Some people bought their points for as little as $51. We got ours around $62.50 from Disney and have been using them since 1998. If I sold today for $60, I'd still have made out with 2 cruises and the other trips we've taken. Some sell due to family issues(death, divorce, just want out) These people may not care about top dollar, and if they bought early they are making a profit. Remember too that on an average contract the closing costs are $500. This is often paid by the buyer so you must add this to your per point cost. Disney pays closing if bought through them. Another thing to think about is what status your points are in. Between both my contracts in Dec 2002 I'll get 29 points, I won't get a full years point allotment again until Dec 2003 since I've borrowed. Of course, if I did sell today, my reservations would be cancelled and the buyer would get my Dec 2002 points now to be used before Dec 2002. Then no points till 2003 unless they borrow. To get top dollar, I'd need my points to be current with some banked....spruce