PLEASE check for bed bugs before accepting your room.

....from now on I will carry pesticide with me and treat the mattress upon arrival.....

...what kind of pesticide is recommended??
[, I'm starting to feel ITCHY all over...]
My PCO told me RID spray works well to keep them at bay on vacation but there may be something better.

Craigdarroch - thanks for checking on me! The battle ensues. They are not giving up without a fight. They are in my car now and I'm afraid have also migrated to the living room. All this after cleaning, steam cleaning everything, and 4 PCO treatments. Really getting tired. Great diet plan, though. I've lost 10 pounds in two weeks. Not healthy - but I so cannot eat or sleep. I'm trying to keep my chin up but it is hard. Every spot I see I think is a bug. Think I'm going crazy!
tndislover, I 'm sorry to hear that your situation is still not resolved.

I know it is small comfort, but you helped many people with this thread. I stayed at the Radisson in Orlando Saturday night. I did a thorough inspection of the bed, put my suitcase up and off the floor, and brought home my clothes in plastic.

I would not have gone that far without this thread. Thanks again.
I'm so glad to hear that! Thanks, as it does make me feel a little better! Hopefully I have spared others my fate. I learned a hard lesson. But my purpose in starting this thread was to spare others. Thanks again for the feedback!
I read your post before going to Disney. My son ended up with a rash with a few welts, but my husband who slept in the same bed did not have a rash. We were thinking maybe it was the sunscreen but now I'm really concerned because I've seen a few more welts. I did check the bed. We were in a refurbished room at POP and we did not see anything on the bed. We've been back from Disney for a week. So, any recommendations? Do you think the exterminators would be able to find any since I'm sure if we did bring them home there are that many of them yet? He does have a lot of allergies so it still could be something totally not related. AFter reading the whole thread, I'm really nervous but not sure if an exterminator could help at this point. Thanks for any advice!
I read your post before going to Disney. My son ended up with a rash with a few welts, but my husband who slept in the same bed did not have a rash. We were thinking maybe it was the sunscreen but now I'm really concerned because I've seen a few more welts. I did check the bed. We were in a refurbished room at POP and we did not see anything on the bed. We've been back from Disney for a week. So, any recommendations? Do you think the exterminators would be able to find any since I'm sure if we did bring them home there are that many of them yet? He does have a lot of allergies so it still could be something totally not related. AFter reading the whole thread, I'm really nervous but not sure if an exterminator could help at this point. Thanks for any advice!

The bugs will most generally bite the exposed areas that are not under the covers (upper chest, neck, arms, etc). They don't live in the sheets but in the surrounding areas of the bed and then come to the bed to feed. When we were bitten all our bites were on shoulders, neck and arms.

If your son only has welts on his legs and he's the only one I would guess it is more likely he has the sun rash that people get on their legs at Disney (do a search for pictures and info) or was maybe bitten by something else while out and about at WDW. Boys tend to get into spots where the adults don't. :sad2:
IMO I'd watch it a little longer before calling in an exterminator.
I'm not sure if there is cause for alarm or not in this case mombg. If you check for images of bedbug bites on google, do they look similar to your son's?
I have a tendency to get hives or a rash from the sun if I stay out in it too long, plus, there are lots of other little harmless creatures in Florida that may be foreign to you and therefore create a reaction when they bite (I remember getting bit by a red ant in World Showcase and I had a welt the size of a silver dollar).

The thing is... I'm sure tndislvr did not post this to create panic or hysteria, but just to make us all aware to be careful and look for signs.

