sci Fi Dine In for lunch! I'm making more lunch plans than I ever have before. We've never been here, but we peeked our heads in last September just to check out the atmosphere (thanks CM for letting us do so). It looks cool, and I believe the food's decent if not amazing. And since it is always crowded, I am making this a firm ADR. :) I'm tentatively thinking about Trails End for dinner this night but not pulling the ADR trigger yet.

Saturday - we leave :( Right now, we are thinking our farewell Disney breakfast should be Boma buffet, since we love it but haven't been in a few years.:guilty:

So, perhaps a little boring but there you go. No BOG madness for me this year. I was in the craziness snagging lunch FP last year and I think I'm good for now. Although I LOVE the restaurant, I can go one trip without it. Actually, Nigel seems more interested than me in perhaps working this into our plans, but we'll see. Even if BOG breakfast is still going on, I'm not sure that price tag is worth it to me when there are tons of awesome Disney breakfast for more or less same price that are buffets! It might tempt me but we'll see.

Oh yeah, so you may notice I said supposedly for ADR being tomorrow. On some of the Disney FB pages, it seems like people with split stays are not being allowed to make ADRs past their first stay?? Or something like that. So, since almost all of my ADRs are for the later part of my trip, it may be that my actual ADR day is not until Thursday when I am 180 days out from my WL stay. We'll see.

Stay tuned to see how ADR did or didn't go!
I love your plans!!! especially stay at AoA! I just adore this resort and cannot wait to get back there! So sad your leaving the day we come!
Do you need an ADR for beaches and cream if your just getting ice cream? the family wants to get the kitchen sink... they're nuts.

we love anything with a stick up it!
This is hysterical!!!

Cannot wait to hear what you have!!!! the anticipation is KILLING me!!!
So, perhaps a little boring but there you go. No BOG madness for me this year. I was in the craziness snagging lunch FP last year and I think I'm good for now. Although I LOVE the restaurant, I can go one trip without it. Actually, Nigel seems more interested than me in perhaps working this into our plans, but we'll see. Even if BOG breakfast is still going on, I'm not sure that price tag is worth it to me when there are tons of awesome Disney breakfast for more or less same price that are buffets! It might tempt me but we'll see.


I will be surprised if we don't make some sort of pilgrimage to BOG. Li Li just adores the place, and I am quite fond of it too. Less for the food and more for the decor. I am just curious when we are going to have our 'hangout time' at WL.

I am looking forward to some Mickey Bar action and the pasta bar at AOA. The tequila flight at Mexico always has a welcome place in my tummy.


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