Pop, Pop, Poppity-Pop! A November 2014 trip report

How wonderful!

What a bummer that the call from the doc didn't come in till after you got there.

What a small world afterall that you ended up in the same room as your last visit.

Yeah. That was the hardest part. They knew we were leaving so I was hoping they would have got back to us sooner but... they may not have got the labs back until that afternoon. There wasn't really anything we could do. And her feeling good was most important.

I know! I couldn't believe that we were in the same room. I don't know what the odds are for that to happen but it sure felt magical.

Abi looks SO SO happy to see her grandma, that is so sweet!

I'm sorry to hear you hate flying so much :( But you made it!

Oh no, total bummer about Maddy needing the meds. I'm glad it wasn't as bad as it could've been though.

Yay for getting all your room requests! And how COOl that you got the same exact room!

Yeah. My mom and Abi have a very special relationship. I love it. I think it is so great that Abi has someone besides us that she knows is there for her no matter what.

Your girls are adorable! I love that your parents surprised them at the airport, I know my son would seriously freak out if he saw his gram when we we're traveling too! Following along for the fun :yay:

Thank you!!
It was so fun. My daughters adore their grandparents and it really did add one more special moment for them that morning. They were so excited!
I'm loving it so far! We'll be at Pop in a month so seeing your pictures made me even more excited (if that was possible)!
Now that we were settled in our rooms, we met back up with my mom to go to the bus stops. I felt so bad leaving my dad behind. But there was no way we could get to our ADR on time if we waited with him and he didn't want to miss his delivery.

The girls were so excited as we made our way to the bus stop. Where were we headed?

Downtown Disney!!

It was so fun to hear the Christmas music playing and see all the lights. It was insanely crowded and a little confusing with the construction.. but we enjoyed our walk looking at all the shops along the way even if we didn't go into any.
We especially liked the displays outside of the Lego store.


And then we made it to our dining location.

We were a little early for our dinner but we had plans for what to do with that time! It was time to build some dino's.
Maddy and Abi both quickly picked out the dino's they wanted (well, in Abi's case the saber toothed tiger). Maddy also picked out an outfit.
We gave each girl a gift card to use while in Disney so I told her that while I was buying them each an animal, if she wanted the outfit she would have to use her own money. She did want to.


I found that this was a great thing. Because whenever the girls wanted something if you reminded them that they had to use their own money it made them really think about the purchase and whether it was that important to them or not.
Abi also picked out something. My mom told each girl that she was going to buy them a certain amount of things on the trip and she used a few dollars to get Abi a safari hat for her tiger.

Our Cast Memeber was awesome. Is it just me or is she a Sarah Silverman look alike?

She was really nice and good with the kids.
Also when we told her where we were from she told us that her sister goes to college really close to where we live and she is on break from college in Idaho (our neighboring state). It was fun to talk about stuff from home that she was familiar with.

They made their wishes and did all the things you do with the heart to make your animal happy, healthy, etc....

Then bathed their friends.

And named them.

Maddy named her green triceratops "Cutie Sweetheart".
Abi named her Saber toothed tiger "Saber-cute".


Our experience with Build A Dino was great. The girls loved it. We all had a lot of fun and it is definitely something I recommend if your kids like build a bear.
Now it was time for dinner!
We checked in and got in line and were soon (maybe 10 minutes later) being led to our table under the pterodactyl's nest. At least I am assuming that is what it was. Maybe it was some other bird like dinosaur. I don't know.




Next up: part two of Dinner with Dino's

I'm loving it so far! We'll be at Pop in a month so seeing your pictures made me even more excited (if that was possible)!

I know what you mean! Before our trips I just love reading other trip reports that are doing things we plan on doing/ staying where we are staying. I am excited for you!

We were seated at our table. We were in the room that has the meteor showers and we could see most of the restaurant from our table. That was pretty cool. We had a great view of the ice room.



We soon had our food!
My mom got the T-Rex Quesadilla's. She loved them. Couldn't finish them all but said they were great.

Abi got the the kids meal with corn dogs and mashed potatoes and Apple juice.
Maddy got the kids meal with dino nuggets, applesauce, and milk.
They both cleaned their plates.



Doug and I shared the Colossal Nachos. They were so dang good. They were huge and even with both of us eating them we didn't finish the whole plate. But they were really, really good.


Us adults didn't order dessert because of how full we were, but we did let the girls order the Saber Sundaes. They were really excited. We don't often get dessert when we eat out and since this was our first Disney night they weren't accustomed to Disney's over abundance of dessert yet.



Our experience with T-Rex was really great. Maddy was nervous every time we had a meteor shower but she still loved this restaurant the most of any on our trip and talks about going back all of the time.

After dinner, we walked back through the marketplace, stopping briefly at the Lego store although it was so crowded we didn't buy anything and quickly left.

