POFQ vs POR???

Forever a Princess

One bottle of ketchup is not enough!
Mar 25, 2002

We currently have a room booked at the POFQ.

I just saw some pics from the newly rennovated rooms at the POR. The rooms look great.

I know that the POFQ was rehabbed not long ago and I like how these rooms look as well (by pictures).

I guess we booked at POFQ because it is a smaller resort. But in thinking about things we would not mind the walks to a from a room at POR to the gift shop etc.

We will be renting a car so the advantage of the buses stopping at POFQ would not be an issue for us.

Which do you prefer (POFQ or POR) and why?

Renee princess:
i have not stayed at either yet, but chose POFQ for it's compact size... given the ages of my children, they want to be on their own a little, but i'm hesitant... so a small resort would give them some freedom (walk to the arcade together w/out dh/i, and we'll meet them there in five mins; go get their mugs filled w/out us while we sit at the pool; etc) but not too much space to get lost... they loved pop last year and we had a great vacation and our room was in just the right location that we could watch them walk to the food court from the walkway outside our room... they enjoyed freedom and we did not worry ourselves silly! i want that again!
I've only stayed at POR but we visited POFQ for an afternoon of swimming. My kids loved both pools equally well. We loved Boatwrights restaurants at POR and the grounds. Also Bob Jackson, the Piano Man, in the River Roost Lounge is a family favorite. I'm partial to POR's laid back Tom Sawyer feel after a busy day at the park. I preferred POR's theme over the one at POFQ just from what I saw when we visited.
I stayed at POR when POFQ was being rehabed. I was glad to be at POR because my tastes favor more "spread out" and more vegetation. The FQ seemed too compact for my tastes. How do I know ?- because I ran down there every morning during my stay. I looked in all the open rooms and ran up and down all the "streets". I just think it depends what you are looking for in a resort. I can't say anything bad about POR. Look at as many pictures as you can and decide for yourself. Remember, you can always walk back and forth.

When I planned my trip for this year I tried to decide between CBR and CSR. My husband said, "what about that other place we stayed at. I liked that". He was referring to POR.


Good night. 5am is early! :crazy:
POFQ has one advantage is that the buses stop there first before going on to POR. You always will get a seat on the bus and you are always the first to get off the bus. :cool1:
We've stayed at both POR and POFQ. You can't go wrong with either resort...we liked them both. We liked POR a little bit more b/c we liked the spread out grounds and theming. Our ds is 10. When we'd go to the pool, we'd let him fill the mugs and meet us there. I felt more comfortable doing that at POFQ b/c I could see him much of the way and it was a shorter distance. I know many folks think there's too much walking at POR, but we didn't find it a problem. Things were a bit too compact at POFQ for me.

We also liked the quiet pools at POR. POFQ doesn't have quiet pools. The rooms themselves seemed pretty much the same at both resorts.
Thanks all,

I called Disney last night to check on a King bed room. They had one available at POR with the AAA rate for our dates, but not POFQ.

Looks like we'll be staying at POR.

We've stayed at POR twice and POFQ six times. We much prefer POFQ. It is so convenient and easy to navigate. You can walk, and walk, and walk at POR. Be prepared!! But, of course, you'll be at Disney so it really doesn't matter where you stay as long as you are there.
Never stayed at POR, but we did stay at POFQ and loved it! I think we liked the overall theme and decoration of the FQ better. I haven't visited POR other than look at pics online, so I don't know how spread out it is. FQ just appealed to us more. Very pretty rooms and a fun pool!
I think you'll enjoy POR. We prefer it to POFQ for the sit down restaurant option and the quiet pools. Since its just DH and I travelling most of the time we like to have the quiet pools sometimes the main pool is really crowded. I've stayed there many times and been in different areas. Personally I don't get the complaining about walking the grounds are very pretty and we've never had walk of more than 5 minutes.
Lizzybee said:
I've only stayed at POR but we visited POFQ for an afternoon of swimming. My kids loved both pools equally well. We loved Boatwrights restaurants at POR and the grounds. Also Bob Jackson, the Piano Man, in the River Roost Lounge is a family favorite. I'm partial to POR's laid back Tom Sawyer feel after a busy day at the park. I preferred POR's theme over the one at POFQ just from what I saw when we visited.

We did the same thing last August. We actually said next time we would like to stay at POFQ but the only drawback is that there is no restaraunt onsite. You have to walk to Boatwright's. Bob Jackson is a must to see. He is hysterical. And he love's kids so it really is a family show. We stayed in Alligtor Bayou at POR and it was great. The pool is nice and one day we took the ferry over to POFQ and used that pool and we liked it a lot. You can't go wrong with either one and remember you can use both facilities.
Have fun!
Here's a few various photo's for you to check out. :)

slide at POFQ


POFQ building from a the river on a mouseboat

Exterior of POR Mansion building

POR pool:

A picture from the grounds of Alligator Bayou in POR



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