The fact remains, for the most part, I'm sure 98% of the time there is absolutely no cause for living in fear on what is supposed to be your vacation.
Just be diligent in checking when you enter the room. Don't be shy about asking the CM about it before they assign you to a room, a simple "has this particular room had any incidents of bed bugs in the past?" will let them know that you are aware of such things and will most likely be a problem for them if they send you to a room that they know has had a prior problem.
Leave your luggage at the door, enter the room (with full shoes on... no sandals or bare feet), check the bed, bedframe and perimeter for signs.
Once you feel secure about the situation, enter the room and make sure you always keep your suitcases off the floor and don't put your clothes in the dresser drawers.
Then cross your fingers, pray to the anti-bed-bug buddha and take a deep breath and forget about it and go on to have a wonderful vacation :)

Still thinking about you tndislvr :wizard: :hug:
This is HORRIFYING to me.........:eek:

SO sorry to hear this OP! I really feel for you/r family!
Check out
free service that LISTS the hotels/places there were infestations..........though I doubt a hotel would report it, I guess patrons do........
thank you for the site. They even mentioned on one of the national news stations about a week ago that bed bugs are bad now.

We are going for an overnight trip in a few weeks, not so sure I want to go now. :scared:
I did a lot of research after reading the thread. The "rash" looks like bed bugs, but bed bug bites can look really different on different people. Then we looked at heat rash and the bites look like that on his back. Now, on his leg he has 6 bites 3 in one line and then another 3 in one line. (He doesn't sleep with covers). When reading on some pest control sites they said that can be a sign that they are bed bugs and not something else. So, again, nothing has been conclusive. We don't know either way. I just wish I would have followed some of the percautions all of you have been forthcoming with. We are traveling again in the next week, and I'll for certain take your advice. As for now, I'm having a pest control coming out to do an ispection since it's free and then after talking with them- see what the next step might be if anything. I'm so sorry you are dealing with this but appreciate the fact you are letting others Know the reality of the bed bug situation. I'm not going to panic yet, but I'm going to do what I can now in hopes that if it is bedbugs they don't get out of control:)
I had to call a friend to find out the name but it works good I was just told,sounds like you need alot.I hope this works,I may order some for myself and try it before checking in the room give it a good spray,like disney SHOULD be doing.



Please take precautions if you choose to use the above Permacide ^^^^
It is highly toxic to cats and may be toxic to smaller dogs as well.

While it is not thought to be immediately toxic to human beings, prolonged exposure may cause skin reaction and nasal or oral contact is thought to have carcinogenic effects on the liver.
So make sure you administer this product while wearing a mask (to prevent inhaling) and rubber gloves.

There is a product called "Rest Easy" that is supposed to be a "green", non-toxic bed bug killer. I imagine it's not quite as effective as the chemical pesticide versions, but it might give people some piece of mind knowing that it could significantly lower their chances of bringing the critters home with you. Apparently you can spray both the inside and outside of your luggage with it and also use it on the bed and surrounding areas in hotel rooms.
Craigdarroch is absolutely right. I didn't start the thread to cause panic or paranoia....just really want to spare anyone else the situation we are enduring now. If I had known then what I know now we would NOT have brought these bugs home with us. Hopefully the info people have seen on this thread helps to know how to check for bed bugs and how to ensure you don't bring them home even if you don't see any signs in your room. PP is also correct that probably 98% of the time you are fine and don't need to worry. We really just got unlucky.

That being said, bed bugs are an epidemic now. There have been reports in 48 states and the incidents are increasing due to the ease of spreading the bugs and their resistance to pesticides. They are quite strong and from what I've read even if DDT were still legal to use they are now immune. I have read that scientists are working on new pesticides since BB's are so resistant to most of the stuff we have available now. That is why it is taking so long to get rid of them in my house. The pesticide my PCO uses kills what it hits but residuals don't really work on bed bugs. They are also using IGR's (insect growth regulators) which doesn't kill the bugs but interferes with their growth cycle and renders them sterile. However, the effectiveness of IGR's is debatable on these guys. I think the best thing we can all do is to try to prevent the spread of bed bugs. From now on when I travel, even if just over night, I will treat my belongings as if they have been exposed. Sure, it will be a pain, but well worth it. I NEVER want to go through this again.

