Please entertain one more IOA Question.....


Earning My Ears
Feb 13, 2001
My daughter is 9 years old....not much of a thrill-seeker at amusement parks. I think she's apprehensive to ride anything that makes her not feel "secure" in her seat (i.e., doesn't like that "feel-like-you-might-fly-out-of-your-seat" feeling). With that said, do you think she would enjoy IOA? I'm trying to decide on whether or not to visit both IOA and US or just US.

Thanks...your help is always appreciated.
my eight year old is also not very adventurous when it comes to rides. I think the rides at IOA that she enjoyed were: one fish two fish, the cat in the hat, popeye's bilge water barges. She LOVED popeye. The playground in jurassic Park was also a favorite. She wanted to ride the Pteranodon flyers but the line was huge. the flying unicorn and Dudley do right were not open when we were there. One final note, I LOVED IOA!!! If you can switch off, there are LOTS of attractions to do.


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