We will have one night in WDW after our DCL Magic cruise in March. We will be staying at ASM and plan to hit as many of our favorites as possible. We are taking DD's 20 year old boy friend and I want to give him a taste of WDW as he has never been there! I wish we could squeeze out more time but we are already pulling DS15 out of school for a week as his break and DD's college break are at different times, I didn't want her to miss college. How many of you have done this quick of a trip to WDW? I already warned the family to try not to stay up to late the last night of the cruise because they will not have time to rest until we hit the plane to leave We hopt to check-in at ASM by 10am and hit the parks and we have until about 3pm the next day(Sunday) to get to our 5pm flight out. I anticipate them sleeping all the way home!