Policy on COVID related discussions


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2002
The global COVID pandemic created unprecedented restrictions, disruptions and changes to our travel, work, shopping, schooling, social interactions and so many other aspects of our lives since the beginning of 2020. We’ve all been affected, and we have been inundated with news, information, mis-information, frustrations and opinions. We’ve heard them, we’ve shared them, we’ve argued about them.

The discussions, debates and arguments about the virus, distancing and masking policies, various politicians’ statements and actions have been overwhelming and divisive. Many threads on the DISboards have been derailed or devolved into arguments due to this topic. We understand the passion, but feel that we’ve let the discussions run their course. We are sure there are better places on the WWW to learn about and debate scientific, medical and political issues. The mission of the DISboards is to be a great travel resource and a friendly community.

Now that travel is opening up again, it’s time to refocus on that mission!

From this point on, we will welcome information on COVID policies RELATED TO TRAVEL. Things like the vaccination policies issued by venues or destinations, the cleaning or distancing procedures in use, practical tips for travelers or things they might need to know that are different from location to location are all valid topics. Any official policies issued by Disney, other travel destinations, cruise lines, airlines, etc. regarding requirements for visiting parks or cruising can be shared. This information needs to be on-topic for the specific forum and thread where posted.

We will NOT welcome debate or opinion about medical, scientific, or political aspects of the pandemic. There are a few often repeated trigger items that won’t be allowed: No statistics about infection rates, no ranting about individual rights, no “face-diaper” comments, no debate about whether vaccinations or masking are effective, no discussions about which governor or politician or news personality did or said what.

In summary: COVID related discussion should be limited to actual policy and practical application, and NOT veer into opinion or debate.

We understand that you may be passionate in your opinions on this topic and want to discuss or debate them, and appreciate your understanding that there are more appropriate places than the DISboards to do that.

Thank you,
DISboards Administrators
Thank you!

You might want to sticky this...looking forward to normal conversations again.
Can we have a « COVID policies related to travel« thread? Just to make sure there isn’t hundreds of separated threads on the topic?
I am curious as to why this cannot be shared? When it comes to travel, it is useful information to understand what the infection rates are in the location in question so that individuals can assess their risk in traveling to that location.
I think because it's a trigger for more heated conversations. People can do their research and find that info on many other sites and make a decision pertinent to their needs. But when they are brought up here it is usually to defend a position, or attack one.
I think because it's a trigger for more heated conversations. People can do their research and find that info on many other sites and make a decision pertinent to their needs. But when they are brought up here it is usually to defend a position, or attack one.

Plus it is an ever changing number but articles are not rewritten. Then there are squabbles about what source is better than another.

Thank you @WebmasterKathy!
I'm assuming this has been answered 20 times already - but I'm trying to get some clarity.

1. If I am fully vaccinated, I get tested at the terminal before I board, correct?

2. Is the terminal test a PCR or Antigen Test?

3. What is the fee for this Test, or does Disney pay for it?

4. If I test positive at the terminal what happens? Is there any recourse ... can I rebook ... or is it now an insurance issue?

Thank you!!!
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I'm assuming this has been answered 20 times already - but I'm trying to get some clarity.

1. If I am fully vaccinated, I get tested at the terminal before I board, correct?

2. Is the terminal test a PCR or Antigen Test?

3. What is the fee for this Test, or does Disney pay for it?

4. If I test positive at the terminal what happens? Is there any recourse ... can I rebook ... or is it now an insurance issue?

Thank you!!!

1. As of right now, yes.
2. Rapid PCR
3. DCL provides the at port/embarkation test for free - they are partnered with Inspire Diagnostics for them.
4. You will be directed to a place to wait to be spoken to; they will ask if you would like to get a refund or rebook at a later time. If you have extra costs associated with the trip outside of the cruise itself (including trip insurance itself) then that is not covered, you'll need to take that up with insurance.
1. As of right now, yes.
2. Rapid PCR
3. DCL provides the at port/embarkation test for free - they are partnered with Inspire Diagnostics for them.
4. You will be directed to a place to wait to be spoken to; they will ask if you would like to get a refund or rebook at a later time. If you have extra costs associated with the trip outside of the cruise itself (including trip insurance itself) then that is not covered, you'll need to take that up with insurance.

Thank you very much!!
My wife and I cruise in April and both have had the Johnson and Johnson one time shot with no boosters. Are are we considered " fully vaccinated" according to disney or do they require us to have a booster. Also, I had covid in January and have recovered....however I'm not sure if I should get tested for the "90 day recovered" or just do an at home test and if I test positive then get the 90 positive recovered from a licenced physician. I have been trying for a week to contact Disney about this but as you all probably know the are having issues with their call center and instant messaging. Thanks for any input
Yes, 1 dose of J&J is fully vaccinated, assuming it has been at least 14 days since that dose.

The 90-day recovery requires a positive PCR test and a doctor's note. Your decision as to whether you want to try for that.
Yes, 1 dose of J&J is fully vaccinated, assuming it has been at least 14 days since that dose.

The 90-day recovery requires a positive PCR test and a doctor's note. Your decision as to whether you want to try for that.
Thank you very much
I'm reading the guideline on disneycruise.disney.go.com. My son will be 4 in August and I'm planning to book a cruise on the WISH for his birthday but I saw somewhere that they do testing on the ship for like $98.33 per PCR test and $41.40 per person for antigen testing onboard by a third-party vendor.

I don't mind paying for the PCR test onboard. Does my son still need to get tested 3 days before Embark if I do the testing for my son on the ship? My other question is do me and my wife still need to do the PCR test? Me and my wife is fully vaccinated with booster. Since I work in a Hospital I can get tested any time I want at work so that's not an issue for me.
Does my son still need to get tested 3 days before Embark if I do the testing for my son on the ship? My other question is do me and my wife still need to do the PCR test?

At this time a 4-yr-old needs to have a PCR test sometime between 3 days up to 24 hours prior to embarkation. Most families do this test somewhere local to where they live (pharmacy, doctor's office, etc.), though you do have the mail-order option offered by Inspire Diagnostics. This is at the family's expense. This pre-arrival test is only required of unvaccinated passengers (young kids), not for vaccinated adults.

At the port just prior to embarkation DCL is currently testing ALL passengers regardless of age or vaccination status. The only exemption is a 90-day recovery, if that documentation was submitted ahead of time. This is no-cost to the guest. It presently is a rapid PCR test, but expected to be changing to an antigen test shortly.

On cruises of 5+ nights DCL currently tests all unvaccinated guests (the little ones) onboard on the next-to-last day, the day prior to debarkation. This is at DCL's expense.

OPTIONAL testing is currently offered after debarkation but still at the port. This is for those guests who may need to show a negative test for their post-cruise plans (primarily those flying international). This is at the guest's expense -- I believe the costs are those you noted in your post.

6/13/2022 ETA: please note the above was written in March 2022; DCL has since changed pre-testing requirements for adults. Please check the website for the latest details.
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We realized tonight that are 9 year old is having his 2nd vaccine shot, 10 days before we board (instead of 14). Has anyone ran into problems with this? He will have had both shots, and we are assuming will test negative before boarding.
We realized tonight that are 9 year old is having his 2nd vaccine shot, 10 days before we board (instead of 14). Has anyone ran into problems with this? He will have had both shots, and we are assuming will test negative before boarding.

I'd see if there is any way that you can move that shot up by 4 days. The policy is fully vaccinated, and fully vaccinated is 14 days after the second shot. Since he's not one of the "turning 5 within x days of the cruise" kiddos, I'd definitely anticipate problems if he's not 14 days out from the shot.


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