Mom - you are doing the right thing by getting a PCO to your home ASAP. I wish we had sooner (as I waited almost 4 weeks) as maybe then our problem would have been easier to eradicate. You might want to ask them ahead of time their policy on treating bed bugs. All PCO's in my area refuse to treat unless there are visible signs or a bed bug dog indicates them in your home. In my case, initially there were no visible signs in the house but the dog found them. Keep me posted and best of luck to you!

Craigdarroch - as always, thanks for thinking of me! It really means a lot and helps to know I have friends out there rooting for me in this battle!
This has been a very helpful thread as I travel a lot for work and was already checking the mattress and keeping my luggage off the floor.

When you travel as a family where do you put your clothes if not in the dressers? Would lysol wipes protect you if you wiped the dressers down before putting your clothes in?

Has anyone applied 'Rest Easy'? Do you spray it everywhere? I like the idea of something that is a lot less toxic to people.
We always keep our luggage on the racks supplied in the rooms (if there is only one, politely ask if they can give you another luggage rack, they're usually happy to oblige). We hang our clothes in the closet, provided we check the hangers first and the clothes do not touch any of the surrounding walls in the closet (you can also bring your own hangers from home).
When you take an item of clothing out of your case, or put one back in, always zip or latch the suitcase shut (don't leave it sitting open or undone). This may seem like a hassle, but we do it on every trip and it's really not a big deal.

If you must use the dresser drawers, make sure to do a thorough inspection. We actually bring a small magnifier on vacation with us (we started doing this when we took my niece and nephew on vacation as they got slivers that were hard to get out without a magnifier), but they come in handy for inspecting the bed, frames, drawers, etc.
If you can bring some "rest easy" with you, it wouldn't hurt to spray the drawers first, as well as spraying the outside of your closed luggage. I personally wouldn't spray it inside my suitcase, but if you're really paranoid, it sounds like it's non-toxic and wouldn't be a problem.

We also leave a note for housekeeping telling them NOT to turn on the air conditioning. Bed bugs love the cold. We ony turn it on when we are actually in the room.

As far as bites, I think in the future I am going to invest in a lightweight pair of "full" pajamas (long-sleeved top and full length pants style) rather than nighties or the t-shirt and boxers my DH and I normally sleep in.

I'm hoping that little things will go a long way.

Tndislvr.... hope today has a little rainbow in it just for you :hug:
Please take precautions if you choose to use the above Permacide ^^^^
It is highly toxic to cats and may be toxic to smaller dogs as well.

While it is not thought to be immediately toxic to human beings, prolonged exposure may cause skin reaction and nasal or oral contact is thought to have carcinogenic effects on the liver.
So make sure you administer this product while wearing a mask (to prevent inhaling) and rubber gloves.

There is a product called "Rest Easy" that is supposed to be a "green", non-toxic bed bug killer. I imagine it's not quite as effective as the chemical pesticide versions, but it might give people some piece of mind knowing that it could significantly lower their chances of bringing the critters home with you. Apparently you can spray both the inside and outside of your luggage with it and also use it on the bed and surrounding areas in hotel rooms.

Yes, and please consider not using the products inside a pet friendly room/hotel. I don't know how long it remains toxic, but it would be so sad if your use of this product killed or sickened the next guest's pet. Even some green or non-toxic products can still make an animal ill. ( Just like onions or grapes can make a dog ill.)
Sorry to hear the troubles of all of you who've had bedbug issues. I'm sitting here itching! It's awful and I feel for you. I've never checked for bedbugs even though I'm scared to death to get them. I guess I'm always just too excited to be on vacation that I never think to. So thank you very much to the initial poster who reminded us to do so, hopefully saving us from the same fate! We're visiting Disney in a few months and I definitely will be checking.

I googled images of bedbugs so I would know what to look for and found a site called bed bug registry. Apparently you can report the bed bug problem, not really sure how it works or if it's new and maybe there aren't many listings yet. It's too late for me to do any researching on it tonight. I just checked my hotel and it wasn't listed :) Maybe some of you might find the site interesting.

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