We caught the bus back to Pop and this was when the trip report title was born.
The girls started opening and closing their hands and saying, "POP!" "Pop!" and that soon led to "Pop! Pop! Poppity- Pop!" After this night, every time we were on a bus on our way back to the hotel they would start singing this song as soon as they saw the Pop Century sign.

Upon arrival Doug took the girls back to the room for baths and my mom and I went into the cafeteria to get our mugs.
My pin didn't work but I was able to get it worked out quickly. The CM wasn't too helpful but the front desk one was great.
Then we went to fill up our mugs and one of mine wasn't activated... but again it was a quick fix and soon we were on our way back to our rooms with mugs, some milk for our fridge, some juice, and the medicine I picked up at the front desk that had been delivered while we were gone.



Tinkerbell left some bags on the nightstand with a note telling the girls that she would leave them a little something each morning if the day before they had followed all of her rules. They were super excited about that!


The girls were to bed way later than we planned since we had an early morning the next day, but by 11:15 everyone but me was asleep and it was quiet.


I stayed up until about midnight getting the room completely put together and then I crashed into bed.
It was a long day but so much fun.
My biggest piece of advice is to make sure you go buy something or try to pick up your mugs as soon as possible on your trip to make sure your pin is working. It was much easier to have it happen in the pop cafeteria when I could quickly get it fixed that if it had happened at one of the parks.

Up next: Grandma, you ate a Ted!

I'm sorry your dad couldn't make it to dinner :(

Ahh I love the build a dinos! I love the names the girls picked out, as well as the pic of them holding their new friends! That CM definitely looks like Sarah Silverman!

I'm glad it was a good meal!

Love the story behind the TR title!! :)

The Tinkerbell bags are so cute.
i'm here! i'm so excited that you started your TR and so bummed that I missed it until now!

your travel day looks smooth, thank goodness! and dinner at t-rex looked good. those nachos.....oh my! delicious!

i'm glad the pharmacy worked out and I hope she stays healthy for the trip!!
I'm sorry your dad couldn't make it to dinner :(

Ahh I love the build a dinos! I love the names the girls picked out, as well as the pic of them holding their new friends! That CM definitely looks like Sarah Silverman!

I'm glad it was a good meal!

Love the story behind the TR title!! :)

The Tinkerbell bags are so cute.

I know. I felt so bad for him. But he seemed okay. We asked if he wanted to wait for the oxygen and come meet us as soon as the guy left hoping he would be early enough in the time window they gave him that he could make it before we were done.
But the guy didn't come until we were sitting down to dinner and my dad didn't feel like rushing over by himself and trying to find us.
I thought the names the girls picked out were really cute too.
And those animals are definitely favorites now. They love them!

i'm here! i'm so excited that you started your TR and so bummed that I missed it until now!

your travel day looks smooth, thank goodness! and dinner at t-rex looked good. those nachos.....oh my! delicious!

i'm glad the pharmacy worked out and I hope she stays healthy for the trip!!

I have been hoping that people actually noticed the trip report was started!
Yeah. Those nachos were seriously so good. I don't think I would ever order anything else there now. Plus it is much cheaper than buying two meals because we were paying OOP for this meal.
My DD and I were also there in November, we were at the Poly from11/15-11/22, we had a great time, looking forward to reading your report.
So glad to see your TR! I can't wait to read about your adventures since we were there for part of the same time. Good thing you brought your coats! :) Although we are enjoying good Utah weather right now, I sure would rather be back in Florida!
So you didn't find the meteor showers overwhelmingly loud?

Thats a good tip for the MB's.

They were pretty loud. That scared Maddy and we would all just kind of watch it and then start talking again when they were over.
My DD and I were also there in November, we were at the Poly from11/15-11/22, we had a great time, looking forward to reading your report.

Cool! I would love to stay at Poly someday!
So glad to see your TR! I can't wait to read about your adventures since we were there for part of the same time. Good thing you brought your coats! :) Although we are enjoying good Utah weather right now, I sure would rather be back in Florida!

Thanks! Yeah it has been really nice here so far this year... although I have say that we are kind of hoping for snow before Christmas. :confused3
Hey guys-hopefully I will be able to get to some updates later today or tomorrow. Saturday night I ended up all night long with Maddy sicker than she has ever been. Then she slept most of Sunday and then Sunday night couldn't sleep so I was up with her most of the night again.
Doug went out of town for a really short one night business trip. Left Sunday morning and got back about 1am Tuesday morning.
Monday afternoon I started gathering pictures for an update and then began to feel sick... then within a couple hours I was sicker than I have ever been. It was terrible. And then within a few hours Abi was right there with me.
Doug came in the door around 1 and (bless him) started cleaning up and doing laundry for me because Abi hadn't made it to the bathroom or in the garbage can every single time and I couldn't clean it up because every time I sat up I would almost faint. It was crazy.
Yesterday morning we all seemed to be done puking but were still tired and a little dizzy.
This morning I am feeling much better although I still feel a bit tired. Abi and Maddy seem to be doing much better.
Hey guys-hopefully I will be able to get to some updates later today or tomorrow. Saturday night I ended up all night long with Maddy sicker than she has ever been. Then she slept most of Sunday and then Sunday night couldn't sleep so I was up with her most of the night again.
Doug went out of town for a really short one night business trip. Left Sunday morning and got back about 1am Tuesday morning.
Monday afternoon I started gathering pictures for an update and then began to feel sick... then within a couple hours I was sicker than I have ever been. It was terrible. And then within a few hours Abi was right there with me.
Doug came in the door around 1 and (bless him) started cleaning up and doing laundry for me because Abi hadn't made it to the bathroom or in the garbage can every single time and I couldn't clean it up because every time I sat up I would almost faint. It was crazy.
Yesterday morning we all seemed to be done puking but were still tired and a little dizzy.
This morning I am feeling much better although I still feel a bit tired. Abi and Maddy seem to be doing much better.

Sorry you and the girls have been so sick! There is a lot of icky stuff going around for sure!
Sorry to hear that you've all been sick! I am crossing my fingers and hoping to not join you in the sickie club. DH came home not feeling well tonight and I just took his temp and its 101.6 :scared1:

Feel better!
Sorry to hear that you've all been sick! I am crossing my fingers and hoping to not join you in the sickie club. DH came home not feeling well tonight and I just took his temp and its 101.6 :scared1:

Feel better!

Drink lots of grape juice! I read that tip here on the disboards and I'm not sure if it really works or not... but I made Doug start drinking some as soon as he got home from his trip and he hasn't caught it. So there may be some merit to it.
Sorry you and the girls have been so sick! There is a lot of icky stuff going around for sure!
Thanks. It has been bad. I have never been this put down by a stomach bug before. I am barely starting to feel normal agian and I am still not all the way there.
Omg Cheryl, I'm so sorry :( I'm glad to hear you all are feeling better, hopefully Doug doesn't catch it next!

Today was Abi's first day back at school. Maddy seems fine. I am starting to feel normal. Yikes. This was not fun. And not a good time of year for this to happen! There were so many things I had to cancel and postpone this week. And now I am far behind on all my holiday prep!
Drink lots of grape juice! I read that tip here on the disboards and I'm not sure if it really works or not... but I made Doug start drinking some as soon as he got home from his trip and he hasn't caught it. So there may be some merit to it.

Interesting. What is the grape juice supposed to help with? We are drinking lots of OJ and Pineapple Juice. Boosting that Vitamin C. Turns out DH has the Flu.:sick: He's been quarantined with a face mask. :rotfl:
We set our alarm for 6am. I got up while everyone else kept sleeping. I got showered and then got Doug up to get ready. We let the girls sleep in as long as we could and then turned on cartoons to slowly wake them up. That worked well most of the trip.
Everyone had some cereal for breakfast.

As soon as the girls were done eating we got them dressed and met up with my parents.
Where were we going today?
Hollywood Studios!




We thought Abi might want to ride Rock N Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror with Doug but she decided last minute that she didn't want to. I think she would have liked both of them... but she was nervous so I wasn't going to push her. Next time.
Doug took off toward those rides while we went to get right in line for Sofia since she was Abi's #1 meet for the day and I wanted to try to meet her and still make the first Playhouse jr show.
Doug's pictures... he got on both rides really fast and was back to meet us within about 20 minutes.


Meanwhile we were first in line for Sofia...


Abi was so excited to meet Sofia.





Sofia was excited to see her own page.





Unfortunately I didn't get a photo of them posed looking at me because I thought the photopass person was getting it. Then I went to scan my magic band and she told me she hadn't taken any photos because her camera wasn't on yet. oh. Duh. Okay. Well glad I took some with my phone and camera or I wouldn't have had any! I didn't make that mistake again. From then on I would have way too many photos of every meet just in case.
Doug showed up just as we were meeting Sofia.

We saw that Jake was out meeting and the line was only a few people so we jumped in it hoping it wouldn't make us miss the show.





up next: Grandma, you ate a Ted! part two
Interesting. What is the grape juice supposed to help with? We are drinking lots of OJ and Pineapple Juice. Boosting that Vitamin C. Turns out DH has the Flu.:sick: He's been quarantined with a face mask. :rotfl:

Not sure actually. :rotfl: I guess it boosts your immune system and kills off some of the germies. I don't know.
That stinks he has the flu.
I hope you guys can all keep from getting it and he will get better quick.


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